I can't seem to make this game dark enough at night unless I turn the brightness way down, and then that just looks bad... and I have the in game brightness setting set to 0, but I can still see everything at night without a lantern. I don't know what the hell the deal is. Dark Souls looked perfectly pitch black in the Tomb of Giants as it was supposed to, and I don't remember having this problem with the demo for this game
So are all items in the "other" category good to sell or do I need to be judicious in what I vendor?
I can't seem to make this game dark enough at night unless I turn the brightness way down, and then that just looks bad... and I have the in game brightness setting set to 0, but I can still see everything at night without a lantern. I don't know what the hell the deal is. Dark Souls looked perfectly pitch black in the Tomb of Giants as it was supposed to, and I don't remember having this problem with the demo for this game
You're allowed one save. Game auto saves after certain actions. Killing certain enemies isn't one of them. You can manually save whenever you like, and it is overwritten by auto saves.
I neglected to save after killing it the first time.
Got any auto contrast options turned on?I can't seem to make this game dark enough at night unless I turn the brightness way down, and then that just looks bad... and I have the in game brightness setting set to 0, but I can still see everything at night without a lantern. I don't know what the hell the deal is. Dark Souls looked perfectly pitch black in the Tomb of Giants as it was supposed to, and I don't remember having this problem with the demo for this game
Does the sound cut out sometimes for you guys on PS3?
Is my PS3 dying?
Some of them are quest related so I'd be careful with what you sell.
Just finished a quest in witchwood, my team was getting our ass handed to us but we did it somehow. It's a great feeling hearing your pawn say they've learned something new![]()
Did anyone's gamestop run out of or were otherwise low on copies? Just want to get an indication of the game's popularity.
How do I put my pawn up for grabs?
This game captures the spirit of adventure and surviving so well early on. I hope that doesn't change as you progress further.
I love how robust this item system seems. The last thing I was expecting was Star Ocean-level item porn.
This game captures the spirit of adventure and surviving so well early on. I hope that doesn't change as you progress further.
I love how robust this item system seems. The last thing I was expecting was Star Ocean-level item porn.
I think an autosave is separate but when you manually save it writes over it. Because I can't continue. It acts like the game has never been played. Its fine its the PS3 version and I already beat it on the 360. But I was sort of enjoying my different character.Wait, there aren't seperate slots for autosaves and manual saves? So if the game glitches just before an autosave, you're screwed?
They're always up for grabs, you don't have to actively do anything.
Does the sound cut out sometimes for you guys on PS3?
Is my PS3 dying?
Need a little help here. A large amount of my quests that I have available are along the lines of, hey, I lost a single item somewhere in this giant city! Or some such things where I am totally lost as to where to go.
Also, where's the barber shop in gran soren? My pawns keep telling me about it but I can't find it.
Damn. I didn't realize my pawn would be so short. Didn't have any frame of reference in the creator, so I couldn't tell. She's way shorter than my main character and it looks a bit creepy...now I'm contemplating restarting the entire game just to remake her. Not that I'm all that far, but I really don't want to start over...
I'm carrying around a ton of herbs and stuff for potions but hardly get any of the cloudwine or whatever to mix them in. Where can I buy them?
I'm carrying around a ton of herbs and stuff for potions but hardly get any of the cloudwine or whatever to mix them in. Where can I buy them?
lol well there are some short women in the world.
Also the lighting in this game is nice. When it's night and no full moon, it really is night.
Cloudwine you can get by combining other items, but I forget which ones they are off-hand (at work so I can't look it up)
Seriously guys, how does the item combination work? Is it just randomly combining items and then hoping to remember? How do you know what you can combine? It says kindling can be combined, so I combine that with my latern or oil? Im lost here.
Someone on Gamefaqs just put them up:
I think it does, because my PS3 sounded like GT5 pre-loading all the stuff at the start. It was making a LOT of noise for close to 30 minutes during the intro town.
edit: Yep, just checked my installed data on PS3: 4644MB for Dragon's Dogma.
Ugh, is it possible for quests to go dead for awhile? Went to both markers for this quest, now they are both gone but there is no more direction on where to go next.
Okay...stupid question o'clock.
When do you actually get to make a customized Pawn?
Eventually. You'll get there.
Thanks goodness, I can save my game without worry that its glitched or something. Time to move one.Yep, there's even a tooltip saying that if you can't do anything about them move on.
Lack of organization in battles is my # 1 issue with the game, even though I'm still enjoying it. I find myself mashing on the D-Pad to keep them close-ish. Enemies are very scatter-oriented too.Fuck man, the AI in this game is so god damn retarded. My pawns just run around completely separated in a fight, there's no way to issue orders to them, and they just get owned by these fucking dudes with shields (bandits) over and over. It doesn't help that these fuckers take almost no damage.
Okay...stupid question o'clock.
When do you actually get to make a customized Pawn?
I LOVE YOUR AVI! That had me laughing for a long time (the original).
Thanks man. I thought I was missing something obvious.
I've been sitting at the pawn creation screen since I can't decide :lol
Fuck man, the AI in this game is so god damn retarded. My pawns just run around completely separated in a fight, there's no way to issue orders to them, and they just get owned by these fucking dudes with shields (bandits) over and over. It doesn't help that these fuckers take almost no damage.
I'm level 11, I shouldn't have any problems with these bandits and I've changed my pawns up twice now. They just keep getting owned repeatedly and even with two guys setup for tanking they are absolutely no match for the NPC's.
Shit is so irritating. And If I try to run past the fucking bandits there's literally a pack of wolves like 20 feet away just chilling in the direction I need to go.
I'm about ready to say fuck it with this game. Dark Souls was a smooth kind of difficulty that was skill based, but this shit is only hard because you have a giant fucking handicap from having to rely on retarded AI.
Change them in the tutor chair. Mine work excellent as a team.
Yep, there's even a tooltip saying that if you can't do anything about them move on.
edit: Yep, just checked my installed data on PS3: 4644MB for Dragon's Dogma.