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FFXV's cut content volume is worth bringing up again.


Lamo 1. Do you just hate whatever is trendy on reddit to bash
2. Do you not actually play games? There have been so many completely Dogshit AAA Games, and you pick two great games that just have some flaws.
As far as I'm concerned I definitely don't think they are the worst AAA games, I still really enjoy FF XV despite its issues, however I do think FF XV and MGS V have a lot in common in their production, with what they promised and what the fans got, the cut content etc.
I have a friend who is fan of MGS and when we talk about it or FF XV it always feel like we lived the same experience, had the same feeling, but each on a different game. A super promising game that ended up being disappointing but you can't really hate it because of what it represents and the qualities it has none the less, but really wish it was what it could have been.


I really enjoyed the game initially great music/great visuals, it's until you actually start trying to progress through a confusing fragmented story. I never finished the game and never will after that nightmarish boring sequence that never belonged in the game to begin with.

Imagine if you said to a fan of FF3, oh there's a really great story you just have to watch this movie before hand to understand, oh and the game isn't actually finished. You wouldn't because that's what you would call an unmitigated disaster, that's FF15

Mister Wolf

Lamo 1. Do you just hate whatever is trendy on reddit to bash
2. Do you not actually play games? There have been so many completely Dogshit AAA Games, and you pick two great games that just have some flaws.

I bought both of these games day one. Was hyped for both due to massive amounts of press coverage, advertisements, trailers, and being a fan of both franchises because of previous titles. I did not enjoy my experience with either. Story nor gameplay. Sue me.
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FF XV felt perfectly fine as far as I am concerned. I loved the game, completed it twice. There was enough content like this, we did not need more. The way they changed the final chapter in the Royal Edition is a great example on how you can ruin your game by making more areas bloated with stupid quests. But this is what people want nowadays : bigger areas, more fetch quests, more NPCs, useless stuff to pick up everywhere. This is complete garbage. I uninstalled the "Royally Dumb" edition and never looked back.
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I don't know what you are inhaling but this trailer was way past just the "pre production" stage, you don't make new assets and playable demos and what not as pre production.
Preproduction is usually a way to save time and resources not to spend more of them just to scratch them.
Comparing this with Overwatch is like using Fortnite as an example, both of those games changed several times during development only retaining the name and some visuals for the sake of chasing the gaming trends of the time since they took so long to come out.

(There is an interview somewhere where Tabata states that Versus was 25% complete when it became XV)

Made by a small team.
That's the problem, Nomura kept working on the game but Square always had him working on other projects, never allowing him to finish Versus. The staff was always occupied with other projects. When finally Square decided that it was time to put the staff to work on finishing Versus, finally giving the game it's necessary full team they also decided to remove Nomura to work on KH3 and FF7R, and with this came a change in the direction of the project, Tabata made XV into his own project. But because it needed to be finished faster they just cut most of what they could from what was already ready to be used.

Square Enix Management needs to change.

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
As an uncut dude, I hate to see stuff like this.
If only Nomura had been given complete control to fully realize his vision for Versus XIII.
Oh, what could have been...
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But this is what people want nowadays : bigger areas, more fetch quests, more NPCs, useless stuff to pick up everywhere.

I’ll say for myself, that’s not where I found the game lacking. Rather, I found the development of the cast weak and the story not fully focused which wasn’t helped by some of it being shoved into other media.

Want to get a better establishment of our leads? Watch the anime!
Hey, remember that awesome trailer where you were running through a palace currently under siege and how cool that looked? Well, fuck you, that shit’s offscreen now but hey there’s a movie that shows some of it!
Hey, want to know Lunafreya better as a person compared to the limited amount you get in the game which made the “emotional” moments later in the game hollow and a poor imitation of a prior iconic FF title’s similar moment which we’re desperately trying to recapture….oh sorry, we don’t have shit for you there, but here’s some more detailed food. Nothing but balanced priorities here…..

I admit, I never tried the DLC/Royal edition as the base game alone left me empty inside, but if the character DLCs actually develop the cast better, that is a legit improvement. The problem is that shit should have been in the game day one.

Hopefully XVI realizes that a game‘s story should stand on its own without needing a bunch of multimedia shit. Hell, VII Remake only adapts to the end of Midgar, and yet that cast was already more developed by that point than the cast of XV was to me by the end of its game.
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Yeah i agree, its depressing as fuck. It will never happen, but id love for them to be able to remake this game with all the cut content and area’s completed and put back into the game. They could expand the story to make it less of a frankensteined together mess, re record some vo, i know it will never happen, but i still want the ffxv i envisioned in my head from 2013 to 2015. It seems like they flew to close to the sun and they ran out of money, time, and hit hardware limitations.

This, mgs v, and halo infinite are the poster children of incomplete games that were reemed through development hell and back, and all i can see when i play them is the missing potential
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I admit, I never tried the DLC/Royal edition as the base game alone left me empty inside, but if the character DLCs actually develop the cast better, that is a legit improvement. The problem is that shit should have been in the game day one.
Not really... I mean, while gladio dlc is forgettable, Prompto and Ignis are important and do add quite a bit to the characters, the problem though is that the episode never got implemented into the main game, so you have to leave the game and play the episode outside of the main game, without being sure if it's the right moment or not (the game itself doesn't give you any warning or anything).

