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Everything wrong with Halo Infinite: (Spoilers) THERE'S A LOT WRONG!


Just downloaded the game again and i'm going to start my third campaign playthrough, just for you OP he he.

In all seriousness though, OP you hate the game, we all know you do by now, and thats your God given right. Why you feel the need to point out why everyone else is wrong though, and 'prove' to us why we are wrong, well i dont why you are so stuck on this. People having differing views is a GOOD thing dude.

Just let it go man, let it go.
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Gold Member
The OP (wat in the holy fuck was that man..) is a waste of time, and 343 is a huge waste of money. MS should've disbanded them after Halo 4 and given the IP to someone else. With that said, the campaign is pretty good (but still so lacking), and the MP mechanics are great - But in the hands of a proper developer with better management it could potentially be fantastic. I'm still waiting for coop and firefight.
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My only gripe is that the support soldiers didn't go with you all the way in areas where they were at. They see a big mountain in front of them and you climbing it they don't want to know...but lets not forget this could have easily turned into a Mass Effect Andromeda, so despite the short-comings the campaign may have add, it was a worthy entry despite its development troubles..


ChatGPT 0.001
Halo Infinite has a history it’s on the biggest stage of all time reviewers are a little to mean, I think they’ll give the open world concept a second chance, it has my favorite enemies think about if it was a launch game.


I've given up hope on the technical issues being fixed, I'll play it in 10 years when I can massively brute force things and/or there's some external method to fix the stuttering. This game was/is a massive letdown for me :lollipop_sad_relieved:


Reverse groomer.
Lmao. The fact that there a tiny, vocal minority that remains desperate to keep this series rooted in the early 2000s will never cease to amaze me.
the early 2000s were home to some of the best games ever created and it was when halo was at its peak. how the fuck wouldn't you want it to stay this way?
fanboys man i swear.


Reverse groomer.
GT7 came out to strong critic and user reviews. Nobody ‘shat’ on it until the always online debacle forced it offline, plus the extremely controversial addition of MTX post release.

People lying over video games will never stop being fascinating to me.
still doesn't change the fact that a few weeks after release everyone and their mother started hating on the game when no one gave the same criticism to infinite with its MP (well everyone did, but that still didn't prevent everyone from going on about how 'amazing' the game is)


they did.
It's called gran turismo 7, and the moment it came out people shat all over it.
yet when halo came out everyone praised it like it was a return to form (even though GT7 was also advertised like it was a return to form as well)
probably because one is a shooter and everyone loves shooty shooty bang bang more than they do vroom vroom.
GT7 doesn't have a finger of the issues Halo Infinite has... c'mon man.
Very polished (very very rare bugs if all), no lack of content, the graphics are amazing, the multiplayer is pretty good, the netcode is great, etc.

Edit - I saw your other comment... and no... the only GT game with more content than GT7 is probably GT5 and mostly due the B-Spec mode... GT2, GT3, GT4, etc have way less conent wise.
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Reverse groomer.
GT7 doesn't have a finger of the issues Halo Infinite has... c'mon man.
yeah exactly. do you honestly think i'm defending infinite here? no infact i actually quite like gran turismo and past the online only MTX bullshit GT7 is the game ive wanted for a while now. GT7 doesn't have many issues at its core while infinite has loads of them, yet infinite got off scot free while GT7 is currently getting assraped by gamers on metacritic in the user score. I'm pointing out how UNFAIR and SKEWED the results are
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Having never played more Halo than a few hours of Halo 1, here is my very uninformed opinion after reading your piece OP.

I think it is a stretch to say that the majority of your points are objective, but you provide good argumentation for why you see things the way you do, and I'd agree with you most of the way.

I don't play many shooters these days and greatly prefer the more old-school style of arena shooters that Halo sounds like it originally was. So the "dumbing down" of map design and aiming by adding things like Bloom and Clambering would be a negative for me as well. That being said, I think for many people that (and stuff like ADS) could be a positive, because it makes it feel more like the types of game people like to play these days. Objectively less complex maybe, but not objectively worse, I'd say. That sprinting clip is ridiculous though, holy shit.

