For the past few attempts mine hasn't been uploaded either.Fuck the online Ur.
Fight it for ages and then my contribution doesn't get uploaded to the server.
It's far easier to kill offline ur-dragon if you just want heavens key as it has a smaller drop list of just 3 weapons.Well, I got the kill for gen 22, but 23 and 24 was at grace so quick. I was restocking my items. Stupid Totem Mace. I can't even trade it lol. The grind for Heaven's Key is real.
So I have ranked 10 in Ranger and Assassin, currently still assassin @ lvl 37 (or 38). Should I stay in Assassin? I kinda want to max strider next (its rank 3) but I may miss the parries >.>
Are you bypassing the damage cap if you are doing that much damage, stopping it from uploading?For the past few attempts mine hasn't been uploaded either.
There's something weird going on with his health too, I shouldn't be able to break 3~4 hearts and knock a whole health bar off per attempt outside grace period.
For the past few attempts mine hasn't been uploaded either.
There's something weird going on with his health too, I shouldn't be able to break 3~4 hearts and knock a whole health bar off per attempt outside grace period.
Damn how? I'm level 34 I think and only have 9 rank in assassin and maybe 4 in fighter (haven't checked in awhile) let alone maxing two whole vocations.
It's the only reason it wouldn't upload and makes sense considering how much damage I'm doing compared to his health. But it's not something on our end considering I'm doing about 50% less damage than an optimal assassin set for Ur killing.Are you bypassing the damage cap if you are doing that much damage, stopping it from uploading?
Started on normal and ran to BBI got the ring of perseverance. Than restarted on hard mode and went and got it again.
It's bullshit and infuriating but I'll tell you what I wish someone had told me: It doesn't matter. The quests/story in this game suck and none of the rewards are worth it. Once you get to Bitterblack Isle you'll forget there even are sidequests in the main game.
But that's the thing, this isn't the story of some hero of legend or someone with special powers; the arisen as chosen one is very much a nobody. They are minding their own business and welp their heart gets stolen.
The story itself is very much an exploration of "why", it's not it's place to hold your hand and tell you exactly what's happening, it's very much the point of being the opposite of this.
This is why when you first encounter the hydra, you very much get a feeling of how the hell am I supposed to fight this thing? Up till this point you fought some goblins and maybe saurians, and were still a relatively care free fisherman.
It's not until the hydra fight that you realise that this life is over, and you are indeed something important, because even though it seems impossible at first (which is also a reflection on the simple nature of the arisen at this point), you overcome this fight with relative ease.
This is also why the sidequests are so inconsequential, because they are supposed to be; they have zero bearing on the arisen and are literally just about world events, but world events don't concern the arisen anymore, their entire purpose now is the dragon.
Having intricate plotlines that dealt with the arisen, aside from their challenge to the dragon would just detract from their singular purpose; they aren't special to the world, they don't have a bunch of attachments or affiliations, they are a simple person turned bound to a calamity.
The sidequests are just the arisen putting themselves in other people's lives, they are literally just helping out, and then moving on, you're not supposed to get anything substantial from these events.
The nature of the arisen, the nature of the dragon, and the nature of the world is what the story is, and I believe they've crafted something that's quite unique, which required a certain way to approach the story and I like it a lot.
Then not really, NG+ doesn't change anything cept the offline mode ending.
But that's the thing, this isn't the story of some hero of legend or someone with special powers; the arisen as chosen one is very much a nobody. They are minding their own business and welp their heart gets stolen.
The story itself is very much an exploration of "why", it's not it's place to hold your hand and tell you exactly what's happening, it's very much the point of being the opposite of this.
This is why when you first encounter the hydra, you very much get a feeling of how the hell am I supposed to fight this thing? Up till this point you fought some goblins and maybe saurians, and were still a relatively care free fisherman.
It's not until the hydra fight that you realise that this life is over, and you are indeed something important, because even though it seems impossible at first (which is also a reflection on the simple nature of the arisen at this point), you overcome this fight with relative ease.
This is also why the sidequests are so inconsequential, because they are supposed to be; they have zero bearing on the arisen and are literally just about world events, but world events don't concern the arisen anymore, their entire purpose now is the dragon.
