AC2 looks nice. 
Don said:Assassins Creed 2 looks amazing.
Yeah, I was hoping UBI would announce this yesterday. Enough of shit like HAWKZNarcissisticJay said:I want some GRAW 3
roflSmokey said:wat wat wuz zat?! shoot, shoot de flying demon!
:lol :lol
PantherLotus said:is AC2 exclusive to PS3?
PantherLotus said:is AC2 exclusive to PS3?
AC2 is holding its ownGary Whitta said:Showing AC2 in the same conference as Uncharted 2 = not a good idea. Tough act to follow.
reilo said:Microsoft shows off MW2 demo: "OMG MEGATON MS WINS E3!!"
Sony shows off AC2 demo (that even fucking UBISOFT didn't show at their own conference): "WTF SONY DROP THE MEGATONS ALREADY"