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DOTA2 |OT15| anime only please


I'm thinking about getting into this game. How terrified should I be?
Serious answer: It is certainly intimidating to get into, with the community's reputation and the amount of things you have to learn and understand about the game. It can get frustrating, but just try to pick up what you can as you go. You will get teammates that rage at you for whatever reason, but remember matchmaking is skill based, so either your teammates are new like you, or actually haven't improved at all and still are effectively on same skill level as you. Chances are, whatever they are raging at you about, there is something they are doing that is just as bad if not worse, or they simply don't know what they are talking about.

I would read the famous Purge guide ("Welcome to Dota You Suck"), and just try playing games yourself and give a variety of heroes a try. Often the common advice was to start with support and don't play cores for a while. This doesn't really hold up in Dota today because everyone is close to the same skill level, so someone has to carry, mid, or whatever. For now avoid the mechanically daunting heroes like Meepo, Arc Warden, Invoker, Lone Druid, etc.
I'm thinking about getting into this game. How terrified should I be?

Not at all! Its a very enriching multicultural experience where you'll rub elbows with south america's best and brightest. Assuming you've been blessed enough to que on US east of course.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Just had a game where I bm'd pretty hard in all chat. Don't think I've ever been so toxic before. Played against a duo that flamed me the match prior and just completely wrecked them in the next game. FEELS GOOD
Is more damage being counted now? Just had a match with 70k damage as a spectre. Most of the other teams were carries and they had a wraith king so maybe that helped out but it still seems really high.


Is more damage being counted now? Just had a match with 70k damage as a spectre. Most of the other teams were carries and they had a wraith king so maybe that helped out but it still seems really high.


I have an old unusual courier with two gems.

What do I need to insert them into another courier?

That is possible right?

you need to destroy the courier with a hammer to "release the gems"

If you have another unusual courier you can insert the released gems into it destroying those gems in the process.

If it's not an unusual courier you can't do shit.


Offlane Void doesn't build damage. You're a setup man. It's not uncommon to forego damage items for the first 20-30 minutes as an offlane Void. You go Treads->Vlad's->Blink and start working with your team. After that you can build something like Diffusal which gives you even more versatility, go for something like Hyper Stone for an AC build, or even start building into Crit. If you really want to and have enough ranged DPS rushing an Aghs can be pretty effective as well.

The simple fact is, Void isn't a huge damage dealer anymore. He's a hero that helps secure team fights by being a hard to kill menace. Between Time Dilation and Chronosphere, Void can really fuck up a team fight. I'd put him more in the realm of something like Clockwork in that regard. Stop treating Void as a carry that should be getting a lot of kills and dishing out a ton of damage.

It's hard for me to disconnect him from the damage-dealer he used to be, but I guess I can see the reasoning here.


I was thinking about this: What kind of quality of life improvements would you like to see in the game? Examples of this were things like the spawn boxes being able to be shown, or making it where you can't take teammates non-shareable items from the courier.

I have a few off the top of my head:

1. Illustrate that skills sub abilities of a skill more clearly. I rarely play Chen, but when I do I have made the mistake of leveling up and pressing E instead of D to level Holy Persuasion. For many other heroes this would be useful as well, Beastmaster, Puck, Techies, Ember Spirit, the list goes on. Just having more than 4 boxes all the same size doesn't really make it apparent which skills go together unless their icons are clear on it.

2. This is one that I know people have wanted forever: Mana costs on items. There is no real reason they shouldn't be shown on the item icon, as I don't have them memorized and it is irritating to have to mouse over them every time. Another one you can lump in with this is having numbers/Roman numerals on the Dagons. Dagon 1 is always recognizable, but beyond that one, all the adjacent ones are hard to tell, especially when looking at enemy items and not immediately knowing if they bought a new dagon level recently or not.

3. The Rosh timer. This one will probably be controversial, but I think knowing Rosh respawns 8-11 minutes after death is only something people that have played the game for a while know by reading in the patch notes or looking up on the internet. I think the Rosh timer should be in the pit (the one you see while spectating), but obviously don't show in that final 3 minutes window when he will actually spawn. They could make the timer only visible within the pit. If they won't do this, then I think it should in the kill feed that he respawns in 8-11 minutes.


1. Illustrate that skills sub abilities of a skill more clearly. I rarely play Chen, but when I do I have made the mistake of leveling up and pressing E instead of D to level Holy Persuasion. For many other heroes this would be useful as well, Beastmaster, Puck, Techies, Ember Spirit, the list goes on. Just having more than 4 boxes all the same size doesn't really make it apparent which skills go together unless their icons are clear on it.