Everything about the MP monetization and progression structure sounds legit awful though, from just about every source I heard talk about it. It's a big part of why I dislike the F2P formula. I'd much prefer having a content complete game where progression feels meaningful and rewarding. Having the "option" of unlocking stuff for free in a F2P has never been the same in my experience. No matter how well designed the game may be, a F2P game needs to make money and thus must incentivize purchases. Which is totally fair, the game is free after all. But it makes the game feel much less worth my time, as someone who'd prefer to buy a game with all the content unlockable at a balanced rate. That's a much wider discussion though I suppose, and I'm aware that many games do the F2P model that successfully satisfies their communities.

Your explosion example is really depressing to me. I'm not sure it can be called a trend, but watching footage from BF2142 and Back 4 Blood, I also felt that physics and environmental interaction had been dumbed down compared to prior games. Bad Company 2 and Left 4 Dead were incredibly interactive and responsive, comparatively. I'd much prefer graphics developing at a slower pace and focus resources on more interactive gameplay, in terms of stuff like animation, response, physics.

I'm also not a fan of the shift to an open-world in the campaign (yes, even though I've never played the game), because the more linear curated level design of older Halo games sounds a lot more fun. I completely agree with your points about the detriments of this design. Its also a trend amongst larger games that I'm not a fan of. It's great that massive open-world games exist, but with their current popularity I feel like high-budget linear games with good level designs have been left a bit behind. Still, with the amount of praise the campaign in Infinite received, it does sound like its really great for most people, whether or not the open-world adds to it.

And that's about as much as I can say for this short act of procrastination.


A lot of great points, but a lot of wrong ones as well:

CHAPTER 2: Presentation + Graphics, aka. WTF DID THEY DO FOR 6 YEARS?

I haven't played the campaign, I'm not interested in the universe at all, but speaking from a purely MP perspective - I fucking love the visuals, how crisp and clean everything is, the texture detail is second to none really, the overall aesthetics are great and pleasing to the eye, but what's most important - with all that in mind as oppose to the vast majority of the shooters out there the players don't blend in with the environment, you don't have to wonder if this thing right there is a bush? A trashcan? A desk? The actual enemy? Aaaand you're dead....The design philosophy dates back all the way where it all started with UT99/Q3A, the maps aren't bloated with gazillion objects which only make the whole map unreadeable and create camping spots every few steps. Until Infinite I didn't really realized how much I missed such simplicity and clarity in maps design, while like I said - the textures and the lightning make the maps look so much better and more advanced than in titles like Apex, Overwatch, Valorant, Fortnite etc., while runing at the same 4K60. Long story short - they nailed it, at least as far as MP goes.

Chapter 3: Gameplay, aka. it's not as good as people claim it to be

So, you will mostly hear the defenders of this game say "but the gameplay is amazing!" or similar statements, well... not really.
While it is true that Infinite feels more like Halo again than 4 and 5 did, it only does so in some ways and not others.

From someone who doesn't live inside Halo bubble, someone who has never played the series except H5 - it's the exact same game really, exact same overall design and mechanics, same everything, the only one, meaningful difference is that the default AR now has an effective range of 5-6m instead of just 2-3. Which already makes a dramatic difference, hence the game is actually somewhat fun as oppose to H5 which was basically a one gun game (the dull but OP pistol). The difference between 343's Halos is the same as within IW's CoDs and 3Arc's CoDs - there are small differences here and there, but the core design and mechanics of every CoD is the same, and same story with Halo - they backtrack here, try somethign new there, but overall it's the same game.

But the core gameplay, the base running and gunning, it is truly fun, it's indeed great, the movement is well paced, not too slow not too fast, jumping, sliding and climbing feels good, just moving around the map is great, and certainly the whole hip firing and zoom-in instead of forced ADS like CoD and all of its copycats have, but the problem is that the game is mentally stuck in its initial design/philosophy from early 2000, doing absolutely everything to prevent players from having fun from just runnign and gunning, actually punishing them, the whole "sprint killed my family and I'm here to tell the story" agenda going on being the very best example of what's wrong with the game, its die-hard fanbase and 343 themselves.

