So, we should use for The predictions result:
[PS4] 406,000
[XB1] 248,000
[3DS] 176,000
[WIU] 69,000
[PSV] 20,000
Almost. Since we're basing this off of the 157K monthly gap between PS4/XB1, the Wii U has a 69.56K in the console-only graph and 69.49K in the full graph. Since the console-only graph should provide a clearer picture with less constituents, going with that one's 70K for the predictions, then. Also, XB1 is 249K in both, so the results used for predictions are below.
1. PS4 - 406K
2. XB1 - 249K
3. 3DS - 176K
4. WIU - 70K
NeoGAF Prediction Results - February 2016
ethomaz - 47,000
2. donny2112 - 63,000
3. jayu26 - 67,000
4. EventHorizon - 68,000
5. Fat4all - 69,000
6. KillerMan91 - 73,000
7. jjonez18 - 78,000
8. archnemesis - 85,000
9. Ryng_tolu - 86,000
10. ConfusedGamer - 90,000
11. viHuGi - 91,000
12. RexNovis - 94,000
13. Javin98 - 96,000
14. Welfare - 99,000
15. allan-bh - 101,000
16. CorporateClown - 102,000
17. Opt1kon_ - 103,000
18. RopeSnake - 104,000
19. Loris146 - 106,000
20. Shizza - 107,000
21. noobie - 108,000
22. TheCarrotKiller - 112,000
23. Xumbrega - 113,000
23. wachie - 113,000
25. Nouzka - 116,000
26. Bruno MB - 118,000
26. ferrasvansen - 118,000
28. GifGafIsTheBestGaf - 119,000
29. DriftingSpirit - 121,000
30. AmaterasuOni - 122,000
30. Tratorn - 122,000
32. Chobel - 123,000
32. jroc74 - 123,000
34. Trust me, I'm a PhD - 124,000
35. robo - 125,000
36. jbluzb - 128,800
37. Maniel - 131,000
37. ascii42 - 131,000
39. 1st Course - 136,000
39. OleGunner - 136,000
39. mejin - 136,000
42. The Last One - 138,000
42. pitseleh - 138,000
44. Fdkn - 140,000
45. Megadragon15 - 144,000
46. gtj1092 - 145,000
47. Darth Smurf X - 146,000
47. Elandyll - 146,000
49. GAF_Agg - 146,600
50. orfax - 148,000
51. Asd202 - 151,000
51. Jigorath - 151,000
51. Stilton Disco - 151,000
51. andy_lhc - 151,000
51. slavesnyder - 151,000
51. travisbickle - 151,000
57. Bitch Pudding - 156,000
57. madstarr12 - 156,000
59. Pillville - 158,000
59. Twinsanity - 158,000
61. AncientDiety - 159,000
62. 5Twist - 161,000
62. Tubie - 161,000
64. Cow Goes Moo - 163,000
65. Ombala - 164,000
66. ghost4soul - 166,000
67. Crimson_Gold - 169,000
68. astrogamer - 171,000
68. skedar897 - 171,000
70. Primethius - 176,000
71. madp0k - 178,000
72. Sterok - 186,000
73. foxbeldin - 187,000
73. freefornow - 187,000
75. Raist - 188,000
76. DieH@rd - 190,000
77. ironcreed - 192,000
78. Wildarmsjecht - 196,000
79. Toli08 - 198,000
80. Raylan - 199,000
81. BlackBuzzard - 201,000
81. LifEndz - 201,000
81. Rand6 - 201,000
84. maquiladora - 208,000
85. Stanng243 - 209,000
86. ZachzOOming - 211,000
87. Kayant - 212,000
88. harrisk954 - 214,000
89. Prototype Viktor - 217,000
90. Elios83 - 221,000
91. anexanhume - 226,000
92. Introvese - 234,000
93. Papagaio - 239,000
94. GribbleGrunger - 246,000
95. Pachter - 258,500
96. Kill3r7 - 261,000
96. Rymuth - 261,000
98. Hydrargyrus - 263,000
99. biglittleps - 286,000
100. FullMetaltech - 311,000
101. Las7 - 365,000
February 2016 Overall 2016 Top (2/2)
01. ethomaz 123.00 EventHorizon 219.49
02. donny2112 112.71 Fat4all 209.95
03. jayu26 110.51 jayu26 205.33
04. Fat4all 109.47 Tubie 203.78
05. EventHorizon 108.67 donny2112 202.88
06. jjonez18 104.65 KillerMan91 199.61
07. KillerMan91 103.36 Twinsanity 199.11
08. archnemesis 99.74 ConfusedGamer 197.93
09. Ryng_tolu 99.69 jjonez18 196.21
10. RopeSnake 98.72 pitseleh 196.18
11. viHuGi 98.25 Elandyll 195.40
12. Xumbrega 98.09 archnemesis 195.36
13. ConfusedGamer 98.01 Javin98 193.67
14. Chobel 97.06 Ryng_tolu 193.59
15. noobie 96.05 biglittleps 193.43
16. RexNovis 95.87 Maniel 192.70
17. Javin98 95.72 noobie 192.59
18. ghost4soul 95.71 allan-bh 192.06
19. allan-bh 95.38 Loris146 191.18
20. Bruno MB 95.36 slavesnyder 190.76
21. Opt1kon_ 94.74 Raylan 190.65
22. Welfare 94.70 1st Course 190.63
23. Loris146 94.47 wachie 190.59
24. robo 94.39 Tratorn 190.08
25. AmaterasuOni 94.06 Nouzka 189.68
26. ferrasvansen 94.04 jbluzb 188.83
27. CorporateClown 93.94 RexNovis 188.82
28. Maniel 93.63 Bruno MB 188.74
29. Cow Goes Moo 93.56 Chobel 188.68
30. pitseleh 93.43 Opt1kon_ 188.53
31. Nouzka 93.36 AmaterasuOni 188.08
32. TheCarrotKiller 93.22 ferrasvansen 187.65
33. wachie 93.20 Darth Smurf X 187.11
34. Shizza 93.10 ascii42 186.97
35. Asd202 92.64 gtj1092 186.92
36. Trust me, I'm a PhD 92.60 travisbickle 186.92
37. DriftingSpirit 92.55 ZachzOOming 186.84
38. jroc74 92.52 robo 186.78
39. Tratorn 92.23 orfax 186.63
40. The Last One 91.69 astrogamer 186.62
41. GifGafIsTheBestGaf 91.39 Megadragon15 186.49
42. OleGunner 91.08 Fdkn 186.35
43. orfax 90.87 GifGafIsTheBestGaf 186.34
44. jbluzb 90.84 andy_lhc 186.16
45. Elandyll 90.81 Asd202 186.10
46. foxbeldin 90.77 TheCarrotKiller 185.71
47. ascii42 90.76 Xumbrega 185.64
48. Bitch Pudding 90.57 Stanng243 185.42
49. mejin 90.37 The Last One 185.10
50. madstarr12 90.35 Welfare 185.06