I have no idea first hand since I haven't used any due to not having any INT

. Just from the very basic mentions/footage online.
But there's a few weapons/skills on my watchlist so to speak. This is off the top of my head so forgive any misinfo
-Renallas twin swords. Only like 14 int and I'm not sure how well it scales with int. Not much I don't think tho. Still gotta have some.
-theres a gravity spell from a remembrance boss that I won't spoil that is looking sick as well as high damage. It's the only boss sorcery in the game I believe
-Star lined sword/katana(I think that's the name). 21 int I believe with a very promising looking ash of war skill.
-Fleeting microcosm spell. Seems like a great spell with a really nice AOE. Cheap cast too.
-Impenetrable Thorns. Seems beyond broken. So overpowered it's not even funny. Will probably get nerfed.
-Carian sovereignty. Doesn't require int since it's an ash of war but absolutely incredible damage, incredible poise damage, and it has hyper armor so you won't get interrupted ever. It's a beefier version of Carian greatswords (I believe that's it's name. It's a spell where you charge up the greatsword up to 3 times and smash it down)