I spend most of my time in the past few days in Custom Games vs Spartan bots, where I simply just turn almost everythign off - most importantly no weapon/equipment/weapon pads, you're just left with the base AR+Pistol+2xFrag combo, it's as barebones experience as it only can be, and it's fucking fantastic, it's WAY better than what the actual game is, because the core gameplay is awesome, it's all the added bullshit on top of it which is the issue.

I've read some discussion on Reddit that most people who complain are "playing the game the wrong way", and after watching all the clips and comments people are posting there, it became clear to me that Halo is all about the sandbox experience, like pushing people out of the map with repulsor, grappling to people with energy sword, throwing explosive barrels at people, decimating them with vehicles etc. but.... that's exactly what you get in return - a few thousand players on PC and another few on consoles, because in current age barely anyone wants to play this kind of game where every single death feels so pointless, so meaningless, so... bullshit. The game is just frustrating at the end of the day, you just respawn, die, respawn, die, respawn, die, and almost none of it comes from an actually honest duel, and with such fierce competition where people actually do have fun, that's exactly where people will fly away, no wonder the game went from millions to thousands already.

Personally I have the exact same feeling like I have towards Fortnite and its building, I'm constantly asking myself the exact same question - if you're playing a shooter, and shooting is the very last thing you people want to do, then why even bother, go play something else FFS. But liek they say - don;t hate the player, hate the game, and I do blame the game for it. There's just so much BS going on where that core runnign and gunning which feels so good, is pushed in the far background, completely overshadowed, and adding content or changing the progression system won't change much in the great scheme of things, in the lon term. For me personally only 1-2 game on 20-30 are actually fun, where I meet the same kind of people who just want to run and kill eachother with their guns, then it's honestly one of the best online FPS I ever played, it really exceeds in such gameplay, but the whole rest of the games is easily one of the worst online experience, to a point I just start rage quit 10-15 games in a row and get banned. Like I often repeat - the potential is clearly there, the base gameplay is there, but the exacution isn't, because like many defenders say - "but that's Halo!" - yes it is, a 20yo outdated concept because the devs are listening to those few thousands left from the OG community instead of trying to appeal to new, much wider audience, because they still didn't realize this formula doesn't work nowadays.

Now something they thankfully took away, only to introduce it back into Infinite... BLOOM.
Bloom is when a weapon gets less and less accurate the more you spam it. This bloom is not controllable and is completely random.

Yup, that's the reason the default AR sucks dick, and why BR and Pistol dominate the game so much. Even without the desync, while playing custom games locally on your console vs bots and 0ms ping, the bullet spread on the AR during the second half of its ammo clip is so huge that the bullets barely fit within the crosshair, this is the no. 1 reason the gun is so ineffective at anything further than 5m (where people just spam melee that takes away like 80% of your while HP, which is complete nonsense given the high TTK the game aims for) and why it takes so damn long to kill with it, a good part of the bullets just don't hit your target, desync or not. Commando kicks like a wild horse while barely doing any more damage than the pistol, it's used to be such a great gun during beta but they nerfed it to the ground, IMO lesser recoil would make it more effective, and AR certainly needs bullet spread adjustments, because increasing dmg won't change anything when the bullets still don't go where you aim.

The only thing they finally should start copying from other shooters is the FUCKING AIMING ON A CONTROLLER!
343i is stuck in the past with this. they refuse to acknowledge the advancements many high-profile shooter developers made over the years when it comes to aiming on a controller. but to make that easier for me, I will just copy a post here that I made about this very topic in another thread, that should explain what is wrong with it in a somewhat complete fashion:

Fully agree, someone posted Halo's aiming curve here the other day, and it's simply broken. At first glance you might think that, damn, so many options will allow me to customize the controls precisely to my personal preferences, but after hours of tweaking turns out none of those settings really work, the aiming is too fast when you want to make small, precise adjustments, and at the same time way too slow when you do want to quickly change directions. You can only try to aim for some middle ground, but again, with such broken curve it doesn't work anyway.

