How period correct are the characters during story mode?
Is it like BT3 where Vegeta's armor changes to match the saga (e.g No shoulder pads on Namek, armor changing color) and Goku having no undershirt for Raditz battle, Gi symbol changing through the sagas, Super Saiyan hair color and softness etc?
Burst Limit and some of the later ones never bothered with these details which pissed me off.
Gohan sucks, eternal failure, only good things he's ever done is hurting raditz and fighting freeza.
ultimate jobberhan couldn't even catch a damn earring, watch him fumble beast the next time we see it.
Thanks it's these little things I was holding out to check.Yes to all. For example, Goku Super Saiyan hair colour and style for the Namek Saga is pretty much similar like the anime to manga, and a bit different to the most usually known version afterwards. Oh, and has that epic transformation animation like the anime.
Well except for the SS hair softness, which moves quite a bit compared to other dragon ball games.
The story is very condensed and not told in the typical way is my understanding (slide shows and what if branching time lines instead)Hats off to you guys, I love DragonBall, but I cannot play another game running through the Saiyan Saga.
Legends has always been the benchmark for me, BT3 was great and Fighter Z.
Story mode is shit imo, a lot of slide showPapis how is the story mode? Is it well done?
The what ifs here are pretty extensive, I immediately went into one with goku and it's changed the whole saiyan and namek saga so far it almost like xenoverse in that aspect.Hats off to you guys, I love DragonBall, but I cannot play another game running through the Saiyan Saga.
X2, probably is gonna arrive until tuesday on my end![]()
Me waiting for my game to be delivered.
Probably get stoned for this, but how are KB and mouse controls?
Probably get stoned for this, but how are KB and mouse controls?
I think my friend plays it that way, Ill ask himProbably get stoned for this, but how are KB and mouse controls?
Anyone get fatigue from hearing AND playing the same stories over and over again?
I remember Toonami with it's endless Z cycles ending at the end of the Frieza saga and starting all over again. Can't recall when they finally got to the Boo saga.
BT2 still has the best story mode, BT3 was a step down from that and this is a further step down again.Papis how is the story mode? Is it well done?
Check under Addons.I don't see an upgrade path to the Ultimate Edition on PSN and physical copies are sold out. If you own the base Edition, do you see an upgrade path on PSN? How much is it?
Usually you hold down the face button.I would assume holding R2 to boost and smashing square, but the meter barely moves. It's really weird in telling the player who is actually winning the QTE.
Usually you hold down the face button.
Check under Addons.
These are the Australian prices.
Still banged Videl. That counts for all his slip up.Gohan sucks, eternal failure, only good things he's ever done is hurting raditz and fighting freeza.
ultimate jobberhan couldn't even catch a damn earring, watch him fumble beast the next time we see it.
Skill issueyup. i knew I wouldn't like this game. AI is so cheap. Monkey Vegeta killed me like 4 times. fuck this game. It's a good thing i didn't buy it and just played with my friend's account to try it. what a pos .FighterZ is a better game than this by 10k miles.
wtf charge for super Kamehameha god knows how long just for him to side step and dodge. fu bish -_- ai
Sparking mode makes the game far easier in SP. AI has difficulty blocking punches when in that mode, including the giant ape. You can cut through about two bars of health before it expires and with them taking all those hits it makes it easier to reactivate Sparking again.Holding down the button doesn't make much sense, considering if this transitions into online and both players hold the button, it's a draw.
I'm certainly I'm missing something, but they do a lousy job in explaining the minigames in the QTE.
First hours are a mixed bag for me if I'm being honest. I'm past my prime in fighting games and I feel the game is difficult to play, doesn't give me a friendly beginners vibe to be honest.
I've completed the tutorial and well transitioning everything I learn into battle is hard.
I feel that there is some weird input delay going on here.
I know I'll get better at it if I put my time on it though.
There are things I like about the game, but others feel they cut a few corners - the story mode for example looks really rough in my eyes if you exclude the fighting.
Why did they skimp so much on the story mode? Not only is the narrator missing for 90% of the story, plenty of iconic moments are not even shown.
Freeze throwing a destructo disc and hitting himself
Goku becoming super sayjin when fighting freeza
Gohan ss2 transition
I like the story mode but its really kinda lame. So many moments glossed over.