I'm thinking about getting into this game. How terrified should I be?

try and find someone to play with, going into it with a fellow newbie helps a lot. The first time I tried playing dota I was solo and gave up after 2 games, when I started with a friend it was much easier

Yarden randomed his way to 4.5k from 3k.

someone remembers me ; ;

is there anyone that goes up in the mmr ladder without picking obvious fotm heroes?

as whiskeystrike said I just randomed the fuck out of it, that said I played like 3000 hours before I started really gaining MMR, so maybe there are more efficient ways to climb the ranks
Hey guys. I've just started getting back into Dota after a year long break. My work hours were making it quite difficult to play but I've been pulled back in. The rust is real though and I'm fairly struggling at the moment but it's good to be back in the hole.
Hey guys. I've just started getting back into Dota after a year long break. My work hours were making it quite difficult to play but I've been pulled back in. The rust is real though and I'm fairly struggling at the moment but it's good to be back in the hole.

Read the patch notes, lots of heroes play differently / different roles now :)


Hey guys. I've just started getting back into Dota after a year long break. My work hours were making it quite difficult to play but I've been pulled back in. The rust is real though and I'm fairly struggling at the moment but it's good to be back in the hole.

Welcome back

Thanks guys! Is there any good guides around to get caught up on the support meta? I enjoy playing support but have no idea what I'm doing anymore.


Read the patch notes, lots of heroes play differently / different roles now :)

That's not bad advice, but this a weakness of Valve's patch notes: if someone hasn't played in a year, how are they supposed to know who plays like what purely from those notes? Especially if they're multiple patches behind, it can hard to discern what minor number changes mean.


Hey guys. I've just started getting back into Dota after a year long break. My work hours were making it quite difficult to play but I've been pulled back in. The rust is real though and I'm fairly struggling at the moment but it's good to be back in the hole.

Faceless Void doesn't have Backtrack anymore and his Time Walk is a mini-Time Lapse on a 6 second CD
Riki has a crazy new Ultimate where he disappears (not invis) and attacks everything at the same time in an AoE
Lone Druid's passive got replaced by a skill that makes everyone around the hero or the bear retreat toward their base.
Bounty Hunter Shuriken bounces to all tracked heroes in a pretty ridiculous radius
Doom finally got Lvl ? Death replaced by a good skill
PA is actually relevant
There's a new item called Lotus Orb that reflects a targeted spell back at the caster. This has some hilarious interactions.

Good luck have fun


Speaking of Lotus Orb, my friend discovered an interaction that was kind of weird. If you ult someone as Bane or Pudge that has Lotus Orb on it, they of course ult you back, but theirs keeps going and they aren't channeling! It would be weird to force them into a channel like that, but I think letting them walk around freely with these ults going, especially Bane's, is a little weird.

Granted either of these ults getting Lotus Orbed is probably pretty rare.



This is a good one.
No mention of Lich getting XP from the Sacrificed creep, not in alt text either.

I can't remember which ones off the top of my head, but there's some other weird omissions of important information from the skill descriptions like that.

On the subject on things the game DOES nail though:

Thanks guys! Is there any good guides around to get caught up on the support meta? I enjoy playing support but have no idea what I'm doing anymore.

A few new items geared toward supports because of their cost and defensiveness (glimmer cape, infused raindrop, wind lace), some support items were made cheaper and optimized (observer wards are cheaper and can be purchased one at a time, observer and sentry wards stack in your inventory, courier is cheaper, etc.). TPs are also way cheaper and don't break ethereal form for all your Ghost Scepter shenanigans.

Try watching a few of the support Riki/Kunkka pro games. There's a lot of weird but effective shit being tried.


Corporate Apologist
This is a good one.
No mention of Lich getting XP from the Sacrificed creep, not in alt text either.

I can't remember which ones off the top of my head, but there's some other weird omissions of important information from the skill descriptions like that.

On the subject on things the game DOES nail though:


Except when it says things like Dark Seer's illusions take more damage based off of your int. They have about a dozen or so modifiers that are screwed up.


Typical rank pub games always goes like this with slark:

>Slark free farm top
Shadow Blade farmed up
>Other team waste money on wards and goes farm lanes alone anyways
>Slark goes for solo pick with Shadowblade despite other team knowing and still goes out alone
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