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Favorite Graphic Novels/Omnibuses?


Perpetually Offended
I just got done re-reading Doomsday Clock... Had me feeling a little emotional. Hope is always a great message... Saved me from doing something I couldn't come back from.

What are some of your favorite graphic novels or omnibuses? Another couple of favorites are Crisis on Infinite Earths and Planet Hulk/World War Hulk.


Biggest Trails Stan
I just got done re-reading Doomsday Clock... Had me feeling a little emotional. Hope is always a great message... Saved me from doing something I couldn't come back from.

What are some of your favorite graphic novels or omnibuses? Another couple of favorites are Crisis on Infinite Earths and Planet Hulk/World War Hulk.

New X-Men Omnibus, Collects the whole Grant Morrison Run


I haven't read lot of X-Men Comics yet but this is by far my favorite X-Men Run I have read so far


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
The TMNT IDW collections are my go-to. I think there are 16 of them now? Collects the best run of the TMNT comics, and puts the side series and spin-offs in chronological order.



Gold Member
Got the Titan comics 'new' run of the old Conan omnibuses on the way. Seems like they are gonna drop one every month or so, gonna be reeeaallll expensive....


Already got other stuff I like, the OG TMNT, Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Hellboy, GI Joe incoming as well. The annoying thing is when just ONE volume of an omnibus series is super scarce and thus crazy expensive, they really play up the FOMO on these things. If there was a color eink comic reader that could really reproduce a typical comic layout 1:1 (probably need two display panels hinged together) that would be AWESOME!


I just got done re-reading Doomsday Clock... Had me feeling a little emotional. Hope is always a great message... Saved me from doing something I couldn't come back from.

What are some of your favorite graphic novels or omnibuses? Another couple of favorites are Crisis on Infinite Earths and Planet Hulk/World War Hulk.
Think you'll appreciate All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison too if you haven't already. Most uplifting one I remember reading, right in the feels the right way blows the dark clouds away. ☺️

I recently enjoyed lots JLI Justice League International by Giffen & DeMatteis, real fun & mischievous people being retarded all the time. 😄

Daytripper was magical for me.

If you haven't read it already, it's a pretty badly kept secret that Mike Mignola's BPRD saga kicks Hellboy in his red balls. Also, Baltimore is superb, and the omnibuses are beautiful and cheap!
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Perpetually Offended
Think you'll appreciate All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison too if you haven't already. Most uplifting one I remember reading, right in the feels the right way blows the dark clouds away. ☺️

I recently enjoyed lots JLI Justice League International by Giffen & DeMatteis, real fun & mischievous people being retarded all the time. 😄

Daytripper was magical for me.

If you haven't read it already, it's a pretty badly kept secret that Mike Mignola's BPRD saga kicks Hellboy in his red balls. Also, Baltimore is superb, and the omnibuses are beautiful and cheap!

I'll put AS Superman on my list of things to get for myself. I need a good omnibus to read as well. MAYBE a Flash run?


I'll put AS Superman on my list of things to get for myself. I need a good omnibus to read as well. MAYBE a Flash run?
Gotham Central by Brubaker, Rucka and others is probably one of the best things DC has. Flash by Geoff Johns is all in omnibuses and pretty great, although I'm more partial to Mark Waid's run and that I think is still being collected. Also, listen to Morrison's PR and get New Xmen. 😄
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Alan Moore: Watchmen, Miracleman, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Saga of the Swamp Thing, Killing Joke.

Garth Ennis: Preacher, Hellblazer, War Stories, Punisher Max, Hitman

Warren Ellis: Transmetropolitan. Planetary, Nextwave, The Authority

Neil Gaiman: Sandman

Frank Miller: The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One, Daredevil: Born Again




52 - epic 52-issue weekly series that follow the events during the one year timeskip following the event Infinite Crisis
Aquaman (Geoff Johns) - epic run with awesome action, adventure, and even a dash of horror
Batman (Grant Morrison) omnis 1-3: collects the entire creatively weird Morrison run best known for introducing Damian Wayne. Really enhanced if read alongside Peter J. Tomasi’s Batman and Robin run that started in the later part during Morrison’s run
Doom Patrol (Grant Morrison) - Morrison held nothing back in this run and took the DP series to new heights with the most insane, trippy, and haunting run the team had even seen. This run that started in the late 80’s defined the tone of Doom Patrol to this day
Green Lantern (Geoff Johns) omnis 1-3: the defining GL run that follows Hal on some truly epic storylines. And once again, Peter J. Tomasi comes in with the assist with his Green Lantern Corps run that goes along simultaneously with John’s’ run (the first Corps omni is available, the second one will be released soon)
New Teen Titans by Marv Wolfman and George Perez - the defining Teen Titans run that was so successful it was matching X-men in popularity (and during the original Claremont era to boot). Sadly, the original omnis are out of print, and they’ve only reprinted recently the first omni, hopefully more reprints are on the way. The Geoff Johns Teen Titans omni is solid too (and is the run that got me into comics)
Superman by Peter J. Tomasi - just a fun, uplifting run that follows Superman, Lois, and their son in the DC Rebirth era
Wonder Woman by Gail Simone - the other two definitive runs for WW are George Perez’s 80’s run and Greg Rucka’s two separate runs, but they’re a good deal longer so for a shorter but still strong entry point for Diana this is a solid pick

