Anybody in here who knows what the deal with the idols in can help me out?
How do you fast travel?
I normally HATE fast travel because travel should be a journey and should be exciting, but traveling between the first town and Gransoren is just boring.
There is no real fast travel. Eventually you can buy Ferrystones and teleport from your destination to Gran Soren, but it's a one time use item and costs like 15k or so.How do you fast travel?
I normally HATE fast travel because travel should be a journey and should be exciting, but traveling between the first town and Gransoren is just boring.
Not sure, but it's "Into Free -Dangan-" by B'z if you want to get it off iTunes or something.Is the main theme not on the game's official soundtrack CD?
Ferrystones. They're expensive consumables used primarily for fast traveling back to Gran Soren. You can also set one warp point with a Port Crystal to use in tandem with a ferrystone. You can find a free ferrystone that seems to respawn every few days on the ground at the Gran Soren warp area.How do you fast travel?
I normally HATE fast travel because travel should be a journey and should be exciting, but traveling between the first town and Gransoren is just boring.
Like nearly everything else about this game, it seems like people will either love the title music or hate it. For what it's worth, I like it more than Indestructible. :lolAm I the only one who hates the title music? It's just seems so out of place. I always feel the need to turn the volume way down as soon as it starts.
How do you fast travel?
I normally HATE fast travel because travel should be a journey and should be exciting, but traveling between the first town and Gransoren is just boring.
It's awful. The only thing I really don't like about this game. It's totally out of place. Doesn't match the rest of the awesome music at all. But it's Capcom, so I expected it. I just mute the tv until it loads my game.Am I the only one who hates the title music? It's just seems so out of place. I always feel the need to turn the volume way down as soon as it starts.
Yeah this game is getting sold.
Part of the charm. People will either love it or hate. Personally, I really like it. It makes you think about the provisions you need because the journey will take a while. You need to make sure you prepare for contingencies based on where you are going. There are quite a few random encounters that have made my journey quite the experience.Okay, that's odd. I mean the travel is just so dull and you move so slowly. At least early in the game.
SO this arrived today and I've been playin g it a bit. Just got to Gran Soren and decided to give it a rest. Bit of a slow start but I'm enjoying it. I've got my band of merry pawns and I decided to make my arisen look like me (though I think I chose the wrong mouth because he always looks sad).
What is up with the title music? It's insane! I didn't expect that. It's like, insane and crazy and like an awesome anime intro! I thought it'd be the nice song that was in the demo! I'm not complaining though. I love my cheesy anime intro J-rock songs with engrish singing.
It's awful. The only thing I really don't like about this game. It's totally out of place. Doesn't match the rest of the awesome music at all. But it's Capcom, so I expected it. I just mute the tv until it loads my game.
Like nearly everything else about this game, it seems like people will either love the title music or hate it. For what it's worth, I like it more than Indestructible. :lol
Part of the charm. People will either love it or hate. Personally, I really like it. It makes you think about the provisions you need because the journey will take a while. You need to make sure you prepare for contingencies based on where you are going. There are quite a few random encounters that have made my journey quite the experience.
Part of the charm. People will either love it or hate. Personally, I really like it. It makes you think about the provisions you need because the journey will take a while. You need to make sure you prepare for contingencies based on where you are going. There are quite a few random encounters that have made my journey quite the experience.
In the early parts running back and forth between the starting city and Gran Soren it can get old, but the further you progress, you'll go to all kinds of new areas and it gets much less tedious and much harder than that one mountain pass. Stick with it!Yeah, I like that too, but the game doesn't require it. At least where I am now. I'm trying to do lots of quests in the early zones, and it's just...boring going between areas. I LOVE games like Morrowind where each journey was a real challenge, but that's not the case here. That's why I thought there'd be fast travel. But I guess it gets better!
I haven't bought them (yet?), but impressions on the last page were underwhelming:How are the DLC quests?
Well, I did From a Different Sky 1-6, and now 7-12 are on the board and.... wow, are all 100 quests going to be like this? They're all the same. Go to quest marker, collect item, quest complete. They all have exactly the same description and the only difference is the location of the item
Water God's Altar question
I ran through it as like..the very first thing I did on my way to Gran Soren. What's the key that you get from the cyclops for? I just ran out after finding the dead priest to hand in the 5 slabs I already collected to the priest. Is it worth heading back in there?
How's the PS3 version? Does it run better than the demo?
How are the DLC quests?
Hopefully it leads up to something more exciting, however all they are is mindless uninspired fetch quests, the only thing it really does is force you to figure out how to traverse certain unreachable areas, for instance I needed either levitation or double jump to reach one place or I cant get to it at all, which is annoying.
Doing the eviction quest, I've chased down the kid...WHERE THE FUCK IS JASPER!?
PS3 version runs fine, except for some minor frame rate drops when things get super hectic with 5+ enemies on-screen and spells going off every where. Doesn't really bother me, though. Load times aren't too bothersome as well - there is a stealth 4.5GB install after all.
Question for anyone who has the guide about the Gold Idol:
So apparently I messed up the quest that gives it to you. I'm debating on whether or not to reload and try it again. I've heard that you can get all the special weapons that giving the gold idol to the shopkeeper allows you to buy in other places. But what exactly does that mean? I mean, I'd much rather go on an epic quest to get an awesome sword or set of armor than just buy it. But if it's through the upgrade system or whatever, I'll just re-do the quest.
The door that is on your right as you enter. In there you can actually drain the water and there's another floor to the place. I drained but haven't seen what's down there yet.
Apparently to get one Idol you have tolose to Fournival's daughter when you are escorting her and she tries to race you? I beat that a while ago and i beat her in the race and didnt deliberately lose, does that mean i'll never get the idol from her?
Thanks.You actually don't need that to drain the water then. I just leaped over the gap and was able to do it before hand. Not gonna head back there then :lol
haha, incognito mask
You won't be able to get it until NG+ if you won.
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