Mr Nash
square pies = communism
Fuck Twitter
Interesting. Companies usually set up poison pills in order for the founders to try and realize a long-term vision. A good example of this was when Netflix did this in 2012 in order to transform it into the Netflix we know today. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum we have Yahoo! who made a poison pill in order to stave off an acquisition in 2008 by Microsoft who was offering $45 billion. In 2017, Yahoo! was finally sold to Verizon for $4.5 billion, a tenth of Microsoft's offer. Unless the board seriously has a way to get Twitter very profitable, very fast they are playing a dangerous game.
In the meantime, Musk hasn't given up yet.

Exclusive | Elon Musk considering bringing in partners on Twitter bid, sources say
Elon Musk is speaking to investors who could partner with him on a bid for Twitter, sources close to the matter told The Post.

He could also take Mark Cuba's advice. =p
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