Indeed and Tate's strengths arent in accurate modelling.bruh if they do it right people will be on their strengths the entire time. It'll probably be the most well-animated and looking episode of Super in this arc since Goku vs. Freeza
Indeed and Tate's strengths arent in accurate modelling.bruh if they do it right people will be on their strengths the entire time. It'll probably be the most well-animated and looking episode of Super in this arc since Goku vs. Freeza
Wasn't shida supposed to be involved with the special?
Indeed and Tate's strengths arent in drawing well.
Bruh the special gonna feel like a goddamn movie
I might need to order snacks, pizza, beer, and everything for that
I can't wait to see the look on his face.
I remember last time Tate get his grubby hands on an episode and was responsible for this.
Should apologize for everyone's eyes being assaulted.
He did a lot of great stuff in 103 and this isn't even everything he did. He carried the second half of that episode, animation the majority of it.
He did a lot of great stuff in 103 and this isn't even everything he did. He carried the second half of that episode, animation the majority of it.
Some new spoilers...Frost turns the mafuba on Vegeta...
What if Vegeta gets sealed but Roshi knocks the container away before he's thrown out of bounds? Then Vegeta spends the next few episodes bouncing around the battlefield in a container before being broken out in dramatic fashion? It would be a way to remove Vegeta for the Goku/Jiren episode without actually kicking him out of the tournament.
It's pretty implausible but it would also be pretty funny if Vegeta wins the tournament by default because he spends the rest of it in a container. Vegeta would be pissed.
I'm fine because dubbed Super and Kai. Loved that they kept this dialogue from the OG DubThis break is killing me.
Lol love it
Yeah its pretty meh. I dont like his style at all.![]()
This had a lot of crap I dislike about Tate which are the characters looking stretched and bad for too damn long of a pause. The animation isn't even as fluid as it usually is with Tate which is the one redeeming thing about him
So the ending theory is right
Yeah, thatSome new spoilers...Frost turns the mafuba on Vegeta...
What if Vegeta gets sealed but Roshi knocks the container away before he's thrown out of bounds? Then Vegeta spends the next few episodes bouncing around the battlefield in a container before being broken out in dramatic fashion? It would be a way to remove Vegeta for the Goku/Jiren episode without actually kicking him out of the tournament.
It's pretty implausible but it would also be pretty funny if Vegeta wins the tournament by default because he spends the rest of it in a container. Vegeta would be pissed.
It's pretty implausible but it would also be pretty funny if Vegeta wins the tournament by default because he spends the rest of it in a container. Vegeta would be pissed.
So has buu and no one bats an eye at him. Hell SO HAS PICCOLOAs a Vegeta fan, I would kinda love it if that's the way he goes out. It never sat right with me that Vegeta was considered okay during the Buu Saga when the dragonballs were used, he killed billions for fuck sake. Can't take that shit back.
So has buu and no one bats an eye at him. Hell SO HAS PICCOLO
Ok you got me there but Piccolo wasn't exactly a saint either. No one gets "put in their place" because they went mad with power. That's not how it works in dbz or real life.Wasn't that his Dad? King Piccolo got a lot of people killed. Piccolo himself killed how many? Goku? Who else?
Yes, he's doing some animation.
InconclusiveSo the ending theory is right
One elimination away for confirmation.
Still inconclusive thoughOne elimination away for confirmation.
Even if that character actually is eliminated next, people will still be looking to disprove the ED theory.
If Vegeta does get eliminated I agree the ending is the orderThey can try but 3 straight correct guesses should be enough to prove it.
If Vegeta does get eliminated I agree the ending is the order
Why isn't he listed in the staff?
They can try but 3 straight correct guesses should be enough to prove it.
that could all be part of the troll and maybe you're falling for it
Yeah, it seems like the actor is trying a wider range now and it's starting to feel more like Champa, which is great.Champa's Latin voice is fucking perfect.
Well, that was what I said lol.
Ah ok makes senseBecause the staff listed are Directors/Storyboarders, Animation Supervisors and Writers, these listings never list the Key Animators.
I can get no satisfactiuuun ♬
I thought he sounded far too serious (?) In a small clip.Champa's Latin voice is fucking perfect.
I'd take Limit Break X Survivor over everything except Cha La Head Cha La and Dan Dan
my dark secret is I actually hate the second DBZ OP
Man, that spoiler is kinda bull.Frost figuring out how to counter the Mafuba in an instant? Even copying geniuses like Goku and Tien needed a whole day to master just using it, let alone countering it.