Graphic novels:

DC: New Frontier - a brilliant reimagining of the DC heroes during the 1930’s-1950’s. Goes back and forth as my favorite DC book ever along with:
All Star Superman - the defining Superman book. Just read it, it’s incredible
Watchmen - I don’t think I need to elaborate on this one, LOL
Kingdom Come - follows the DC heroes in their senior years in an epic story with iconic artwork by Alex Ross
Batman: The Long Halloween - my favorite Batman mystery ever
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow by Tom King - a brilliant sci-fi journey inspired by True Grit. If they nail adapting this comic, the Supergirl movie will be incredible
Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) by Keith Giffen and John Rogers - the run that followed the timeskip after Infinite Crisis, just fun and great character development and almost every issue builds up an element that pays off in the climatic 4-issue showdown Endgame story against the invaders The Reach
Batgirl by Bryan Q. Miller - made Stephanie Brown my favorite Batgirl.
Animal Man by Jeff Lemire and Swamp Thing by Scott Snyder - two horror runs that eventually connect in the awesome Rotworld storyline, a rare time in the New 52 era that they did a well executed event
Power Girl by Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, and Amanda Conner - the definitive Power Girl run for me, just made her so much fun and entertaining. They do briefly revisit her during their Harley Quinn run in the Harley Quinn/Power Girl miniseries (their Harley run is good, just not as good as Power Girl run, or their Starfire run for that matter)
Demon Knights by Paul Cornell - imagine a D&D campaign turned into a comic storyline. You’ve got Demon Knights and it slaps hard

I read much less Marvel in comparison, but for me:


Cable and Deadpool by Fabian Nicieza - my personal favorite Marvel run. Deadpool is at his funniest, this is the run that first made me realize Cable can be a great character, and the book balances humor, action, story, character development, politics, philosophy, etc. so well. Deadpool’s original run and his 2013-2015 run I really enjoyed too, but this is the best for me
Silver Surfer by Dan Slott and Mike Allred - I never really cared about Silver Surfer prior to reading this run, but whoa. Epic, heartfelt, funny, and emotional, they took the Doctor Who formula by having Silver Sirfer meet a woman from Earth and due to shenanigans, he ends up agreeing to show her places all over the universe, and by god, it works so well.
Ultimate Spider-Man by Brian Michael Bendis in a lot of omnis - the complete saga of Peter and then Miles in the Ultimate universe. Bendis for me easily writes the best Spidey since the 2000s (why, it’s almost like doing One More Day and refusing to fix that idiotic storyline has tainted the main Peter to this day!). I’ve not read Miles solo since he joined the main universe, though I hear his 2022 run arguably is his best run yet. Also, I just read the first Ultimate Spider-man trade set in the new Ultimate universe, and it slaps too, it’s like every single Peter Parker is written better than the actual “main” one
Uncanny X-men by Chris Claremont - the defining X-men run. Like, holy hell this run, no matter how many solid runs follow it, will never be topped in how iconic it is and defined the series forever. I’d say omnis 1-3, and possibly 4, are worth getting, after that the long Claremont run does run out of steam based on how how I and many others feel. Astonishing X-men by Joss Whedon is also excellent. And I do need to read Grant Morrison’s run and Jonathan Hickman’s run. Also the X-Statix omnibus is one I love, and I do need to check out Uncanny X-Force (considered to be the best X-Force run) and Peter David’s X-Factor omnibuses (Multiple Man and his allies are private investigators, I love that idea)

I really should read more indie comics too, but I will highly recommend Monstress by Marjorie Liu. Dark fantasy inspired by steampunk and various Asian cultures and gorgeous artwork. I also need to read more of East of West by Jonathan Hickman, a sci-fi post-apocalyptic western that follows one of the Horseman of the Apocalypse as the three others hunt him down for betraying their goals and reminds me a bit of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower but definitely does its own thing.
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Some unconventional recommendations:

Longshot TPB:

Collects the Longshot miniseries. Since this was the first appearance of the character, doesn't require any prior knowledge. Basically a standalone story.

Velocity TPB:

Collects the Velocity mini-series based on the Top Cow character. This is her second mini-series. Much better art than the first one. Although some knowledge of the character would definitely be beneficial.

Strikeforce Morituri TPB #1-3

Three volumes that collect the Strikeforce Morituri series.
This is an incredibly complex and dark story that falls outside the Marvel Universe, even though it was published by Marvel. It goes on too long and becomes a bit redundant in later issues, so I recommend just picking up the first volume and giving that a try to see if you like it.

