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Fallout 4 |OT2| Farming Simulator 2287

Shooting out the fusion cores on a melee baddie in power armor is preeeeeeeetty great. They have no choice but to just awkwardly slow-stomp towards you trapped inside their metal coffin.


pffffffffft lover Caitlin is the best companion to have. Once I finish leveling up the minuteman dude for his perk I'm only going to have Caitlin with me.

Why? Because whenever you're an asshole or make a sassy comment she's all "DAMN BABY YOU SO BAAAAAAAAAAAAD" which makes shit better.

Also as stealth guy you occasionally have to steal shit. Piper, Curie, and a bunch of others hate it when you steal from people. Cait loves it.

Also why. The AI is fucking silly at points. If we meet a fucking guy in power armor and I steal his fusion core, you shouldn't dislike it. Even if they don't, they hate you if you try to steal the armor parts off his body armor. That's stupid. They're bad guys. And dead. Get over it goody two shoes characters.

Admiral Woofington takes no prisoners! Him and his crackhead companion, that is ;)

Piper > All

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
How do I even get the Silver Shroud quest to start? I randomly got the suit in my first few hours of gameplay since I visited the comic shop pretty early.

I tuned in the Silver Shroud Radio multiple times and I haven't received the quest yet. Am I supposed to talk to someone?
How do I even get the Silver Shroud quest to start? I randomly got the suit in my first few hours of gameplay since I visited the comic shop pretty early.

I tuned in the Silver Shroud Radio multiple times and I haven't received the quest yet. Am I supposed to talk to someone?

I did the same thing and didn't get the quest until I talked to Kent in Goodneighbor. Not sure if there's another way to start it.
I just fast-tracked Preston into idolize territory (boring character). Thinking of doing Cait next, does she like it when you make drugs? I have like 100 of every drug and I could make a lot at a chemistry station, but have been waiting until I used Cait to do it in case she likes it.

What did you do to make preston like you? Unfortunately he's the biggest pain in the ass out of all my companions because whenever you talk with him in hopes he has moved on to the next conversation he gives you like 3 more rescue quests haha. I'm just doing his rescue quests so far because he has given a bunch to me. Is there a faster way?

As to Cait she likes it when (spoilering just in case people don't wanna know what she likes):

- You lockpick
- You ask for money/more money in a quest
- You break in
- You steal
- You use chems

Though on that last one be careful. Especially after
her personal quest.

Admiral Woofington takes no prisoners! Him and his crackhead companion, that is ;)

Piper > All

Cait is arguably one of the deeper characters in this game. Not to mention if you do her personal quest
she cleans herself up
so no

Cait > Piper because you can ask for money and be sassy.


So a person I put on a
turned out to be a synth. They basically shelled the whole of Sanctuary.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
What did you do to make preston like you? Unfortunately he's the biggest pain in the ass out of all my companions because whenever you talk with him in hopes he has moved on to the next conversation he gives you like 3 more rescue quests haha. I'm just doing his rescue quests so far because he has given a bunch to me. Is there a faster way?
That's actually the fastest way.

Just keep doing the Radient Quests he gives you and after your done fump him in a Settlement you don't frequent because otherwise he will give you more Quests if you get near him (even if you don't Start a conversation).
Do you keep companion perks when they aren't in your party? I haven't bothered doing any companion quests or know what perks they give.

Yes sir. You keep all of their perks. Only downside is I don't know how to activate curie's which is when you're under 10% health you can heal for 100 points once a day.


So I'm minding my own business constructing some mods on my workbench at Red Rocket when all of a sudden I hear gunfire and an explosion right outside. I book it up to my watch tower and hear some freakin' super mutants on the street below and they just destroyed my damn spotlight.

I proceed to whip out my legendary laser rifle which does +50% damage to super mutants and put them down before they knew what hit them. One disintegrated into a pile of ash while the other stayed intact. I'm thinking of just putting his corpse in a bath tub and displaying him outside as a warning to other raiders

This is why I love this game.


What did you do to make preston like you? Unfortunately he's the biggest pain in the ass out of all my companions because whenever you talk with him in hopes he has moved on to the next conversation he gives you like 3 more rescue quests haha. I'm just doing his rescue quests so far because he has given a bunch to me. Is there a faster way?

Mod weapon, quick save, quick load repeat. If you don't mind doing that kind of thing.


What did you do to make preston like you? Unfortunately he's the biggest pain in the ass out of all my companions because whenever you talk with him in hopes he has moved on to the next conversation he gives you like 3 more rescue quests haha. I'm just doing his rescue quests so far because he has given a bunch to me. Is there a faster way?