Having intricate plotlines that dealt with the arisen, aside from their challenge to the dragon would just detract from their singular purpose; they aren't special to the world, they don't have a bunch of attachments or affiliations, they are a simple person turned bound to a calamity.
The sidequests are just the arisen putting themselves in other people's lives, they are literally just helping out, and then moving on, you're not supposed to get anything substantial from these events.
The nature of the arisen, the nature of the dragon, and the nature of the world is what the story is, and I believe they've crafted something that's quite unique, which required a certain way to approach the story and I like it a lot.
i decided to check out BBI at lvl 32 just to see what its like, maybe snag a few items before i get overwhelmed.
my entire party and i got ohko by some death boss thing. in the 2nd room i came into.
playing as assassin for now, but im really missing my skull splitter from strider :C
Well...I don't see anybody chanting your characters name within 20 minutes of you waking up. Or some spirits saying yea the messiah.
Look, maybe I'm just getting started and this story changes, but so far, a nobody living in a fishing village getting a special power and becoming a very important person in that world is by far the most generic way to set up a fantasy story. I'm not quite seeing how that's special or unusual. I'm all for a game that doesn't want to tell a gigantic sweeping story, but I'm not sure that a game that simply didn't spend much time on it's story is doing anything "special".
It's not bad by any means... but I've yet to see why this requires a big long post in defense.
Did you notice the part where you character was randomly selected? Like, you're not the chosen one of prophecy or the descendant of the king or a warrior of light. You're just a fisherman and now you gotta save the world. Wonder what happens if you say no or fail?
The game will show you.
yeah but that part it's not even told to you, the Arisen has no clue of what he has become or his destiny holds, it's actually quite stressful if you think about it.Did you notice the part where you character was randomly selected? Like, you're not the chosen one of prophecy or the descendant of the king or a warrior of light. You're just a fisherman and now you gotta save the world. Wonder what happens if you say no or fail?
The game will show you.
Isn't this exactly like how every Bethesda game starts?
I get that you're not a hero of prophecy, but the idea of a fantasy where a person from a small fishing village is suddenly given a large and arduous task to save the world isn't particularly groundbreaking in Fantasy.
Within 5 minutes of that game starting, you're given a special mark, people walk around proclaiming you're the Arisen, and you gain devoted followers. It's pretty straightforward fantasy.
I'm unsure you played the Bethesda games if you're asking that.
Yeah, I forgot about the Dragonborn. In Oblivion, you were essentially a random person, although the emperor had seen you in his dreams. Morrowind you're just a regular dude, though, no?
Yeah, I forgot about the Dragonborn. In Oblivion, you were essentially a random person, although the emperor had seen you in his dreams. Morrowind you're just a regular dude, though, no?
Either way, you have to see how generic the beginning of DD is. It's almost intentional.
Yeah, they do that because of the Duke. They do that because they think they know what the mark means, or requires. Not sure how far everyone has played, but the game shows you several prominent examples of other Arisen from various backgrounds and how their journeys went. I found that a refreshing change from the norm. You're not the world's only hope. You're just the world's newest hope.
Yeah, I forgot about the Dragonborn. In Oblivion, you were essentially a random person, although the emperor had seen you in his dreams. Morrowind you're just a regular dude, though, no?
Either way, you have to see how generic the beginning of DD is. It's almost intentional.
I haven't seen a post like this since 2012
you are one of the first to perceive the story the way I think it was intended.
Major Spoilers:What's interesting it what happens to the Arisen souls when it's transferred to the pawn at the end I got all the feels in the world.
Made me start my new game + but I switched the pawn to become the arisen and the arisen to become the pawn.
Pretty much. Unfortunately vast majority of gamers don't like stories like this. They want stories in which they're the most important thing to every NPC in the game world. In which everything is spoon fed to them via ridiculous amounts of eyerolling exposition like some poorly written anime or YA novel.
Look, maybe I'm just getting started and this story changes, but so far, a nobody living in a fishing village getting a special power and becoming a very important person in that world is by far the most generic way to set up a fantasy story. I'm not quite seeing how that's special or unusual. I'm all for a game that doesn't want to tell a gigantic sweeping story, but I'm not sure that a game that simply didn't spend much time on it's story is doing anything "special".
