More layers than half of the tournament
Yeah it was better written than "let's throw boulders at this guy" from the last episode, that's for damn sure.And everyone looked competent. If they'd showed this side of blue guy before, I'd be like, "okay, I get how he could hold up Goku".
Things that like. And they also set up future scenarios between universes. That's how it's supposed to be'd think.
I want Frost to attempt to backstab Frieza and the retaliation is so strong he dies, disqualifying Frieza in turn.
Magetta didn't let himWhy didnt Vegeta shoot the shit off Magettas ears until after getting mafubad :/
Clearly it wasn't hard
ugh Vegeta...Pretty sure they're still dead lol.
It was at that moment Goku knew he just found his true loveWhen Goku sensed Jirens punch he did that oh shit im getting stabbed and dying final breaths link poisoned in zelda games sound that I havent heard him make in a while (other than when getting gut punched). He was in awe of his power
It's always been able to be used by anyone. Roshi learned to use it after seeing Mutaito using it once. Tien did too. Piccolo even countered it to seal Kami himself.
So it's not like anything that happened this episode was new at all.
What? The entire introduction of the move is that it is to use against people way above you who you can't beatIt does feel like to me that it should only work if you are some what similar in power level. Otherwise it is ridiculously OP.
Loved Roshi in this episode.
I like the fact that the Mafuba consistenly manages to scare the fuck out of anyone who goes through it, they all come out of it completely shook, it doesn't matter who they are.
The baldy theory!Roshi going buff is never not hype.
I hope Freeza and Piccolo are the next two that get knocked out so that the U7 stands can be filled with bald people.
Loved Roshi in this episode.
Yeah he gots to go.If Frost survives next episode:
The problem with Frost vs. Frieza us Frost doesn't even compare to base Frieza let alone Golden.
It would be 20 minutes of what we got with Gohan vs. Tien.I don't see the problem here.
The problem with Frost vs. Frieza us Frost doesn't even compare to base Frieza let alone Golden.
Something something ki in his tail something somethingI don't see the problem here.
It would be 20 minutes of what we got with Gohan vs. Tien.
It would be 20 minutes of what we got with Gohan vs. Tien.
at what point is the gif not worth it?
is it when the subtitle keeps flashing by?
The problem with Frost vs. Frieza us Frost doesn't even compare to base Frieza let alone Golden.
Frost needs to go for his failure to take out Vegeta. I was rooting for him.
Kitty wants sweet revenge for tbat humilliation
Hey Arched can I get some context on the staff responsible for this last episode?
It does feel like to me that it should only work if you are some what similar in power level. Otherwise it is ridiculously OP.
Animation Supervisors
Paul Ano-nuevo
Eugene Ayson
Osamu Ishikawa
Key Animators
Osamu Ishikawa
Tu Yong-ce
Masashi Yamada
Yasuhiko Ooyama
Shuntaro Mura
Nobuhiro Masuda
Norio Kanekubo
Sadatoshi Matsuzaka
Takashi Hirabayashi
Hitomi Sasaki
Toei Phils
Second Key Animators
Kouhei Kajiwara
Tomoko Sato
Miyuki Yokoyama
Ryota Nakamura
Tatsuya Nagamine
Yoshitaka Toshio
A fair amount of the animators were new to Super, Nakamura and Nagamine are the series directors, though Megumi Ishitani (director/storyboarder of EDs 5 and 7) implied she actually storyboarded the first half and potentially did some directing with the guiding hand of the series directors and she was super thrilled about it. Is there something more specific you want to know?
Do you think these new animators are likely to stick around for DBS?
Vegeta will be eliminated for sure.I really think one of the big three needs to go if they want us to take the stakes of this tournament seriously. Goku, Vegeta, or Frieza.
I'll be satisfied if Frost is out next episode as a compensation.
Get rid of Gohan. Think about it, the team leader? Whoa
I really think one of the big three needs to go if they want us to take the stakes of this tournament seriously. Goku, Vegeta, or Frieza.
They had several chancrs with making other universes having their top fighters be powerful but most of them turned out to be a bunch of chumps and they don't even give weaker fighters to remedy that besides Roshi who besides the frost episode was going through fighters and only really trouble with Ganos for a minuteYou have 17 also, who is hinted at being on par with Blue. Except he has infinite energy.
The biggest issue right now is, they literally have no one out there power wise to match up to those 4 except Toppo, Jiren, and Hit. And we already know how powerful Toppo and Hit are. So it just seems so heavily stacked in favor of Universe 7. And everything is resting on how powerful Jiren is.
Which is going be disappointing if they just have him go ham and take out half the cast. They should have simply made some other universes stronger like II. Where their leader, doesn't even feel like they are on par with U7 standard level.
Get rid of Gohan. Think about it, the team leader? Whoa
I have a gut feeling Vegeta is being saved just to job to Jiren in the beginning of episode 109.