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DocumentsMy GamesFallout4Saves
Have you guys forgot that Hiroshima & Nagasaki do exist?
Hiroshima & Nagasaki, then & now.
It's not even a 100 years since the bombing.
Is his texture even PBR?His texture is way better than vanilla.
Is his texture even PBR?
Wow, looks great! An interesting comment from the author of that mod when asked by another member how the new PBR pipeline changed the author's approach to texturing: "I've been authoring my textures as PBR since around summer 2014 when we moved to Unreal 4 at work, so no change there. I'm definitely glad they improved the shaders though I wish they would have gone with a full PBR implementation instead of the halfway thing they've got going now."
I guess that would make sense since their PBR implementation doesn't look as good as many other developers'. Can't wait for more of these sharp texture mods.
Have you guys forgot that Hiroshima & Nagasaki do exist?
Hiroshima & Nagasaki, then & now.
It's not even a 100 years since the bombing.
Playing with Grass mods...
Not sure how I feel about it.
^^^^ Those look awesome. Does the grass 'grow' in in the distance as you walk toward it? It looks nonexistent in the distance.
This actually looks super great. How much of an additional load on the GPU is it?
Have you guys forgot that Hiroshima & Nagasaki do exist?
Hiroshima & Nagasaki, then & now.
It's not even a 100 years since the bombing.
AmazingPlaying with Grass mods...
Not sure how I feel about it.
Is there freecam available through console commands or is it coded by you?
Looks amazing. Performance impact?
Is there freecam available through console commands or is it coded by you?
"TFF" = enables freecam
"TFC 1" = freezes game and enables freecam
"TFC" again to turn it off
"tm" = toggle HUD
EDIT: beaten at the exact same time, lol
It's like there was a country around hiroshima and nagasaki that rebuilt those places.
And like those bombs are equivalent to the smallest nuclear weapons we have around.
Looks like the beta patch broke some mods. The ammo crafting one for example
It doesn't seem to be too much additional load. There are a few more FPS dips down into the 50s than there used to be, but it's still really playable. The biggest problem seems to be from the touch of green mod, as it can cause some stuttering when loading areas. It's a bug that the creator is supposedly working on, so hopefully it will get resolved soon, but even still I don't feel like it really hurts the game for me (as it's pretty jank on it's own anyway).
Even though that's a better example of how the world would realistically react after a nuclear bomb, I've always wished Fallout would go with the aesthetic of another nuclear disaster, Chernobyl. I was really hoping that setting it in Boston would give them an excuse to move away from the atomic desert wasteland aesthetic to something more like the overgrown forests and rotting city of Pripyat. Yes it's still not realistic for 200 years after the war, but I think it's a touch more realistic than everything being dead, and it still fits in with the overall look of Fallout while still giving us a bit of variation.
Dead bodies seem to be colliding for me fine without the mod?
Dead bodies seem to be colliding for me fine without the mod?
This mod will make actors collide with dead bodies, a.k.a. ragdolls, so you can push them, climb on them, etc...and won't just clip through them.
Not much else to say.
aww yeah time to pimp out my settlers
Any word on a mod to stop with the automatically added quests? "As usual," shut the fuck up, Preston.
I sent him to a settlement I never visit. Abernathy Farm was like the fucking mushroom kingdom with all the kidnappings.
I sent him to a settlement I never visit. Abernathy Farm was like the fucking mushroom kingdom with all the kidnappings.
Every fucking time, they send me to the Federal Ration Stockpile.
I was sent there once to rescue Lucy and the raiders hadn't even respawned from my previous rescue. She was handcuffed with nobody around.
any way to get rid of your characters "UH HUH" voiceover reply? seriously Bethesda??
"Fallout" is an aesthetic, not science. I don't give a shit about what would have actually happened. There wouldn't be a breed of 2 headed cows that would survive and procreate, bugs wouldn't grow to huge sizes without other physiological changes, untended to wooden structures wouldn't stay standing 200 years later, and you couldn't dump a half full magazine from a gun while reloading and have half the bullets magically go into your inventory.
There's a billion things one could jimmy up for why the wasteland's dead. They could say the dust knocked up into the air cooled the planet to a terminal fall/winter. They could say the dust is obfuscating the UV rays that react with green chlorophyll so only the plants that were a deeper shade of brown were able to survive with the rays that made it through the ionosphere. They could say all of the humans that survived had the rods and cones in their eyes permanently altered to not absorb the colour green.
It's irrelevant to me and irrelevant to creating the mood that is Fallout. It's not Last of Us/Enslaved style post apocalypse where the plants took over and nature is finding its own way. It's the mood of humans completely sabotaging their own planet until there is nothing but death and desolation with only glimmers of hope here and there. That's the look of Fallout.
Under that aesthetic, I think it would be cool to have little glimmers of life happening around the edges. But mostly, I would just like to add a bit of variance to the staging to give each wasteland area something more it can be identified with. Additionally, give a little bit of systemic reward for having people move into your settlement. Give a personification of "life" to the area from the environment. Make it look like you're doing some good. God knows the settlement stuff seems to exist as a complete adjunct to the story, gameplay systems, and themes of the entire game.
Armorsmith extended mod. Every armor can be used as underarmor with ballistic weave. Ballistic weave can be put on every headgear. Thought it was bug that only 3 hats could have ballistic weave applied to it. Got tired of wearing a ballistic weave trilby and army fatigues.
Heres mine. Then theres a couple textures i installed before it had mod manager support.I quite like the Proto Vault Suit. The additional black piping makes it look pretty nice.
So what's everyone's installed mods list look like so far? As long as Skyrim's yet? lol
I think the only ones I have going so far are the Pip-Boy shadows, the one that kills the fake skybox lighting on interiors, and the new shotgun texture. Oh, and the dialog interface fix, that's pretty much an automatic. I actually haven't really tried the game out with most of these yet, though, I've been busy with other games.
Heres mine. Then theres a couple textures i installed before it had mod manager support.
So what's everyone's installed mods list look like so far? As long as Skyrim's yet? lol