As to Cait she likes it when (spoilering just in case people don't wanna know what she likes):

- You lockpick
- You ask for money/more money in a quest
- You break in
- You steal
- You use chems

Though on that last one be careful. Especially after
her personal quest.

With Preston, honestly I just grinded through the generic settlement quests, He loves it when you agree to help but doesn't seem to care if you actually finish them so it kinda takes forever, he also likes weapon modding, but he didn't seem to get as much from it as Codsworth. It took awhile but was still faster than trying to do it naturally. I don't understand how I had 4 kidnappings in Sanctuary, twice being the same guy, I have over 300 defense with missile turrets FFS, what the hell are they doing.

Too bad Cait doesn't care about making drugs then, I wanted to get a lot affinity with her that way. At least I'll get a lot of experience and a companion that doesn't have a hissyfit over me asking for more money. Finally can put charisma to use here, fuck off Codsworth, I'm trying to get paid.
Mod weapon, quick save, quick load repeat. If you don't mind doing that kind of thing.

yeah after I finish these next couple of missions I'll give this a try. I just want to get rid of him. As Cait says whenever you replace her with him as a companion

"If you really want to pal around with that goody two shoes be my guest"

I don't Cait. I just want his awesome perk :'(

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
She still calls you blue without a vault suit because you look and sound like you came out of a vault. Bethesda always does poor reactivity. Characters know shit about you when you havent told them anything. Like nick mentioning dogmeat out of no where. A lot of the scripting is off completely.

I thought Dogmeat being right outside of
Kellogg's House
was the weirdest part there.


No bald cap? Lies!
Almost 70 hours in the game so far and having exhausted all other sidequests it seems I'm finally going to continue on with the main quest when I get home tonight after ignoring it all week long. Hope the CIT is a cool place, though I kind of feel like I should explore the Waking Sea more as I kind of made a beeline across it during that last mission, but I know this main quest is holding up further faction quests so I might as well get it out of the way.


Can supermutants be intimidated? Are they considered wasteland creatures or does the main perk that works on humans work on them?

I kept hearing about swan and trembled in fear at the thought of the fight..ran into it and killed it with a legendary double projectile revolver..vey anti climactic..i must be too strong.
I thought Dogmeat being right outside of
Kellogg's House
was the weirdest part there.

I just pretend Dogmeat is a velcro dog like my own. He will follow you everywhere regardless if you want to or not. And when you turn around he hides. And when you fast travel to where he's supposed to be he books it there before you get there.


She still calls you blue without a vault suit because you look and sound like you came out of a vault. Bethesda always does poor reactivity. Characters know shit about you when you havent told them anything. Like nick mentioning dogmeat out of no where. A lot of the scripting is off completely.

I love when the MC calls people by their first names when you're just meeting them for the first time and have no idea who they are.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Speaking of, what's the difference between quick save and the regular save?


Unconfirmed Member
I'm 35 hours, just got to Diamond City have some questions

I started to approach the main entrance and everyone is attacking me, wtf??? I even see Piper and the Mayor fighting me and I can't kill them, they just go to the "downed" state then revive themselves. I figured I'd just book it to the main entrance of the city to get inside and when I did, everything was back to normal. Piper was there and talking to me as if nothing happened.

I decided to take her along as my new companion and was just explored the city. It was night time, so all the residents were going to sleep. I decided to lock pick a door to get inside a room, even though the text was red and when I went inside, the guy freaked out and ran out. Now when I exited, all the guards are shooting at me and I got caught in a corridor where I can't get out. My save files keep reloading me at the same place and I'm stuck. I guess my question is, if I can somehow get out of that and get out of Diamond City, will they continue to aggro me if I come back in after a while? And why were they aggressive towards me at the start before I even got inside? That makes no sense.


yeah after I finish these next couple of missions I'll give this a try. I just want to get rid of him. As Cait says whenever you replace her with him as a companion

"If you really want to pal around with that goody two shoes be my guest"

I don't Cait. I just want his awesome perk :'(

Codsworth loves modding too so make sure he's also near you when you do it.
I'm 35 hours, just got to Diamond City have some questions

I started to approach the main entrance and everyone is attacking me, wtf??? I even see Piper and the Mayor fighting me and I can't kill them, they just go to the "downed" state then revive themselves. I figured I'd just book it to the main entrance of the city to get inside and when I did, everything was back to normal. Piper was there and talking to me as if nothing happened.