The Asgardian Wars TPB

Collects four issues that contain a throughline story.
I don't think this was originally intended to be connected, but it just worked out that way. A neat look at X-Men/Alpha Flight/New Mutants, bundled up in a conflict masterminded by Loki.


Gold Member
Another one I have, if you could call it an omnibus, is the collected Rocketeer. It's short though, for a series that inspired a movie and seemed to have some buzz around it, it was really just a few issues and just kinda stopped. I would have thought there would have been hundreds of pages. The film was a big improvement on the story as well.


I second Hellblazer.


It's one of the best works out there, and it's pretty much the best thing from the best label ever, Vertigo. I think US can ( or could) get TPBs of the entire run till #300 bar a few graphic novels and specials and the newer stuff, so I'm gonna post a pic of my country's previous edition (the newer one copies the american collected TPBs but with hardcover and ludicrous prices) to make all of you murricans mad jealous(jk 🫠) since it's a shining jewel of my collection 🙏🏻😬


Yep, Spain Hellblazer original run complete with specials, one-offs, graphic novels, etc (everything) collected in 18 OHC ordered by authors, then 3 OHC for the newer stuff, and not pictured here, the two HC of both of Simon Spurrier's previous cancelled run, which I will promptly replace with the collected HC following the same design as these, and once Dead in America releases here, will get since it will pretty much follow this design.

Unless I'm mistaken and Urban in France completed their author's edition, and DC USA finishes collecting it in Omnibuses *cue Titanic old lady meme*, this is pretty much the best edition there is in the world right now. 🧐😎


advanced basic bitch
The TMNT IDW collections are my go-to. I think there are 16 of them now? Collects the best run of the TMNT comics, and puts the side series and spin-offs in chronological order.

I've got a few of these. They're great. I started to collect the idw transformers run too but they can be hard to get. They're way oop.
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Animal Man was great, but I prefer Morrison’s Doom Patrol run even more. Probably my favorite run in any comic ever, Sandman pulling a very close second place.
I actually agree and think Morrison's Doom Patrol might be the best run on a regular weekly series anyone has ever done (and my username/avatar is a reference), but Animal Man is up there and deserves to be mentioned.

Honestly as a Morrison fanboy, I think there's a lot of great stuff to pick from: Arkham Asylum, JLA, Action Comics run, Batman run, Green Lantern run, One Million, Multiversity, Final Crisis, Invisibles, Seven Soldiers, Filth, WE3, Happy, Klaus, and the list goes on. You almost can't go wrong.
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Read Hellboy or anything related to Hellboy.

Also, try Beasts of Burden. It is a really good story of a group of dogs that protect their town of Burden Hill from the supernatural. There is a great Hellboy crossover.


Shaolin Cowboy
Sha Spiritual Justice
Yiu in Hell
Thanos Titans Quest
Frank Miller's Robocop vs Terminator
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A European graphic novel series that has run for over 2 decades with 7 completed volumes. Dont let the art style fool you. This is high tier excellence in sequential art form, nd not at all for children. The stories don't reinvent the wheel for the noir genre, but they keep you on your toes with a memorable protagonist and supporting cast. The writer Juan Diaz Canales has a sharp wit and a knowledge of americana that bleeds into the work. The real prize is the the art, made by Juanjo Guarnido who began his career working in animation. Im a humongous comic art nut and in my opinion guarnido might be one of the best sequential illustrators alive right now. These stories feature hand painted traditional illustrations and what he achieves with his mere human hands is mind boggling.



(The screenshots are in the original printed language, the books are available in English of course)

I discovered these works in a library as a teenager and kept track of them til adulthood when I finally read through all of the stories. Had to pleasure to meet juanjo gaurnido in person last year as well.
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A couple from my collection that I would recommend:





Great picks. Im still getting through the first volume of astro city, but the confessor arc is one of the best 6 issue comic stories I've ever read.

The long Halloween is also probably beat for beat the quintessential batman story. Im due for a depthful reread.


Gold Member


A European graphic novel series that has run for over 2 decades with 7 completed volumes. Dont let the art style fool you. This is high tier excellence in sequential art form, nd not at all for children. The stories don't reinvent the wheel for the noir genre, but they keep you on your toes with a memorable protagonist and supporting cast. The writer Juan Diaz Canales has a sharp wit and a knowledge of americana that bleeds into the work. The real prize is the the art, made by Juanjo Guarnido who began his career working in animation. Im a humongous comic art nut and in my opinion guarnido might be one of the best sequential illustrators alive right now. These stories feature hand painted traditional illustrations and what he achieves with his mere human hands is mind boggling.



(The screenshots are in the original printed language, the books are available in English of course)

I discovered these works in a library as a teenager and kept track of them til adulthood when I finally read through all of the stories. Had to pleasure to meet juanjo gaurnido in person last year as well.
Ha, I've had this game on my ps wishlist for a long time. Had no idea it was a comic first.



Reminder these exist.

Good option for those on a budget, but otherwise a lot of those books you’d be doing the artwork a disservice by shrinking the artwork from what it was designed to be at to something much smaller.
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