Chapter 5: The Progression System, aka. this one is so bad I had to split it off of the Game Systems chapter because it can't just be a sidenote on there

What I like/love - it's linear. It's something I always wanted in online shooters, and unlike other games where you jump a couple of levels immediately after your very first match, but later on you need 50-100 games to jump just a single level, Halo get's that one aspect right, each level requites the same 1000xp. What's obviously wrong - you only gain 50xp per match, no matter if you go 20-2 or 2-20, win or lose, or even just stay afk. The weekly challenges are somewhat OK, as long as they provide meaningful rewards like last week, but having like 30 challenges but only being able to perform 4 at the time is a terrible design choice. But still - they're timed events, which I'm all against, the game is just filled with FOMO.

A great chunk of the whole progression/Battle Pass is filled with double xp/challenge swap, so that's another issue, and I personally don't understand why the shoulder pads have seperate left/right unlocks, if we scrap all of that turns out there are only like 50 meaningful unlocks within those 100 levels.

The unlockables are also done terribly, 343/MS decided to release the game as a F2P GaaS, but seems like they don't want to make any money at all on it, as all the paid unlockables are... not buyable. Again, it's all timed events, I still haven't seen Greyskull visor being available while S2 is already right around the corner... If it was a normal game everything within S1 would've been unlocked from the get go, available any time, you want it, you buy it, simple as it is. The color selection for the armors and visors is lucklaster, Mk. VII has 3 blue colors for example which are all basically the same, there are couple of reds, few greens, then there are those awful championship schemes, and then there are those very few interesting ones color variation, which are locked... Not being able to match the guns' colors with the armors is also a huge missed opportunity.

The way I'd change the progression system would be to ramp up the required XP all the way up to 100k at least, but make it so that every kill gives you a 100xp, headshot additional 50, double/tripple/overkill, all those medals would add xp, so the more and the better you play the more rewarded you are, the faster you progress. You, know, just like in most normal games out there. And obviously doing objectives would've been rewarded respectively like a 2/3/5k instant xp, so they would've been worth doing instead of focusing purely on kills. That's how most modern shooters work.

Halo Infinite has all the things you would expect from a modern shooter...

Now this couldn't be any more far from the truth, Halo is not like any other game out there, in the bad meaning, which you even concluded yourself:

FINAL CHAPTER: Conclusion, aka. this game is garbage and in order to save it they have to redo basically ALL OF IT

Now, where to start? And keep in mind it's indeed coming from someone who hasn't played Halo except a brief time with H5, from someone who just jumped in and actually expects what a normal person would've expect from every other, normal modern shooter.

The whole shield system - it broken. It's not what I expect from a modern shooter, what I'd expect that there's a constant, predictable DMG output from all the weapons, with you typical multipliers whenever you shoot the torso and head, so that you don't get random, single shot headshots (after you finally break up the shield, which does nothing but rewards noobs with bad aiming because shooting someone's feet), but you are nevertheless rewarded for aiming for the head instead of the limbs. Makes sense, is fair, but Halo is Halo, the shield has to be there right?

Radar - it's broken, doesn't give any map awarness whatsoever, so that every time you respawn you immediately know where to go, where the action is going on, from where you're being shoot at, but at the same time if you're close enough you're fully exposed to the enemy, even despite elevation differences, for example you want to flank the enemy by going through the underground tunnel on Live Fire? The enem just know your coming. Someone's camping with S7 Sniper/Skewer on Behemot? They know you're coming. And so on and so on, again, - the radar is not there when you need it, but it's works agains you when you haven't even done anything at all but just want to tactically approach the enemy. Supposedly they are addressing SOME of than in Season 2, but at the same time they're doing two-three steps backwards because running will now fully expose you on the map. That's not a "modern shooter" design.

Weapon balance - well there is none, everythign is broken, OP, which is especially evident in Fiesta mode, the base AR suck hard, while BR is just too univeral, all-around gun whether short/mid/long range, similar with the pistol, while Commando is underpowered, Energy Sword and Gravity Hammer are a joke, why something like that is even in a shooter, I thought we're long time past MW2's Commando? Same for Spanker and Cindershot, much skill there for sure. Vehicles - same deal, keep that BS in BTB mode, whoever thought it'll be fun to put vehicles into 4v4 Team Slayer should be fired, if I wanted to play vs vehicles I'd pick Battlefield, that's not why people wanted TDM mode so much. The list goes on and one, the only weapon I'd consider balanced is the shotgun, and I do mean I haven't seen such a well balanced shotty ever, usually it's either OP and one-shots everything, or is totally useless because before you can take the second shot you're already dead, but not in Halo and its TTK, you do have a chance/time to land those 3-4 shots to kill someone, if you land those shots that is.

