Also, what does PCW stand for?
Play Bloodborne you hack
Play Bloodborne you hack
preston city wrestling
For me what made this so easy is because everything is contained to the ring. There are promos that will happen, but all the story is laid out in the ring. There also isn't this GOOD VS EVIL thing they go for. Sure there are heels and faces, but it's not like how it is with WWE. It's not nearly as heavy handed and forced.
I'm fairly new to NJPW too, about a year now, but this is just how I've interpreted it.
Nah he's a drink head.
What were you saying, Blue?I'm pretty stoney baloney rn and this japanese beef slamming from yesterday is p boring so far. Might skip to main, but I feel like I know who's gonna win because Dato-chan hasn't been shilling his gofundme to hire Naito for his new gymnastic altercations fed.
Yep, I just saw. Good thing we're having surprise drug testing today.What were you saying, Blue?
WWE did use the typeface for something and dumb fans tried to make an outrage because, "ZOMG THEYS ALWAYS STEALLLIG!!111 BE ORIGINAL WWE!"I'm a bit drunk right now. About to start Episode 7 of Stranger Things. I'm surprised that there's been absolutely no sign of anything wrasslin' related given it's set during the prime era of Hulk/Andre/Macho etc.
I'm a bit drunk right now. About to start Episode 7 of Stranger Things. I'm surprised that there's been absolutely no sign of anything wrasslin' related given it's set during the prime era of Hulk/Andre/Macho etc.
You know what, it's been 21 years since my first memories of it but I still don't know if Jerry Springer was a work or a shoot(not that watered down bullshit today).
You've ruined my existence 😔A complete work top to bottom. He even had a lot of the same "actors" come on months later to play different people.
You've ruined my existence <span class="emoji-outer emoji-sizer"><span class="emoji-inner" style="background: url(chrome-extension://immhpnclomdloikkpcefncmfgjbkojmh/emoji-data/sheet_apple_64.png);background-position:65% 85%;background-size:4100%" title="pensive"></span></span>
First wrestling, now Jerry? Why can't I just have something real in my life.
Maury is real, brother
Nooooo! Baby Macho Man and the 2inch pythons. This caught me off guard this morning.
You know what, it's been 21 years since my first memories of it but I still don't know if Jerry Springer was a work or a shoot(not that watered down bullshit today).
Maury is real, brother
Yeah there's more heel actions than heel actors if that makes sense and I agree it's all in ring storytelling and it's amazing for it. It's what allows it to be a truly international company imo.
Because it's the greatest game ever made, obese and short Dwayne Johnson with hair.Why are people talking about Bloodborne? Is it on sale or something?
Why are people talking about Bloodborne? Is it on sale or something?
You know it was on the last OTT show right?
Is Fight Nation non carny now? I thought they'd reeled themselves in, but I saw they're starting a Z-Dvivsion and running New York shows
Speaking of carny, those of you who remember PCW's carnyness from yesterday:
Just fucking shoot me now. Nothing is real.The good ol'days of the WB. Wayans Brothers and prime Nikki Cox.
It's all bullshit!
Brother, I'm not signed up for that.Blue finally shows up to gWF?
Oh sheeit we getting our tag titles!!
Lie, cheat amd steal
No, that'd be Persona 4.Because it's the greatest game ever made
Oh, ok.ZACH still needs to finish it. Would like to point out despite being rather tipsy now, I'm still typing better than 420wensIsNow.
your glass is dirty
FlammableD, why don't you stream that sweet No Mercy action?
no it has cracks in and is out of focus
Mad at you, Flimmy Flam Garvin.
You buy gimmicked glasses to break over people's heads.