Failed military coup in Turkey; Erdogan promising swift reprisal

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How many dozens of times has this gif been posted in this thread so far?

Stuff of nightmares but sadly not unexpected.
I can't imagine a worse scenario for Turkey than what is happening right now.


Guardian said:
Then there’s the religious aspect. Erdoğan’s Islamist AKP represents the religiously conservative sections of Turkish society, who had felt sidelined since Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey, secularised the Turkish state in the 1920s. “Before Erdoğan, people were corrupted and deviant,” said Korkmaz, the flag-draped civil servant. “Thank god we are restoring things for a new generation.”

so they've felt sidelined since before they were born? Can't imagine that there are a whole lotta nonagenarians out there o_ô

guess its the same as white people missing the 50's in the US.
PRO-Erdogan AKP Mob Attacks Alevi Book Store Chants Allah Huakber:

But.. but but.. guys.. it's OK to chant Allah Huakber in a mob that's hell bent to injure or kill people of other faith.

This is the lawlessness Erdogan wants, I went to Turkey in February. The religious groups have resorted to this and nothing is happening. I honestly can't tell whether I'm looking at an attack on a minority bookstore in Turkey or Pakistan.


PRO-Erdogan AKP Mob Attacks Alevi Book Store Chants Allah Huakber:

But.. but but.. guys.. it's OK to chant Allah Huakber in a mob that's hell bent to injure or kill people of other faith.

people who knew nothing about Turkey claimed it was perfectly normal for Turks to scream Allahu Akbar during the coup. Saying it's basically a word that is used daily by people and it doesn't reflect any kind of extremist tendencies..
They are wrong.


The Amiga Brotherhood
İn an ironic turn of events, the jailed generals are replaced by the generals who were jailed in 2012 because of the Sledgehammer/ Ergenekon case. Back then Erdoğan and Gülen were still buddy buddy and tried to purge the military of hardcore Kemalists. Some of them were in jail for over 3 years before they got released in 2015 and lo behold now they are reinstated again.


The most logical place for those naval vessels to go if they are in the hands of mutineers is Egypt. Sisi's government was the only one who effectively endorsed the coup.
The most logical place for those naval vessels to go if they are in the hands of mutineers is Egypt. Sisi's government was the only one who effectively endorsed the coup.
Them being on route to Egypt would also explain why there haven't been any news on the fleet assets since Sunday.
people who knew nothing about Turkey claimed it was perfectly normal for Turks to scream Allahu Akbar during the coup. Saying it's basically a word that is used daily by people and it doesn't reflect any kind of extremist tendencies..
They are wrong.
In the context of Turkey, it may be weird.

I've traveled in the Middle East and heard it said as casually as an "Inshallah."

It is definitely not perfectly normal to hear in the context of a raging mob though. Good sign of extremism.


In the context of Turkey, it may be weird.

I've traveled in the Middle East and heard it said as casually as an "Inshallah."

It is definitely not perfectly normal to hear in the context of a raging mob though. Good sign of extremism.

Just dawned me that the Portuguese language has a "oxalá" word that is used in the same context as "god willingly".

Eh, linguistics. Sorry for the off-topic.


I can't imagine a worse scenario for Turkey than what is happening right now.

Erdogan declaring that Turkey is now the Turkish Caliphate, enforcing religious laws and inviting all Muslims who want to live their religion to come to Turkey.

Now that could be worse


In the context of Turkey, it may be weird.

I've traveled in the Middle East and heard it said as casually as an "Inshallah."

It is definitely not perfectly normal to hear in the context of a raging mob though. Good sign of extremism.

You have to remember though that almost all of the Middle Eastern countries have Arabic as the official or co-official language. Turkey speaks Turkish.

Inshallah is used pretty commonly in Turkey too. It never went out of use really.
But Allahu Akbar was never in the every day language except for prayer time. Well it wasn't anyway. It is now as it seems, for all the wrong reasons.
Just dawned me that the Portuguese language has a "oxalá" word that is used in the same context as "god willingly".