The Playlists - that's a known issue, every mode should have a seperate playlist, not put everything together in the same bad, I'd like to play Domination, but not CTF where you can barely move with the flag let alone do wnythign else, and certainly not Oddball which is all about basically being AFK, and people wonder/complain that nobody picks it and people are focusing just on the kills... Team Tactical mode should also have seperate playlists for Pistol, Commando, BR, Mangler etc.
And if we're at it - why on earth every time a match ends the game kicks you out from matchmaking and I have to manually start searching the games again? Just keep me in until I decide to leave the lobby. Another "modern shooter" design that's too hard/complicated for Halo.

The cosmetics/progression system - as mentioned earlier already - fix the progressing system so that you'r eactual performance from each match counts, put some meaingful unlocks behind it instead of spaming double xp/challenge swaps, whereas the paind stuff from each season should be available since day one throughout entire season.

Network issues - no comment here, even PS360 games based on P2P protocol weren't halfway as bad as Infinite, desync is single-handedly killing the game before other issues even come into place, 343 needs to fix it in the very first place.

So yeah, the game is far from being a normal, modern shooter, if I'd have to describe Halo in a signel word it would be "random" - there's no consistency in any aspect of the game, everythign is turned upside down just for the sake of being different, unique, "this is Halo" they say, but every newcomer will find the game very odd at best, and leave after a time. Comparing to Halo 5 launch which had much, much larger content at launch, and added Forge after just 2 months on top of that, how much did that help the game? It didn't, it was dying equally fast, the content is not the issue, the maps and modes can't save a game where people get pissed off every single match, and the worst thing is it all can be changed (fixed?) by tweaking the game yourself in custom games, but 343 won't do it because those few dozens of die-hard Halo fans would eat them alive.

What should IMO change in the series is to focus in BTB, keep that sandbox, chaotic experience there for those oldtime fans and anyone who do finds this kind of gameplay fun, but for the competitive/arena aspect they should focus on recreating something like the initial H5 trailer:

Red vs Blue, small, tight maps, keep the spartans, they're badass and have huge potential for customization, extend that further to forearms, legs, boots customization and whatever else possible, get rid of the fucking shield and use just normal HP like every other game with limbs/torso/head multiplier. Rework the radar so that it only shows you whenever your'e shooting, but shows you no matter the distance when doing so, fair and simple. No vehicles. No alien weapons, just the human-made ones like BR, Commando, shotty, bring back the SMG, and so on, but that would obviously require the loadouts to come back (<---- die-hard Halo fans rage starts here), just add more of those kind of guns and we're set. Basically what I'd personally want to see the direction of Halo goin into is something like this:

This gameplay was obviously fake and the game was nowhere near anything like that for the most part, because of all the BS that makes Halo, Halo, but I' more than confident that a ton of people would love to play such twitch shooter that isn't COD where you die in split of a second and has forced ADS. Like I say - I can easily make that kind of game in custom games, but I can play agains bots only for so long. Now I know this kind of Halo game is only my wet dream, and no matter the effort 343 puts into the game won;t change it's core, outdated mechanics, so at this point I'm just waiting for the Acti-Blizz deal to go through so that XB/GP actually can have a good shooter.


Story was bad, Campaign lacked variety. MP content was thin. Don't get me started especially Battle pass progression, holy fuck.

But the gunplay feels very satisfying so congrats 343 for nailing 50% of the game. Other half we will receive by 2026.


Great post OP. I don’t mind the sprint, clamber, and slide mechanics. If they worked right, they would likely increase the skill gaps and skill “jumps”. Everything else I 100% agree with.

