The V-Sync is a none issue in Dragon's Dogma because it happens so little, and usually when it happens it is in huge fights where the screen is packed with enemies. What do you prefer in fights? A steady framerate where you can stay in flow or be constantly interrupted by annoying framerate dips? I am just saying.
I have a tougher time deciding what I want to make my main pawn, since I want her to be warrior and a mage, which are 2 extreme opposites![]()
I just watched the GT review with 360 footage and it lacerated the shit out of my eyes. Hate tearing.
The V-Sync is a none issue in Dragon's Dogma because it happens so little....
How about quoting the rest? It usually happens in intense fights and 90% of the time I am focusing on that huge ass troll that is decimating my party instead of a V-Sync issue. Besides, the combat is the most important part of the game and I rather take better framerate over dipping framerate. I just can not understand how one would take 20-25FPS over 25-30FPS in a game where combat is supposed to go as smooth as silk.
I played, beat, and loved PS3 Bayonetta. I can handle any sort of framerate issues just fine.![]()
You hate it more than the constant 25FPS on the PS3 and where it can dip towards the 20FPS when in some intense fights?
Personally, I find screen tearing to be far, far worse than framerate dips.
I still haven't made up the class for my first play.
Leaning towards mage/sorcerer but then I don't get to climb around the monsters much...
I still haven't made up the class for my first play.
Leaning towards mage/sorcerer but then I don't get to climb around the monsters much...
Strider strider strider strider.
ABC - always be climbing.
Got my copy today, WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, for parents out there, does this have any nudity/sexual stuff or overally graphic violence early on? Was planning on playing some of this in front of my 8 year old. He thought the demo was awesome.
Good to know. What did you do for your advance class?
I know this question is not directed towards me but I can not help but ask something.
What kind of advance class are you wondering about? Because in my book the Assassin is a very fun class, but it seems to be completely overwhelmed by the Ranger or Mystic Archer. Any pawn can take over the Assassin branch if you want but being an insanely good archer is oné of the things that can help your party tremendously.
Fighting a troll with 1 eye? Shoot an arrow in it and he will be blind for a couple of seconds. Got a harpy flying over your party? Shoot a Fire arrow at it and his feathers will burn making him drop to the ground. That is not to say that mages can not do the same but the swiftness of the Strider is oné of the biggest selling points.
I know this question is not directed towards me but I can not help but ask something.
What kind of advance class are you wondering about? Because in my book the Assassin is a very fun class, but it seems to be completely overwhelmed by the Ranger or Mystic Archer. Any pawn can take over the Assassin branch if you want but being an insanely good archer is oné of the things that can help your party tremendously.
Fighting a troll with 1 eye? Shoot an arrow in it and he will be blind for a couple of seconds. Got a harpy flying over your party? Shoot a Fire arrow at it and his feathers will burn making him drop to the ground. That is not to say that mages can not do the same but the swiftness of the Strider is oné of the biggest selling points.
Just to clarify, pawns cannot be assassins. It is a hybrid class, therefore only the arisen can choose it.
Good to know. What did you do for your advance class?
Game should arrive today, wont be able to play until Thursday though, and had a question for those who have/know about the game. Whats the best class for being able to jump on shit and kill it? I only played the first mission in the demo but I loved jumping on the monster and stabbing it to death, even if it wasnt practical. Was going to go Warrior (Swoard and Board) but the description doesn't make them seem agile.
You have a child?
God help the poor little blighter.
is gametrailers review full of spoilers?
man excited for this game despite Diablo 3 and ghost recon
2nd on the way
..Wait, what the hell does this mean? Are you judging my parental chops from posts on a videogame forum?
What do you prefer in fights? A steady framerate where you can stay in flow or be constantly interrupted by annoying framerate dips? I am just saying.
Been playing the demo and I would definitely prefer higher framerates. It's just a case of my subjective > your subjective and ppl claiming one is superior version based on that. DF comparisons should show numbers and if anything is being exaggerated. Took them a week after the demo I believe.
What's the current general GAF consensus on this game?
Also, 360 or PS3?
Are the save files for this game on the PS3 copy protected? I'd like to be able to switch between two PS3s regularly.
Are the large creatures, that have more then one health bar, the norm when exploring or are they rare? At least in the beginning of the game?
What's the current general GAF consensus on this game?
Also, 360 or PS3?
Mine has been shipped!
Should be delivered tomorrow![]()
They are quite rare in the beginning of the game with the exception of the starting story missions. The more you progress the more you will encounter these. They are a bitch to take down but it is so much fun.
IGN says PS3 is the better version.
I just got an email for dlc codes. I wasn't really expecting any but I'm not complaining.
The game will still most likely arrive next week though. ):
IGN says PS3 is the better version.