Eh, linguistics. Sorry for the off-topic.

Yeap, the Iberian Peninsula has a very rich Arabic heritage. There are many other words of Arabic origin in Portuguese and Spanish.


İn an ironic turn of events, the jailed generals are replaced by the generals who were jailed in 2012 because of the Sledgehammer/ Ergenekon case. Back then Erdoğan and Gülen were still buddy buddy and tried to purge the military of hardcore Kemalists. Some of them were in jail for over 3 years before they got released in 2015 and lo behold now they are reinstated again.
Really? That's, strange.
I guess Erdogan really does stage a coup for whatever enemy du jour he hates this time.

I wonder how those generals are feeling now.


Yeap, the Iberian Peninsula has a very rich Arabic heritage. There are many other words of Arabic origin in Portuguese and Spanish.

There are many southern Portuguese and Spanish places started with Al-something. Southern Spain still has a lot of Arabic architecture. And it's quite beautiful.

Saddens me that the world is growing into a divisive state


İn an ironic turn of events, the jailed generals are replaced by the generals who were jailed in 2012 because of the Sledgehammer/ Ergenekon case. Back then Erdoğan and Gülen were still buddy buddy and tried to purge the military of hardcore Kemalists. Some of them were in jail for over 3 years before they got released in 2015 and lo behold now they are reinstated again.
Lol, ffs


Where HAVE the Erdogan fans and stans gone? Are they waiting for some positive news to jump on?

If you're reading, or lurking, you guys are embarrassing and don't even have the courage of your own convictions.
Probably waiting for some "good" or slightly not insane and horrible to occur.


İn an ironic turn of events, the jailed generals are replaced by the generals who were jailed in 2012 because of the Sledgehammer/ Ergenekon case. Back then Erdoğan and Gülen were still buddy buddy and tried to purge the military of hardcore Kemalists. Some of them were in jail for over 3 years before they got released in 2015 and lo behold now they are reinstated again.

Erdogan himself was in jail too. Turkey, a land of opportunities.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
The Guardian asked around why people are still with Erdogan:

- Other parties are a shitshow
- Erdogan boosted the economy
- Want religious rules forced onto the people
- Fight the elites

They could be waiting for the death penalty to be passed and then approach an EU country and apply for asylum. That way they cannot be deported or extradited (EU law forbids extraditing people who may face the death penalty in the target country).
"We see him as one of us." .. must be another presidential palace owner in the crowd.


Now they are releasing some people

I wonder if they will release more people

Of course they will. Most people dismissed will be rehired, and most arrested will be released. The arrests and dismissals are mainly to send a message and put in place an apparatus. There is no second-coup risk. Now people are going to tow the line, doesn't matter if they were guilty or not. You'll probably see a massive rise in women wearing veils too, just because they'll prefer not to take risks.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
You can look at 9:20 or 11:41 ( NSFW) to understand why exactly they forbade holding prayers for these scumbags.

Edit: Also I'm anti-Erdogan just like most of you. Also LOL@ people thinking Turkey will go under Sharia law or something. There is still a big amount of us wanting Secularism even many pro-Erdogan friends I have want Secularism.

I'm pretty confident that the majority of the coup soldiers killed had nothing to do with the civilian deaths. Unless of course you want to argue that the airforce crew and that one tank crew represent every single ground soldier.
Can anyone who knows Turkish confirm if these subtitles are correct?

This is a video put out by TRT Turk on Fethullah Gulen's sermons, but I feel they may have changed the subtitles to support the "Gulenist Takeover" narrative.

Everything I've read about Hizmet claimed that they are mostly a secular/ academic/ interfaith Islamic movement, this seems to go against that and seems like a piece of Erdogan propaganda.
Fun fact time.

I was actually approached by the Gulun movement some 5 years ago. They had just opened up a private school in the city and were looking for professionals to teach young students. Never once did I feel I was being forced into something I did not want or some sort of malicious activity. The same school went on to win countless academic awards later. I heard nothing but good things from the school from an academic perspective.

I refused their proposal, I'm way too secular in nature to join anything that involves an ounce of religion.