Overall 343i is incapable of carrying Halo anymore. MS really should look at someone new for the series. Halo was the big reason I’ve stuck with Xbox over the generations, but I’d this is the direction they are going, I’m likely out.

Dr. Claus

You just did.

Not sure why calling the guy out for shit posting saying Halo is a call of duty rip off, equates to me being a sad bitter console warrior? i enjoyed both some CoD's and some Halo's. But apart from they both feature guns they couldn't be further apart on the way they play. Its fuck all like COD.

You might as well say GT7's just a mario kart rip off.

Anyways sorry for the derail.

Back on topic, the games got a content issue to fix that and it would do for me. Although i can't see that happening for a while.

Enjoyed the campaign fwiw. The moment to moment gameplay is great.

Sorry its ruined your childhood OP

Keep projecting little warrior. Maybe someday daddy MS will take notice of your existence. Between your dismissive comments, strawman arguments, and blatant console warrior history - you aren't fooling anyone.
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they did.
It's called gran turismo 7, and the moment it came out people shat all over it.
yet when halo came out everyone praised it like it was a return to form (even though GT7 was also advertised like it was a return to form as well)
probably because one is a shooter and everyone loves shooty shooty bang bang more than they do vroom vroom.
But GT7 has lots of content.. :p
Wow, it took me like 1+ hour to read it all, and read the final chapter after doing some work. Well, it's worth reading every single word. This is the most extensive review I've ever read about a game, and very informative not just for Halo fans, but for shooter fans in general. Impressive work and can't say I give a shit about Halo as a franchise but get a lot of great info here, especially the controller part.

I think we need more of these great wall of text, but please hold your horses thicc_girls_are_teh_best thicc_girls_are_teh_best for now as I'm kinda exhausted at the moment.

You're in luck; I'm not passionate enough about Halo to break the character limit 😁


Identifies as young
Just downloaded the game again and i'm going to start my third campaign playthrough, just for you OP he he.

In all seriousness though, OP you hate the game, we all know you do by now, and thats your God given right. Why you feel the need to point out why everyone else is wrong though, and 'prove' to us why we are wrong, well i dont why you are so stuck on this. People having differing views is a GOOD thing dude.

Just let it go man, let it go.

This could be a template response to 90% of 01011001 01011001 's posts.


This could be a template response to 90% of 01011001 01011001 's posts.
I mean he's passionate, and obviously a Halo fan (his post history must be approaching 50% Halo posts) but he's bordering on obsessive hate now, and wants all of us to hate the game too.

The gme lacks content, and 343 take way too long to do anything, but i liked the campaign and MP, i'm not going to apolagize for that lol.


Identifies as young
I mean he's passionate, and obviously a Halo fan (his post history must be approaching 50% Halo posts) but he's bordering on obsessive hate now, and wants all of us to hate the game too.

The gme lacks content, and 343 take way too long to do anything, but i liked the campaign and MP, i'm not going to apolagize for that lol.

Yeah, I'm mostly talking about the arrogance of "my opinion is right and the rest of you are wrong". I didn't read his book above, but I knew exactly what you were talking about from his other posts.


kenan and kel nicksplat GIF

And I agree.

Initially I enjoyed the game, but after 2 or 3 hours I just quitted... The gameplay is fun, but everything else is boring and the story didn't grab my attention on the sp, while the multiplayer rewards progression is worse than f2p games.

I rather play Destiny 2 than this.... Better gameplay, multiplayer progression and stuff to do.
Different strokes. I HATED Destiny 2. Had no idea what to do. Just running around trying to figure shit out without any direction. Gunplay was good, everything else was TERRIBLE. Halo Infinite to me was excellent. I'll be back with season 2!


Yeah, I'm mostly talking about the arrogance of "my opinion is right and the rest of you are wrong". I didn't read his book above, but I knew exactly what you were talking about from his other posts.
Yeah the book is full of 'indisputable facts' like you said. Its best not to read it.


Why not show the other eighty-nine reviews? Oh yeah, that’s right - cause your shit point would fall apart instantly. Did MS also pay GAF members to vote it as GOTY?

Also did you hear about Playstation Lifestyle? They have very consistent tastes:

LOL, that's amazing! Playstation Lifestyle is a fucking joke! Ban them.