I decided to take her along as my new companion and was just explored the city. It was night time, so all the residents were going to sleep. I decided to lock pick a door to get inside a room, even though the text was red and when I went inside, the guy freaked out and ran out. Now when I exited, all the guards are shooting at me and I got caught in a corridor where I can't get out. My save files keep reloading me at the same place and I'm stuck. I guess my question is, if I can somehow get out of that and get out of Diamond City, will they continue to aggro me if I come back in after a while? And why were they aggressive towards me at the start before I even got inside? That makes no sense.

For the first instance, the only thing I can think of is that maybe you accidentally shot/damaged one of the guards on the outside of the city? I've heard that letting 48 in-game hours pass will reset the aggro but I've never actually had to test this out myself.
Codsworth loves modding too so make sure he's also near you when you do it.

eh. Codsworth's companion perk doesn't really interest me. A bit more defense against robot energy weapons? Won't matter if I'm a stealth guy and can 1-shot most robots with my sword.

If I care for platinum I might do it later but no rush.


Speaking of, what's the difference between quick save and the regular save?
As well as what the others said, be wary that the quicksave and the game's autosave share the same slot. If you're at a part where you think you might need to reload the game, make a manual save just in case the game's autosave wipes your quicksave out.
Fallout Life Lesson #2

At a certain point, my lone survivor is willing to kill everyone in a raiders’ stronghold just for the Vault Tec Boy Bobblehead located within. This is still more rational and sane than how people act on Black Friday or at Comic Cons.


Anyone have any experience with Pain Train? Is it worth pumping strength to pick up? I feel like I have a bunch of free Perks with my shotgun oriented build.

She still calls you blue without a vault suit because you look and sound like you came out of a vault. Bethesda always does poor reactivity. Characters know shit about you when you havent told them anything. Like nick mentioning dogmeat out of no where. A lot of the scripting is off completely.

"Heard you walked the Freedom Trail all by yourself." HOW?! I JUST GOT BACK FROM THERE!


Unconfirmed Member
For the first instance, the only thing I can think of is that maybe you accidentally shot/damaged one of the guards on the outside of the city? I've heard that letting 48 in-game hours pass will reset the aggro but I've never actually had to test this out myself.
I guess that could be possible. It always seems to be night time in this damn game and I just shoot at anything that moves. I may have clipped a guard thinking it was a Raider.


remember me
So are companion perks permanent once unlocked or only while traveling with that companion? I've heard conflicting info.
I finally ran into some Feral Ghouls and holy shit are they scary. In previous Fallout's they hardly felt like a threat, but passing through Lexington and Cambridge changed my opinion.
the best companion interaction I've had is when I brought Nick to the BOS ship.

One of them went "I can't believe you hang around with a Synth"

another directly tells Nick

"You are disgusting"

and Nick tells her "you aren't exactly a beauty yourself" or something like that


I love Nick. Probably my second favorite companion because we can pretend to be noir detectives together.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Check and see if you have an overstock of nuka cola or something. If you mod guns a lot you might have excess mods in your inventory. I was carrying like 40 molotovs and 30 dirty waters. Cleared up some space there.

Is there a particular place to put stuff that makes sense? I assume when you say clear it up, you mean save it not sell it. Thanks.


Is there a particular place to put stuff that makes sense? I assume when you say clear it up, you mean save it not sell it. Thanks.

you can just dump it in the workbench

it doesn't auto move or scrap like 'junk', but you can put whatever you want in there


Am I missing out on a lot of side stuff with other companions if I've only used dogmeat for 50 hrs (basically the whole time)


Check and see if you have an overstock of nuka cola or something. If you mod guns a lot you might have excess mods in your inventory. I was carrying like 40 molotovs and 30 dirty waters. Cleared up some space there.

Your junk that you drop is only available in all workshops once you open supply lines. Its that leader perk under charisma.

Also, there's quite a few 1weight aids that can secretly pile up like all Nuka Colas and steak type foods.

I've never felt happier to see 9 Ribeye Steaks depart from me.

After that, there's a lot of 0.5weight culprits that you can easily amass a ton of as well like fragmentation mines, Molotov cocktails, and wines.


At some point I should probably leave Sanctuary and not just spend 80% of my time building it out, gaining settlers, and making them happy. LOL.


eh. Codsworth's companion perk doesn't really interest me. A bit more defense against robot energy weapons? Won't matter if I'm a stealth guy and can 1-shot most robots with my sword.

If I care for platinum I might do it later but no rush.

I don't think you need that for the platinum.
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