Man, so many people on here I want to add but my Friend List is still full. :/
Do they ever expand it beyond 50?
They did.
At master level 101 you will have 51 limit.
At 110 - 60 friend limit
At 121 - 61 friend limit
At 130 - 70 friend limit.
Man, so many people on here I want to add but my Friend List is still full. :/
Do they ever expand it beyond 50?
Once you get past level 100 the number of slots available starts to go up again, but it also takes much longer to level up each time past 100. Right now at level 130 you'll have 70 friend slots.
Awesome, great stuff. Thanks!They did.
At master level 101 you will have 51 limit.
At 110 - 60 friend limit
At 121 - 61 friend limit
At 130 - 70 friend limit.
anyone wanna be my friend? I don't like friending random Mashus...
ID 448,628,796
Still need 3 monuments for Gil's 3rd ascension. Whelp, have to wait after Nerofest then.
It's Fate.God, the story of Septem is so goddamned awful. So. Goddamned. Awful. Like I could literally have written a better scenario than this trash.
Wait what, 4 hours? Am I missing something? it's the 25th right?There's 4 hours to farm for them before Nerofest starts.
And if you time it right so you gain a level just before... profit.
Wait what, 4 hours? Am I missing something? it's the 25th right?
I misunderstood too but I think what they meant was that the night before Nerofest starts, you'll still have a few hours to grind out a few more monuments. I think.
So does the event start at 12AM EDT? (4 hours after the daily change over on Monday?)
Sorry, yes. Not 4 hours from now.
4 hours before Nerofest starts, the Tuesday daily quests for pieces and monuments go up.
So does the event start four hours after the daily or does the maintenance start four hours after daily? I am confused because they are completely different.Yes. You'll have about 4 hours before the maintenance starts.
Wouldn't actual max efficiency have you be at level of xp that gives you the level up just as you are about to run out of AP, instead of one that gives you the level up as soon as you do your first event. After all, you don't gain any AP over time as long as you have AP overflow.Gonna get as close to a Master level up as possible right before Nerofest so I can get dat max AP efficiency.
Yup this is correct. You'd want to have XP at a point in which you would run all of your AP on the event, and on your very last round you would level up, which would replenish your AP once more letting you start again with a full bar without having to wait for it to replenish.Wouldn't actual max efficiency have you be at level of xp that gives you the level up just as you are about to run out of AP, instead of one that gives you the level up as soon as you do your first event. After all, you don't gain any AP over time as long as you have AP overflow.
Yup this is correct. You'd want to have XP at a point in which you would run all of your AP on the event, and on your very last round you would level up, which would replenish your AP once more letting you start again with a full bar without having to wait for it to replenish.
Or you could just use an apple since they gave those out like candy. I never use those and save them for stuff like this.
Yeah, but that's difficult and requires more planning. Besides, it would only save 1-2 AP since you can blow through 100 AP in under 10 minutes.Wouldn't actual max efficiency have you be at level of xp that gives you the level up just as you are about to run out of AP, instead of one that gives you the level up as soon as you do your first event. After all, you don't gain any AP over time as long as you have AP overflow.
Someone compiled a list of all the commonly used jargon and nicknames in FGO.
A bit off topic, but hoping someone might be able to help. My phone was a budget buy that has served me okay, but it only has 8GB internal space and this game is really kicking the "you have no space, go find some more shit to uninstall" notifications into overdrive (and I've almost completely run out of other things I'm actually willing or able to uninstall). I'm considering looking for a new phone, but phone specs mean absolutely f all to me. Is there a smartphone gaming / android phone thread drifting around somewhere that might have some recommendations in it? Or a website for complete idiots? :x
Anyone know if I need to finish Septem to be able to get Nero in the rate-up? I read that you need to finish it so she'll be available in the regular Story banner roll.
Sumanai.F/Apoc 4 actually made me sympathize with Sieg.
Too bad he's so shit.
You don't.
The weekly quests require you to get two gems (blue, red or gold) of each class, all of which should be easily farmable during NeroFest - except for assassin gems. They won't drop until the end of NeroFest, when the weekly quest will be over.
A little annoying. Guess I better grind that out now before NeroFest starts. I don't wanna go back into the Monster Hunt Friday daily with NeroFest going on.
The weekly quests require you to get two gems (blue, red or gold) of each class, all of which should be easily farmable during NeroFest - except for assassin gems. They won't drop until the end of NeroFest, when the weekly quest will be over.
A little annoying. Guess I better grind that out now before NeroFest starts. I don't wanna go back into the Monster Hunt Friday daily with NeroFest going on.
Nope, I can log in just fine.Anyone else getting a connection error? Let's me into the game then says there has been a connection error and to try again.
They can drop from Spartacus' interlude from the 3 lamias. Would have to reset if you don't get them and it would be 10 AP a run.
I have a good amount of caster gems, actually. I don't know where they dropped for me, but I got lucky with them somewhere. It does appear they won't drop during NeroFest until the weekly's over too though. Damn.
Just giving up one gem might be the right call tbh. Well, I got a bunch of apples, so we'll see come Friday.
Doesn't maintenance refill you to max anyways? Pretty sure we'll get a period before Nerofest launches.With Nerofest starting tomorrow, I don't feel like wasting AP farming weekly quests. I might just ignore them. It's just 2 quartz.
Try this: me in with the people not worrying about the gems for the master mission.
So I've seen a ton of different charts, graphs, and such on how to approach Nerofest but I still don't really get it. For the time being I'll focus on clearing each stage of each set once and then focusing on the 20AP levels, since that's apparently best for medals to clean out the shop.
Doesn't maintenance refill you to max anyways? Pretty sure we'll get a period before Nerofest launches.
Is the CE that undesirable?Try this:
I'm trying not to get too deep into it but I'll probably go for Shop stuff minus the Nightless Roses, then go for mats especially Serpent Jewel during the Finals.
Guess I should see what my top units need for ascension?Rd. 1
Easy - Bone
Med - Proof
Hard - Fang
Ex - Claw
Rd. 2
Easy - Seed
Med - Proof
Hard - Feather/Seed
Ex - Crystal
Rd. 3
Easy - Lantern
Med - Fang
Hard - Jewel
Ex - Scale
I would farm 5 ap ones for bronze medals first to purchase all Gears from the shop, then start farming silver medals for forbidden pages . And of course finish all difficulties for rewards. I don't care much about gold medals, my current servants don't need Homunculus babies. Maybe I'll redeem some crystallised lore if I have enough medals...Count me in with the people not worrying about the gems for the master mission.
So I've seen a ton of different charts, graphs, and such on how to approach Nerofest but I still don't really get it. For the time being I'll focus on clearing each stage of each set once and then focusing on the 20AP levels, since that's apparently best for medals to clean out the shop.
Is the CE that undesirable?
I would farm 5 ap ones for bronze medals first to purchase all Gears from the shop, then start farming silver medals for forbidden pages . And of course finish all difficulties for rewards. I don't care much about gold medals, my current servants don't need Homunculus babies. Maybe I'll redeem some crystallised lore if I have enough medals...
After purchasing the mats from store I'll farm claws/crystals/scales.
You're going to be farming gold medals on day one if you want claws, since you can only get those on days 1-3.