I'm very curious to see how they will do open world!
I imagine it will be more like Dragon's Dogma than Witcher 3. Some big bad ugly monsters, not level scaled. which you have minimal chance to defeat so you will need to plan your route carefully and without GPS.
I just hope it isnt too open. Games with too big of worlds tend to get boring to me since you ended up spending too much time running back and forth through the same types of areas and same encounters with the same enemies and too little unique content to keep it fresh.
But yeah the idea of having to avoid areas and enemies and having to come back later sounds appealing. Too often it's just one enemy you have to avoid, or an area is simply just locked off due to lack of an item, and enemy scaling can make a game boring. Like skyrim killing a dragon easily so early in the game was cool and all but after a bit I learned there wasn't anything I couldn't kill with my bow and a bit of patience.
Whatever it ends up being the worst case scenario is it will be my least favorite from software game. I dont think they will make a bad game, it just might be my least favorite one.
Damnit I want new games like this and sekiro from them but st the same time I wish they would make a new kings field where its first person and a slow and methodical game. Or atleast port the old kings field games to psn for ps4.
I hear you. Open world is a very different experience than the tight and expert design From is know for. And this is why I'm very curious how they will tackle the design challenges of this type of structure. I imagine people who dislike open worlds will continue to not like them but I'm very hopeful.
Did you played Elex by chance? It is one open world which enemies are so dangerous, even common enemies, that traversal is a challenge and you need to be always aware of your surroundings and plan routes carefully. Looting a place is a risk/reward matter. In the beginning of the game there are very few moments of respite.
Since From is experimenting so much with the formula, I don't doubt we will have a King's Field-like game or even a direct sequel in the future.
Since From is experimenting so much with the formula, I don't doubt we will have a King's Field-like game or even a direct sequel in the future.
But will it run like shit on consoles ?
King's Field deserves a return. The Ancient City is still an all-time great imo. Incredible atmosphere.
Just listen to the glorious and moody OST:
Probably 2021
If its coming this year we will be hearing alot more noises already
why? I rather see FROM make games for multiple systems, I think Sony should concentrate on investing on Studio Japan again. I would love to see sequel to Soul Sacrifice for PS5.Sony better buy From and lock this up...…...I hope that's the dev announcement/purchase.......
Well Sony is definitely buying a Studio, I would just prefer if they bought From instead of Remedy...….In any case, I understand your point, the From games has a following on so many platforms now, it makes sense they continue down that path...…….why? I rather see FROM make games for multiple systems, I think Sony should concentrate on investing on Studio Japan again. I would love to see sequel to Soul Sacrifice for PS5.
Elden Ring Open World Inspired By Fumito Ueda Games
Thanks for the news/v/ - >8 kingdoms, plus a final boss area >kingdoms are - Video Games - 4chan
>8 kingdoms, plus a final boss area >kingdoms are huge and sprawling, bigger than any Dark Souls 3 o... - "/v/ - Video Games" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of PC and console video games.boards.4channel.org
This is what I know from a friend that worked at Namco till the September of last year: Initially, gameplay was supposed to be shown at VGA with a release in Q1 2020, but the scope of the game got bigger and those plans were canceled.Sounds too good to be true. When is this slated for release? 2023?
If it's fake, it's a really well made one. Everything sounds pretty plausible to me and makes me excited if true./v/ - >8 kingdoms, plus a final boss area >kingdoms are - Video Games - 4chan
>8 kingdoms, plus a final boss area >kingdoms are huge and sprawling, bigger than any Dark Souls 3 o... - "/v/ - Video Games" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of PC and console video games.boards.4channel.org
Talent tree/v/ - >8 kingdoms, plus a final boss area >kingdoms are - Video Games - 4chan
>8 kingdoms, plus a final boss area >kingdoms are huge and sprawling, bigger than any Dark Souls 3 o... - "/v/ - Video Games" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of PC and console video games.boards.4channel.org
Yeah. Maybe they did come up with a dismemberment mechanic and are still figuring ways how to use it. What also did raise my eyebrow was:The limb currency sounds weird.
Wouldn't be too hard. Give the horse high poise, multiplied by their forward charging momentum, and let the player crash into a group of enemies. If you were caught fighting in a crowded group, you'd be easier to topple and overwhelm. Most games with mounted melee combat treat it that way.Yeah. Maybe they did come up with a dismemberment mechanic and are still figuring ways how to use it. What also did raise my eyebrow was:
>mount combat is just like you’d imagine; dark souls combat on horse back
wich means... what exactly? Maneuverability on a horseback is so different than on foot, what about defense? Wouldn't expect you to be able to dodge on a horse right?
Idk the part about your class determining which of the kingdoms you spawn in seems suspect. I assume kingdoms are different difficulties to account for player leveling right? Unless that's confined to 3 starter kingdoms or something. The limbs system seems weird too. It's not like the player character can physically carry around 100+ limbs so I feel like whatever the currency is would make more sense lore wise (maybe rings off limbs or something).If it's fake, it's a really well made one. Everything sounds pretty plausible to me and makes me excited if true.
I'm glad they decided against populated towns, even tho it's open world (sort of). A feeling of loneliness is a must in a souls game for me.
The mounts sound awesome too :O
Interesting. Come to think of it, few games with some form of mounted combat I remember playing was SoTC and Witcher3 so maybe I'm missing a better reference.Wouldn't be too hard. Give the horse high poise, multiplied by their forward charging momentum, and let the player crash into a group of enemies. If you were caught fighting in a crowded group, you'd be easier to topple and overwhelm. Most games with mounted melee combat treat it that way.
FROM could pull it off. I think they have the talent. Dark Souls III and Bloodborne made some crucial improvements to the combat, in such a way that it's kinda hard going back to the old games. Sekiro sharpened the combat to a razor's edge with its specific set of weapons. I doubt an open-world action RPG will have better combat than Sekiro but if it's on-par with Bloodborne / Dark Souls III I'd be happy. Mounted combat could be a cool feature or it could be garbage. Not all the weapons in Souls ended up being fun, after all. I hope it turns out well but if it's lame it won't be a game-killer, personally.Interesting. Come to think of it, few games with some form of mounted combat I remember playing was SoTC and Whitcher3 so maybe I'm missing a better reference.
In Sekiro some battles could be played by circling around the boss full speed in a large arena and hitting when there is an opening (a rather unimpressive cheesy strat but worked) so maybe that's the rough template...
Dynamic weather in an open world game, HOLY SHIT.
I'm excited for the upcoming announcement of the announcement of the announcement.