Congrats. Btw your team lacks some firepower...
Yeah my Heracles got critted to death
I don't really have heavy hitter, so I used St. George as safety measure lol
Is it possible to one turn clear the 3rd wave?
Yeah my Heracles got critted to death
I don't really have heavy hitter, so I used St. George as safety measure lol
Is it possible to one turn clear the 3rd wave?
Yeah my Heracles got critted to death
I don't really have heavy hitter, so I used St. George as safety measure lol
Is it possible to one turn clear the 3rd wave?
I use Altria+Altera and they kill everything in one turn, after the skills boosts, with their NP.
If we are friends, you can just use my Lancelot NP3. Put on a boost then profit.
Waver usually gets left with a bit of health. I'm using Waver + Altera + Gil. Swapping Waver for another AOE should be able to do it. Also this was before I ascended Altera, so her new boost might provide enough damage to do it now.
Just got my 2nd CE drop. This time from the 5 stamina stage. Yeah, I'm not gonna waste any coins on it.
Haha time to shuffle around my party I guess.
@commish No I don't think so. Tried to add you and Draggy but both full![]()
Haha time to shuffle around my party I guess.
@commish No I don't think so. Tried to add you and Draggy but both full
Wow gratz, hopefully I can get that CE from drop too D:
Ah not gonna ever do that, Salter > UMU. Also no exp cards and mats to enhance ;_;.And I'm using your Saber Alter so much lol. Please don't switch her out for Umu...
Added, my username is CruziaoGAF (well I just added the GAF part).
Added, my username is CruziaoGAF (well I just added the GAF part).
is the only Nero worth farming the 30AP one?
Depends on what ascension materials you need really. I need claws the most for my servants, so for me it is. But if you need the items in the shop then farm the 20AP for the only Nero worth farming the 30AP one?
Depends on what ascension materials you need really. I need claws the most for my servants, so for me it is. But if you need the items in the shop then farm the 20AP for medals.
No idea - I was doing the 30 AP one because it has potentially rarer mat drops, but then
a. it never drop
b. someone claim 20 AP is more medal efficient
c. 30 AP is harder
So I don't know.
Added. Dragon Fangs don't seem to be dropping at all from 20 AP, so I'll just get one more gem for the weekly b4 farming more talons
This is what I need to do since I'm also focusing on Lizzy's 2nd ascension.I got one Dragon Fang from the 20 AP in my first two runs, but I've basically emptied my AP bar twice on it since and came up totally empty.
I'll probably keep crashing into it for a while because I want to get Liz to 2nd Ascension, but at some point I might just switch to 30 AP and stop in on the Wyvern daily because it's more AP-efficient for those drops.
My friends list has been maxed for a while, I cleared through the inactive accounts and have 4 spots open if anyone needs a lvl 70 NP3 Altria (will be lvl 80 once I get a few more feather mats).
Wow Waver's third skill really is ridiculous. Only one person on my list has it so far though.
Wow Waver's third skill really is ridiculous. Only one person on my list has it so far though.
Yeah, I have someone on my friends list with it also. The stacked buffs can get ridiculous:[img][/QUOTE]
Slightly overkill.
Slightly overkill.
Could be more overkill - Waver's NP is Arts, so I couldn't do a NP Buster chain! ;P
But yeah, those enemies could be wiped out with either Altria's or Emiya's NP without buffs.
I'm grinding for ascension materials that I need, but I found that other than Claws, all other available materials are for Servants I don't have. I'm just grinding for Gold Medals, hopefully Claws from the 30 AP and waiting for the others.
I'm mostly farming to ascend Saint Martha, but want also to ascend Emiya and Medea, and the rarest things I need are Claws (3, already got those from the reward), Reverse Dragon Scale (4) and Heart of the Foreign God (10)