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Fate/Grand Order reached an all-new earnings milestone. SensorTower reported that the mobile gacha game had reached a worldwide revenue of $7 billion as of mid-August 2023. Japanese outlets converted the figure with an exchange rate of around 147 yen on September 8, 2023. They concluded that the total earnings for Fate/Grand Order had surpassed 1 trillion yen. [Thanks, 4Gamer!]
The Japanese server’s 8th anniversary served as a major contributor to the milestone. When the event started on July 30, 2023, SensorTower noted that Fate/Grand Order sat at the top spot of the daily revenue ranking on the country’s iPhone App Store. It also managed to stay in the top 10 ranking until August 15, 2023. During the same period, Fate/Grand Order also recorded a revenue growth rate of around $40 million. That was about three times the amount that Bandai Namco’s One Piece: Treasure Cruise could gather at around $13 million

Throughout the game’s entire lifetime since its launch in 2015, SensorTower also calculated that 81.1% of the global revenue share from the official App Store and Google Play Store came from Japan. China came at a distant second with 8.1%, and the U.S. closely followed at third with 5.8%.
SensorTower used August 15, 2023, as the cut-off date for its revenue calculation. The Summer 2023 gacha banner that starred Artoria Caster launched on August 11, 2023. That means this banner did make some contribution for Fate/Grand Order to reach the $7 billion / ¥1 trillion mark.
Fate/Grand Order is available on iOS and Android mobile devices.

Fate/Grand Order Earnings Surpassed 1 Trillion Yen
Fate/Grand Order earnings reached a record global revenue of $7 billion, which also equates to over 1 trillion yen, as of mid-August 2023.

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