One of the best pics. Good job!
fyi setting the 360 to output 720p instead of 1080p lowers the amount of screen tearing in the game.
Might be the same for the framerate problems for PS3?
Can you actually cut off heads? :OYa I sort of just disguised myself by cutting their heads off so they couldn't seeor
I at the time had all female pawns. Just the way I roll man. Pawnpimp.
Can you actually cut off heads? :O
This is the #1 pawn:
HahaHahaha. Just teasingI killed em good.
Strange, I actually went north first. Killed the bandit lady with an explosive barrel and ran then went to the south one. The markers disappeared individually. The guy in the south died before I could save him, but thanks to a poster here I still got the tome as it is still in its appropriate location even if he dies (you just wouldn't know it).
EDIT: My pawn and I are both Male, didn't get attacked until we got to the boss lady. One of the bandits downstairs by the gate (going further north) told me about how much she hated men, but also said something to the extent of perhaps her being ok with slimmer prettier men or something XD
I think you'll be alright for the most part. Be sure to gather consumables for health. Pick lots of grasses and things you can find. Lootable items will flash a little shade of white.Just got the game and started with an archer. Anything a newbie really, really needs to know or can I puzzle through it in-game?
Just got the game and started with an archer. Anything a newbie really, really needs to know or can I puzzle through it in-game?
having your main pawn as a mage will make things a LOT easier on you.
I figured that and went that route. Patterned them after my daughter, who lobbied hard to be the main character.
I keep seeing a notification when a pawn picks something up. Does that all go into regular inventory? A couple times I've been looting a chest and they gather around too. I feel like I'm fighting them for loot lol
I figured that and went that route. Patterned them after my daughter, who lobbied hard to be the main character.
I keep seeing a notification when a pawn picks something up. Does that all go into regular inventory? A couple times I've been looting a chest and they gather around too. I feel like I'm fighting them for loot lol
Why cant we have more than one save file? It's kinda annoying...
Did you word this correctly? It sounds like you're saying that you saved, did something, and then reloaded that save, expecting what you did after it to somehow carry over. Do you mean stuff that's still on the ground is temporary and doesn't get saved?Noticed something odd - if I save the game, pick up some loot, then die and reload that save, I'm in the spot where I had saved, but all the loot is gone and it's not in my inventory. Hopefully that was just an isolated couple of instances. But it can't be said enough how awful the save game system is and how badly this game needs fast travel. If there's a sequel, I hope they listen.
Oh nice, you can skip straight to the level 3 enhancement on a weapon/armor piece of you've got the materials. No need to go from 1 > 2 > 3 upgrades.
I've been playing this game nonstop (like level 35 now?), and I'm seriously in love with it. It's a little rough around the edges, but for every snag there's some little bit of polish somewhere you least expect.
That said, I hate occasionally taking on a new quest only to have some completely other random one fail without warning and having no option to reload with a simultaneous auto-save and checkpoint. This just happened to me like five minutes ago--I have no clue why "The Conspirators" would've failed from a quest I just accepted.
how badly this game needs fast travel. If there's a sequel, I hope they listen.
I can pick this game up from a friend of mine for $35 tomorrow, you guys think it's worth it?
The demo wasn't bad. Combat is a lot more loose compared to Dark Souls, but being able to jump on a gryphon and fight it was awesome.
I was aching for this with dagger and staff when I was a Magick Archer, but I decided that being able to switch on the field in the first place is advantage enough over other classes to begin with.I wish I could use a direction on the d-pad to change equipment though, specifically to toggle my assassin between sword/shield and daggers/bow. Or just from shield to bow.
Did you word this correctly? It sounds like you're saying that you saved, did something, and then reloaded that save, expecting what you did after it to somehow carry over? Do you mean that loot on the ground doesn't get saved if you save while stuff is still on the ground?
I don't agree about the fast travel. It was one of the things I very much disliked about the latter third of Dark Souls. I'm glad it's a luxury in this game limited by expensive, consumable items.
Seriously man just look at the thread. When was the last time you saw us all agree this much on a game. There as been like 4 personal attacks in 56 pages hahahaha. A Neogaf low.
Of course get it!
Yeah, guess I still need to do more research though. I want to know how varied the enemies are and what kind of variety there is in terms of weapons and armor.
So im minding my own business doing this Fortress Besieged quest when this is waiting for me right outside of the area.
Do you have a main goal in the game throughout or is it free-roam go around and do what you want?
It's hard not to love that when the game's magic is so amazing. When I first realized there was a thunderclap sound after Levin, I couldn't contain myself.Love being a mage.
I wish there was more control over the screenshots (one thing WKC managed to get right).