I didn’t read all that.

I personally had fun with the campaign. I’m far from a Halo fan though.


I'll read the rest later, but I'm a bit surprised at the first point. I thought the campaign was the worst part of the game. And the boss battles weren't all that memorable for me. I agree that the open world didn't allow for mission variety and memorable setpiece moments, which made everything feel the exact same over and over. With such little variety in the open world setting, you'd think the indoor settings would vary drastically. But it was just the same recycled settings over and over. Not all that encouraging from a worldbuilding perspective.


Best halo campaign since 2 IMO...the MP though.......

Yeah it isnt perfect by ANY means,But I enjoyed my time with it. Sucks how it feels rushed and teh MP is meh.
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Neo Member
I’m just going to say that I cannot believe when DICE complains that poor sales of bf2042 were because of Halo, both games are turd, but thick, black, massive turd.

Codes 208

Im not reading that ocean of text. I will say the campaign is a good time however. Easily 343i’s best work. A solid 8/10 for me.

The multiplayer however is where they dropped the ball. Its essentially the same barren game as when it launched back in december, which for a gaas is absolute bullshit. Halo 5 launched with more content and in 5 months it had nearly doubled its content.

And i say this as someone who hates halo 5 with an absolute passion
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Damn, OP did some work on this!

A lot of ppl will dismiss OP, that's cool, but OP seems like he is genuinely disappointed. I mean to put in that much work into this post, you gotta really care about a franchise to do that. Hopefully they can turn the game around. If they do, I'll be on the lookout for an appreciated post!


Campaign is right up there with the original, with a better movement mechanic and an open world at 120fps, that's pretty impressive and I'm sure there is a lot more to come.


Obviously, 343i dropped the ball on content in a big way. I get that the grognards are bitter, and the points in the OP seem true to me. But, the OP misses that Halo is a solid game, and even with some magic. You don't get a broad set of gamers uniformly praising the gameplay - and they did and do - without getting something right. More, this new Halo exposed many new people to the Halo universe. People may have left, but they'll return for new content done right.

343i and MS need to take a page from Masterchief's book, and finish the fight. I understand that seems unlikely to some of you, but it's what needs to happen.

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Halo Infinite is the first Halo game i completed. I thought it was pretty average, at best. But, I understand Halo is more about online PVP, which I don't play.


I just finished up the campaign on my 1-month-for-a-pound game pass sub.

The credits are still rolling and I've already spent what feels like 10 minutes shouting at my TV about what a bunch of hacks 343 are :pie_thinking:

Actually, hold up - post credits stinger. One sec... Yep, cheap sequel bait. As if dragging Finish The Fight back from its grave wasn't enough.

To the OP; I read the whole thing, and I think you're broadly on the money. I'd add the following:

- The support AI character was awful. Overacted, kooky, AAA studio cheerfulness that feels like a parody of the chief / cortana dynamic of old. And effectively is just that by the time the story wraps.

- The checkpoint system is busted. Sometimes it's bang on the money, and others - often in the scripted linear missions - it decides to take a nap and waste big chunks of time.

- The world scale is disappointing. There's plenty of play space, but it's just a flat archipelago with a ringworld skybox that doesn't live up to the notion of an open-world halo ring. I was sure the initial tacmap view was just a slice of what was to come, but in the end it didn't even manage to fill all of that given that 70% of the last landmass didn't get used.

- The finale is set up in such a way that makes it very unlikely that you'll be using the fun weapon variants that you spent a bunch of time unlocking. That last area badly needed an FOB to give the player some choice on how to approach the last missions.

Despite those criticisms, there were definitely some fun hours in there. Razzing around storming bases with a razorback full of fodder marines was a good time once I'd unlocked enough stuff, and the core gameplay is strong enough to have created a few 'holy shit that was sick' moments.

But unfortunately, that can't carry the whole experience, which ended up outstaying its welcome. On balance, it works okay as a gamepass title, but that's about as blatant as you can get in terms of damning with faint praise when discussing a franchise that crushed it for two console generations.

Time to grab the MCC and catch up on those remasters I never played.
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