Can someone sell me on this game? I read the OP and it was more like a guide than a pitch and I read the Eurogamer review and it was sort of vague as to if it's overall a good, deep experience that is a lot of fun and exciting to progress in.
I'd say it's well worth the full price i paid for it.
The battle system is quite rewarding (if a bit repetitive)
Pawns are a very novel idea (even if the AI can be dumb)
Graphics are decent (animation needs some work)
Voices are decent (GRRM seems to be influencing everyone...)
What I like about the game is a sense of exploration. I was never worried about going into any dungeon in games like Amalur/Skyrim/DA2/ME3/FO/etc. THIS game will definitely get you worried and prepared ahead of time. You WILL find good stuff in dungeons. You WILL get a sense of accomplishment. You WILL go FUCK YEAH the first time you beat one of the big creatures.
I really do wish Cap had made a few more different design changes to REALLY put this over the top, but the really stupid things I hate
- no true quick travel
- some confusing quests and quests markers
- some janky fps/tearing
don't put a dent in the overall game.
Definitely what sold me on this game is picking up enemies and throwing them off of cliffs. Though they can somewhat do the same to you...a wolf was charging at me and before I could finish my attack to stun him, his run had pushed me far enough to the edge that his attack pushed me over