That's exactly what I ended up doing. My unleveled servants just sat there and cried. Got the MLB CE You can farm exp cards and turn those into mana prisms.
That's exactly what I ended up doing. My unleveled servants just sat there and cried. Got the MLB CE You can farm exp cards and turn those into mana prisms.
I'm watching all the animations so it takes longer to be disappointed, but yea nothing here yet either. I think i'm around 400 SQ in.900sq. No Sei...
Man I wish I could get NP2 Sanzang, never happened for me, but I somehow got NP3 Illya without even trying. Sanzang is one of my favorites, so it burns that I can't get copies.I did 1 more 11 pull and got her.
Saw your mlb chocolate heaven so I knew you weren't having the best luck (lots of 5* CE meaning lots of pulls trying for a 5* servant) .
I ended up with 13 rare prisms and Sanzang NP7.
I haven't started the event proper yet. I still had last year's valentines CEs in my mailbox, been making room for and claiming those so I don't get more dupes. I bet some people like FGO Valentines, but for me it's absolute hell going through all the micromanagement and inventory cleanup.Hard to say on the Aniplex/Delightworks development. I don't know enough about how each company contributes to the game.
I personally want Prototype Merlin from arcade.
It took me 15 minutes of support refreshes for your name to pop up again so enjoy your friendship chocolate.![]()
Holy balls the pain tonight. I figured I'd do some more rolling to see if I could get either NP2 Sanzang or Sei now that the banner changed, and after all the painful rolls, I got 2 5* spooks - Jeanne NP5 and Drake NP5. Fucks sake, what even is a rate up.Lol. You replied when I was editing my last message.
I think they made it so duplicate Valentines CE stack during the event. You can still get another copy even if you got one a previous year.
I had to sell some old event CE just so I have about 30 open CE inventory slots (including second archive).
Now imagine the gift box/CE management when you're getting a CE gift from every single servant in the game after a lotto event.![]()
I get the feeling that this isn't a consideration for the vast majority of the playerbaseTried a yolo 11 pull on Europa and got Sei NP2.
There's been times where I got 2-3 5* spooks and no rate up servants. On the bright side, the more NP5 5* you have, the more unregistered spirit origins you'll get.
Ya never know. I used to think that way, now I have 13 (saving for caster saber).I get the feeling that this isn't a consideration for the vast majority of the playerbase
Well after this session, my NP5 5*s are Waver/Jeanne/Drake/Altera/Tamamo/Vlad/Achilles. Wow, that's actually way more than I expected before counting them. I didn't even realize I got Achilles to NP5. Time to level his skills I guess. Shame I got both Drake and Achilles since they fill the exact same role just with different colors.Ya never know. I used to think that way, now I have 13 (saving for caster saber).
You could be pulling on a shuten/raiden dual rate up and only get 2 shuten (NP7) and no raiden (true story) .
My drake is only NP2.
Tamamo caster was one of the last early 5* I was missing. Now NP7, never pulled her on a Tamamo rate up banner.
Gatcha works in mysterious ways.
That's quite a list. There can't be that many people with NP5 Summer Tamamo, especially with that awful 4* luck lol.My NP5+ 5* list:
Gil archer 5* NP5
Brad NP6 (spooks)
Shuten 5* NP8 (Trying to Raiden NP2 on dual banner lol)
Space Ishtar NP5
Ozy NP5
Altera NP5
Archer Saber NP6 (GSSR)
Tamamo lancer NP6 (Trying to NP2 Mordred rider lol, Summer Pirates still NP1)
Sanzang NP7 (spooks)
Tamamo caster NP7 (spooks)
Zhuge NP5
Nightengale NP6 (spooks)
Vlad NP5
Jean ruler NP7 (spooks)
Forgot about a Shuten copy. All of the non-limited NP5 were from spooks.
My Achilles is only NP3.
Ironically the NP1 pirates is the only thing I got out of Tamamo lancer's banner the first time around.That's quite a list. There can't be that many people with NP5 Summer Tamamo, especially with that awful 4* luck lol.
Btw, aren't we due for our first SSR selector this year? I guess I'll finally have Sanzang NP2 then.
For me it would be between Europa and Sanzang, but with as many NP5 riders as I have now, I can't in good conscience go for another AoE waveclear servant. Regardless, glad to see we made it this far for NA.Ironically the NP1 pirates is the only thing I got out of Tamamo lancer's banner the first time around.
Free SSR should be coming at the end of April. Sounds like there's time locked restrictions to keep the free SSR fyi.
I'll probably go with Europa since she's my only NP1 on the list.
20M Downloads Campaign - Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Godspeed you crazy bastard. I'm stopping at 1.3 mil to get the code and calling it a day.![]()
It begins...
I haven't seen that "bursting" gift box since last Valentine's. Did you rewatch all of them or just skip the old ones?![]()
It is done.
Skipped unfortunately. Not enough time for a hundred cutscenes.I haven't seen that "bursting" gift box since last Valentine's. Did you rewatch all of them or just skip the old ones?
I never get the male ones, but that's pretty good. Bart has good taste.Skipped unfortunately. Not enough time for a hundred cutscenes.
Space ishtar and kingprotea couldn't be skipped though.
If you did lotto events, you'd be friends with the bursting gift box.
Used all of the CE's to level mlb kscope #5.
There were a couple interesting ones in the mix.![]()
I think they kinda did. Some of the older characters seem to acknowledge the player's gender now. And I think BB's original valentine scene actually has an ending that doesn't result in a Bad End now. I don't know if that was possible before, but in previous years it was always a Bad End for me.Whew, all done with a few hours to spare. Man there's a huge difference between early/later servants and their valentines scenes.
Summer BB alone had as much text as some of the early events. It'd be nice if they went back and redid some of the 1st/2nd year servants.
Protea had a unique mechanic that it failed the valentine scene if you picked a certain option. I only ever got "bad end" in BB's stuff, I thought that was the only end. Regardless, I kinda like how GBF does it. Each year they get brand new 2-3 lines.I think they kinda did. Some of the older characters seem to acknowledge the player's gender now. And I think BB's original valentine scene actually has an ending that doesn't result in a Bad End now. I don't know if that was possible before, but in previous years it was always a Bad End for me.
Yea I've been getting garbage drop rates too. Better than farming doors I guess.Them drop rates from the hunting quests....![]()
Nito caster has a 100% NP battery so she can shoot off 3 with mlb kscope but might not be as good as Dante.Yea I've been getting garbage drop rates too. Better than farming doors I guess.
I need to branch out in to some new Skadi loop teams, I'm so tired of seeing Dantes' NP, you have no idea.
Besides Parvarti, who else can you double Skadi loop with?
I found this, might try Atalante and Assassin Scat. I have like 4 MLB Kaleidos at this point, so that's not really the concern.Nito caster has a 100% NP battery so she can shoot off 3 with mlb kscope but might not be as good as Dante.
Got my Nito NP5 level 90.
I'm saving my uregistered spirit origins for Castoria.Caenis NP2 and Dinogirl NP (as high as I can get her) for me, until summer. Not touching my SQ until then.
*edit* Oh, and Castoria. What a terrible time to put her banner, right after summer reruns before new summer. They knew what they were doing.
I too like the story but it has the effect of putting me to sleep as well...I really need to go back and work on some of these singularities. I am still on Sin, and haven't touched Agartha or Salem yet either. It doesn't help that reading puts me to sleep most times, so I can only do it before I get too tired.