That sounds like bad advice. The lineup on the Switch is most attractive to a person who never had a WiiU. For anyone who does, if they really want to play Zelda, getting it on the WiiU is the most sensible choice. There are a ton of unknowns regarding the Switch. It's not even about saving a few bucks. If the Switch takes off successfully, it'll get cheaper later on with a larger library. If it fails to take off, then it might be better to see what happens first.
Yeah. And I am a person with a Wii U getting a Zelda and Switch at launch. And no, I do usually wait until there is some critical mass of titles before I buy, just worse about it with Nintendo

Mostly, I am just ready to move on from my Wii U and Zelda will start my Switch collection, rather than end my Wii U collection. I hope it marks the beginning of a better day for the Nintendo adventure game fan. And I hope it gets 3DS support+, in the long run. But even if neither of these things pan out, I'll still want the device come November or so for Mario anyway.
IDK. Just sort of want to experience a Day 1. Think it will be the first time I ever have. I've got a wealth of DS/3DS games I recently bought to get through, just got a Slim, etc. So even if Switch is super slow for me, like it looks to be, I'll be covered for gaming.
But yes, a console for one game that you could play on a console you already own is not a great reason to buy a system. Tbh, I'm amused with myself writing this. Amused but also happy and hyped