It's not bad by any means... but I've yet to see why this requires a big long post in defense.
Look, maybe I'm just getting started and this story changes, but so far, a nobody living in a fishing village getting a special power and becoming a very important person in that world is by far the most generic way to set up a fantasy story. I'm not quite seeing how that's special or unusual. I'm all for a game that doesn't want to tell a gigantic sweeping story, but I'm not sure that a game that simply didn't spend much time on it's story is doing anything "special".
It's not bad by any means... but I've yet to see why this requires a big long post in defense.
I'm interested to see how that pans out, it does sound like a good flip on the genre. But that's why I think the beginning is intentionally generic.
That said, Dark Souls kind of plays on this exact concept. You're actually nothing special, but people try to trick you into thinking you are, only to find out that many have done this before you. That's not necessarily a new one either.
Awesome, your totally right I had forgotten the pawn waking up and yelling.Yeah, I did so too, thoughit's not so much as just a transference of soul, the thing with pawns is that they slowly turn into the arisen, but they don't receive volition until they are touched by love, so yes while your pawn received your..I don't want to say soul perse because it infers personality, but more the "essence of being a person", they develop their own will at that point.
Which is why they wake up yelling master, and nodding at the player.
Awesome, your totally right I had forgotten the pawn waking up and yelling.
Can anyone explain to me what the UR Dragon is...I've always imagined he is related to the dragon.
Continue to play the game and you'll quickly realizeYour character isn't special at all in the grand scheme of things. Regardless if you succeed or fail in "saving" the world, another will be chosen to try and do the samething.
Almost all setups for stories can/will be generic until you dive into them.
Ur means proto, so I guess 1st dragon? Or at least one of the earliest.
Ur means proto, so I guess 1st dragon? Or at least one of the earliest.
I hate being a complainer about a game I love so much but damn it does some of the quest design in this game sadden me so much. One of these awful badge quests I just missed is only able to be finished during the span of a single boss fight at the end of a dungeon against two simple wights, which if you have high level pawns with you will likely be finished in mere seconds.
I can't believe they had the audacity to charge money for these quests in the original version. This is the kind of collectible bullshit 99% of video games developers cram in for free just to pad out their play time. On top of that, the way they are doled out to you in quest form, half dozen at a time, often sending you BACK to places over and over again is truly ridiculous. I know it's optional. This is kind of my problem as much as it is Capcoms, but it's in the game, I want to do everything in the game and they are making it SO hard for me.
Even as bad as those badge quests are they still aren't as egregious as missing entire quest lines in this game that lock you out of storylines and complete areas. The first time I played the game I completely missed the duchess quest line and thus the blighted manse somehow. I must have fast traveled out of castle or wasn't paying attention to the pan over to her in her garden or something cause I never met her once. My NG+ I completely missed Lost and Found (find Quina in the Witchwood) which locks off a ton of subsequent quests (including another awful badge scavenger hunt) and the eastern half of the Witchwood for that entire playthru. This is so ridiculous to me and taints what would have otherwise been a nearly flawless gaming experience for me.
Sorry for the blog post.
They're previous Arisens that died fighting their Senschenal (Not player Arisens but Arisens prior to Grigori). Generation 1 is probably the first Arisen that failed, and so forth and so forth...the cycle has gone on for ages and ages.
Is there a good way to build up Class rank or i just have to normally exp?
Is there a good way to build up Class rank or i just have to normally exp?
Yeah but this makes some implications, it would mean the dragon before Ur.was not arisen and thus mindless as any dragon before they find arisen and gain their arisen personality back, or seneschal chose someone at random to be the first dragon, which is kinda fucked up lol.
Yeah, with an MA (which isn't exactly the hottest class to Ur Dragon with) and periapts I knocked off 3 hearts. The server rejected that cause I broke the damage cap.
Just redid it without periapts and some standing around for the last minute or two. Server took the results (1 and a half heart).
As long as your bow does good damage to it, MA is the one of the best for taking on the Ur-dragon. With auto-locking holy Hunter Bolt, all you have to do is occasionally dodge out of the way, and it gets easier and easier with each heart you destroy because the next volley will do more damage to less targets.
! Grace !
Move it, folks.