My money's on October 19th.
Nooooo no patch when I'm out of town away from my gaming rig.
Don't make me buy a gaming laptop Gaben :<
when you want techies buffed but you also dont want necro dumpstered
One of these things is a lock to happen.
The other won't
No diggitty reborn
Just pick SPIRIT BREAKER or VISAGE and win your god damn GAMES
Just pick SPIRIT BREAKER or VISAGE and win your god damn GAMES
I usually get urn then tranqs/threads and wand. Depending on the game i might get atos/sb/aghs/cuirass or bkb.Mom or Echo SB?
necro nerfs when
Best team NAsurprising to absolutely noone; here's the Immortals Dota team formerly known as Team Phoenix
i like u avatar
necro nerfs when
i like u avatar
Judginf the fuck out of you
ty man do you want an idol avatar too
come say that to my face
you wont
Lul- Blizzard has implemented e-mail notification system when action is taken based on your reports
aw yea. also cook serve delicious 2 just came outDIVINITY ORIGINAL SIN 2 TOMORROW
mika's a good CGty man do you want an idol avatar too
Dota's dead to me this weekend. The glorious return of Samus is on Friday.
I'll still probably play some anyway, but damned if i won't be playing a ton of Metroid.
If that was overwaifu riots would be hadI've been waiting for a new 2D Metroid ever since Fusion and i'm glad one is coming out so soon but there's been a surge in great metroid-likes that have been coming out over the years when Metroid was a dormant franchise.
I just hope the series can keep up with some of the greater additions to the genre, but i guess we'll find out this weekend!(Hollow Knight)
To keep it relevant to this thread, the medic from HoTs has a Samus skin!
I've been waiting for a new 2D Metroid ever since Fusion and i'm glad one is coming out so soon but there's been a surge in great metroid-likes that have been coming out over the years when Metroid was a dormant franchise.
I just hope the series can keep up with some of the greater additions to the genre, but i guess we'll find out this weekend!(Hollow Knight)
I haven't, but that sounds terrible.Has anyone tried Gyro with Aghs+Basher?
I haven't, but that sounds terrible.
Honestly Aghs Gyro in general kind of sounds like a waste. An extra automatic attack that can't apply Flak Cannon every 1.1s...big whoop. That 4200g and slot can go toward almost anything else. The only real value I can see in it is a 7th slot item to swap out to hit buildings. Is there any real use of Gyro Aghs? I feel like global Call Down, while still highly situational, was better.
Or SK—the only major utility of that bonus is that it confuses the hell out of the enemy team because no one ever goes for a aghs SK build (for probably good reasons.)
From a design standpoint, a lot of the Aghs in the game are some utility that might be situational, but feels like buying another item that only works on that hero. There are plenty of Aghs that are considered good, but situational. Nyx, Earthshaker, Ogre Magi, Lion, these are Aghs still considered good, but you don't buy them every game.I feel like there's lots of aghs that just don't seem justified, and so it makes it weird that they have aghs in the first place. Take for instance SBhis agh effect is great, but again that's 4200G that probably needs to get put towards BKB or damage or something else far more. Or SKthe only major utility of that bonus is that it confuses the hell out of the enemy team because no one ever goes for a aghs SK build (for probably good reasons.)