Got it! Starting the game now...

Are you kiddng me, imagine if Diablo 3 started with this music. I would have tossed my PC out of the window. Thank god for the mute button, greatest invention ever.
Been playing for an hour. Love it.
I'm so happy that my demo character only needed a grand total of 3 tiny tweaks to be perfect for cutscenes.
Can I re-edit my main pawns looks and details like height/weight (and mine) somehow in the game? Thinking to probably just start over, since it's still early in the game.
Oh Capcpom...
Is there a list of people wanting to trade pawns? I'm pretty sure none of my friends on my GT will be playing this.
GT: ColdsnapBryan
Damn it, I got bitten by the Konami/Capcom confusion bug and was looking for Castlevania names in the moniker roster.
lol @ the hairstyles dlc: "This bonus can only be applied once per saved data. If the items are discarded or given away during gameplay, they will be lost."
So....if you want to use those new hairs with other characters...gotta pony up another $1.99
Ha...the intro music is kinda at the title screen music! Man, I'm so glad I ignored almost all media related to this game because I was so surprised when I let the game sit on the title screen. That music...oh my! Probably the biggest gaming surprise/moment I've had so far this year, lol!
Can people still enlist my pawn while i'm playing or is it just when i'm offline?
Kind of insult to injury for me...
I had my PS3 and my X360 at my store because I haven't used them but for fighting games since Dark Souls came out. I was at home while one of my guys had the store open for a LAN session of Diablo and someone came in and robbed them. They took the 2 360s we had out and one PS3. Oddly enough, they left my PS3 there. It is the only fat in the store. I planned on getting DD for 360 but, well, it is gone now. I came in early today thinking "well I have my triple
still, I will just get it for that". Guess what.
They took the controller. The one that was
sitting in front of the system lol
They can,even when you are playing.
You know whats funny? If you listen to the character creation theme a while, you can hear what sounds like a very small part of the MGS theme.
The "do doooo do do dooo do doooooooo" section with the piano.
What's the significance of the OT quote? I just came across it in Storm of Swords, but it seems no more significant than any other phrase in the books. Is it a tagline from the TV adaptation?
Oh cool, then I take it, when you rest at an Inn or the like.. is the only time you get data and ratings on your pawn usage?
This game is amazing and I love it. I'm about 3 hours into it now. When I first played the demo I thought the pawn chatter might be annoying, but I actually like it now for some reason. Surfacing all of their AI "learning" to the player was a great idea, even if they kind of babble like idiots.
Finally got twitter to work, wouldn't stayed log on for some reason, or maybe I'm doing something wrong, what a pain in the ass!
Screenshot function is kind of weird since you're suppose to upload pictures of your pawn, but rarely you would get a chance to take pictures of both in battle.
Here's me and my pawn, still at the tutorial area, dat compression
I love how they are making this demo that doesn't come out for 4 months into a selling point.
You can make children as characters/pawns? ~__^.
Some reviews say that the 360 suffers more from framerate drops like IGN, but I'm reading that it actually runs better than the PS3 version aside from the tearing. Is this true?
So I'm guessing installing on the HDD makes the 360 the way to go?
This game is amazing and I love it. I'm about 3 hours into it now. When I first played the demo I thought the pawn chatter might be annoying, but I actually like it now for some reason. Surfacing all of their AI "learning" to the player was a great idea, even if they kind of babble like idiots.
So a couple of us have less tearing with 720p you still have tearing. Is it less?I installed to the HDD, still have tearing. Changed to 720p, still have tearing. Oh wells.