Can anyone who knows Turkish confirm if these subtitles are correct?

This is a video put out by TRT Turk on Fethullah Gulen's sermons, but I feel they may have changed the subtitles to support the "Gulenist Takeover" narrative.

Everything I've read about Hizmet claimed that they are mostly a secular/ academic/ interfaith Islamic movement, this seems to go against that and seems like a piece of Erdogan propaganda.

Nah, they're a shady organization with people in many higher up positions in Turkey and if not for Erdogsn they would be pulling Turkey to Islamism. Their public brand is pretty strong in the West but they run "youth homes" in Turkey to brainwash poor secular youth by offering them lodging.

They are smart and they appear more modern than your regular Islamist, they believe that in order to further Islam you need to blend in as much as possible by whatever means necessary, including drinking alcohol.

Here's a longer term look at them
Can anyone who knows Turkish confirm if these subtitles are correct?

This is a video put out by TRT Turk on Fethullah Gulen's sermons, but I feel they may have changed the subtitles to support the "Gulenist Takeover" narrative.

Everything I've read about Hizmet claimed that they are mostly a secular/ academic/ interfaith Islamic movement, this seems to go against that and seems like a piece of Erdogan propaganda.

Those subtitles are correct.


Can anyone who knows Turkish confirm if these subtitles are correct?

This is a video put out by TRT Turk on Fethullah Gulen's sermons, but I feel they may have changed the subtitles to support the "Gulenist Takeover" narrative.

Everything I've read about Hizmet claimed that they are mostly a secular/ academic/ interfaith Islamic movement, this seems to go against that and seems like a piece of Erdogan propaganda.
They are definitely not secular and from what I know their ultimate goal is an Islamic republic.
Nah, they're a shady organization with people in many higher up positions in Turkey and if not for Erdogsn they would be pulling Turkey to Islamism. Their public brand is pretty strong in the West but they run "youth homes" in Turkey to brainwash poor secular youth by offering them lodging.

They are smart and they appear more modern than your regular Islamist, they believe that in order to further Islam you need to blend in as much as possible by whatever means necessary, including drinking alcohol.

Here's a longer term look at them



"playing" dumb? unpossible
Watch the Turkish army be replaced by Iranian like revolutionary guards and to add a insult to injury they'll call it Turkish democracy guards.

Watch them name it something like the Ataturk Brigade. They'll soon be talking about Kemal Ataturk the same way modern US Republicans talk about their founding fathers. "Back when Kemal Ataturk founded this country along Islamic principles..."

You have to remember though that almost all of the Middle Eastern countries have Arabic as the official or co-official language. Turkey speaks Turkish.

Inshallah is used pretty commonly in Turkey too. It never went out of use really.
But Allahu Akbar was never in the every day language except for prayer time. Well it wasn't anyway. It is now as it seems, for all the wrong reasons.
True, true. Forgot about the Turkish difference.

I'm fairly used to hearing it just said conversationally, but yeah, in Turkey it probably would be weird then.
Stop going to Greece you dunces.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Can anyone who knows Turkish confirm if these subtitles are correct?

This is a video put out by TRT Turk on Fethullah Gulen's sermons, but I feel they may have changed the subtitles to support the "Gulenist Takeover" narrative.

Everything I've read about Hizmet claimed that they are mostly a secular/ academic/ interfaith Islamic movement, this seems to go against that and seems like a piece of Erdogan propaganda.

Turkey has hundreds of such groups big and small. They are called "tarikat" or "cemaat". They vary in the degree of fanatism. Hizmet (Gulen's Cemaat) is by far the biggest and most influencial, but how big is difficult to say. That they tried to get their people into high positions is widely known in Turkey and in most part they succeeded. Hence the broad scope of the purge, it litterly could be anyone because they started this infiltration process 40 years ago.

My personal opinion, they are not the kind that the Western world assosiate with religious fanatism. But they are shady as hell and their members have this sect like mentally surrounding them. İt's difficult to explain, kinda like Scientology if i have to compare.
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