Funky Papa
Reuters: Trump and Brexit give momentum to EU defense push
The new joint defence funding strategy is part of the Future of Europe whitepaper and it's not meant to create a unified EU army but to fix the absurd amount of different weapon systems within the Union through the creation of unified materiel/technology. There's also going to be a push for deeper interoperability and it may provide proper, common funding for the Battlegroups, which so far have not been properly deployed due to disputes over who has to pay for what.
Juncker approved PDF.
Membership is voluntary and it will exist in coordination with NATO, but there's no question that the latest developments have given some extra impetus to an initiative that is meant to reduce the Union's dependance on NATO and certain American hardware (which is why the UK was fighting against it). It's expected that Germany, France, Spain and Italy will push towards more integration.
It's still pretty early to infer anything solid, but there's a lot of talk about interest in drones and cyberoperations along funding towards joint projects. There's been rumblings about a new main battle tank being developed by Germany and France, plus there are other initiatives that could use that extra coordination/funding such as the Dassault nEUROn unmanned combat aerial vehicle. Germany and France are also interested in a common battle rifle for their armies.
Edit: The three potential scenarios
”The development of a new generation of many major defence systems is today beyond the reach of a single EU member state ... ‘More Europe' in defence and security is clearly needed", the draft proposals, seen by Bloomberg, a US news agency, said.
The reflection paper adds that the ”nature of the trans-Atlantic relationship is evolving" and that ”more than ever, Europeans need to take greater responsibility for their own security".
Reuters: Trump and Brexit give momentum to EU defense push
With Britain, one of EU's leading military powers, leaving the bloc, ideas for common EU defense are gathering pace in the wake of Islamic attacks in Western Europe. Europeans are also worried about U.S. commitment to NATO under President Donald Trump.
Under the proposal unveiled on Wednesday, at least three firms and two member states would have to submit a joint project to be eligible for financing from the EU budget.
If agreed by governments and the European Parliament, the EU budget would put up 20 percent of the costs of developing prototypes, Bienkowska said.
Europe has 37 types of armored personal carriers and 12 types of tanker aircraft compared to nine and four respectively in the United States, according to EU analysis.
"Up until now, member states were doing things completely separately, without any cooperation. I want to appeal to the member states to think about common projects, because the money will be there," Bienkowska said.
For the future, Bienkowska is mulling a common European defense bond for joint purchases from 2021, though she said no decisions had yet been taken.
The new joint defence funding strategy is part of the Future of Europe whitepaper and it's not meant to create a unified EU army but to fix the absurd amount of different weapon systems within the Union through the creation of unified materiel/technology. There's also going to be a push for deeper interoperability and it may provide proper, common funding for the Battlegroups, which so far have not been properly deployed due to disputes over who has to pay for what.
Juncker approved PDF.

Membership is voluntary and it will exist in coordination with NATO, but there's no question that the latest developments have given some extra impetus to an initiative that is meant to reduce the Union's dependance on NATO and certain American hardware (which is why the UK was fighting against it). It's expected that Germany, France, Spain and Italy will push towards more integration.
It's still pretty early to infer anything solid, but there's a lot of talk about interest in drones and cyberoperations along funding towards joint projects. There's been rumblings about a new main battle tank being developed by Germany and France, plus there are other initiatives that could use that extra coordination/funding such as the Dassault nEUROn unmanned combat aerial vehicle. Germany and France are also interested in a common battle rifle for their armies.
Edit: The three potential scenarios