And that's only possible for prompto actually, because the way episode Ignis is done, it will spoil the ending of the game if you play it before finishing it, so no matter what, you will still have a lacking feeling after completing the main game and the DLCs will only feel like bonus.

Episode Ardyn does add more depth to his character too but... just like above, it's recommended to play it last because of some informations, so as a whole all dlc feel like secondary bonus stuff rather than things being included in the core experience.
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Who care, it sold and was overrated by corrupted medias and mediocre gamers despite being the worst solo entry. Probably one of the most boring and tedious open-world game I've played despite having a promising a premise and lots of side content which should've been integrated in the Royal edition (like Monster from the Deep, Episode Platinum, King's Glaive...)

FFXVI is going to be worse I feel.

Also I'm curious: is there a complete list of FFXV cut content?


Writes a lot, says very little
FF XV and MGS V have a lot in common in their production, with what they promised and what the fans got, the cut content etc.

oh yea, the "content" no one has much factual info on? Look...even as a huge MGS fan, I have a hard time believing MGSV was really, really bro..suppose to be 120 hours long and not 90 hours long lol I think people simply hold on to this silly fanfiction idea that "cut content" was really where they were going to love the game or some fucking shit with no evidence ot really support any of that.

Promised? Like what? MGSV only promises to be a fucking open world MGS game and it does that lol Anyone getting their hopes up or imagining what they want it to be or something like that only has themselves to blame vs "cut content".

With FFXV, the game was literally in development for like 9 years, Square wants to make a return, do you really believe the greatest of that content they were like "hey, lets take out alllllllll of that, make it less fun" lol I think the game had development issues, most of what was got was all that could actually be fucking done in that time frame with a new director and what was cut was likely based on it not adding much to the player.

I remember reading about people hating some of those empty areas that didn't provide much to the game, all this tells me is the director knew that could be an issue and limited that only to areas significate to the game instead any and every just for the sake of it. I believe most of what was cut from that game probably made sense to cut.

If you are Square and just spent almost 10 years developing such a trainwreck, you sure the BEST parts you are cutting? the fuck? I think many of you just want this fucking fanfiction there where you WANT what was left behind to answer why the game is bad. I think the story is just bad, the world is just bland and adding MORE of that wasn't going to do shit and for all you know, you get that cut content and you just cry about more "cut content" when you realize its not some weeaboo Anime junk you made up in your mind. Maybe that story and game originally was just not that great. I don't see how adding more was going to make a difference.
I want the Nomura Cut. #NomuraCut
Watch you get that and its still bad lol If what you played of 100 hours was "meh", having a hard time believing what was cut was some magical greatness that Square just didn't want or something.
yeah this hurts. this game could've been so much better with the original story / concept and a better tweaked battle system. i've only completed it once and i don't know if i ever will again. i have more desire to re-play 13, which i've completed a couple times already


Man, I remember how hyped I was for this and how utterly devastated when I realised that the actual game was just a bunch of unfinished ideas.

I wonder when the Versus stuff got dropped. The OMEN trailer came out not too long before the release date and you can still feel something Versus like in it.



Tabata wasn't meant to revise the project, he was put in charge to close the project.
Yes and thus made a slew of revisions in order to get the project to ship. I didn't care for those revisions to the narrative or the game design.
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Game was good. When XVI comes out and it underwhelms the consumers who over hype everything they'll 180 and say XV was good, actually. Happens every fucking time.


oh yea, the "content" no one has much factual info on? Look...even as a huge MGS fan, I have a hard time believing MGSV was really, really bro..suppose to be 120 hours long and not 90 hours long lol I think people simply hold on to this silly fanfiction idea that "cut content" was really where they were going to love the game or some fucking shit with no evidence ot really support any of that.

Promised? Like what? MGSV only promises to be a fucking open world MGS game and it does that lol Anyone getting their hopes up or imagining what they want it to be or something like that only has themselves to blame vs "cut content".

You're kidding right? You're no MGS fan at all, I can tell the first one you played was 4 or 5...the amount of documentation from the Fox team on the cut content of MGSV I mean...the fuck are you trying to gaslight here given how everybody knows MGSV is an abridge game which was the cause of Kojima's departure?


Writes a lot, says very little
You're kidding right? You're no MGS fan at all, I can tell the first one you played was 4 or 5...the amount of documentation from the Fox team on the cut content of MGSV I mean...the fuck are you trying to gaslight here given how everybody knows MGSV is an abridge game which was the cause of Kojima's departure?

1. stop trying to force some gatekeeping argument I'm very much a massive Metal Gear Solid fan that has played the entire series and purchased even all the remasters despite already having a collection of those original titles. So the first Metal Gear Solid game I played was the first on PlayStation one and then I proceeded to play the older titles before Metal Gear Solid 2 came out and then proceeded to play the rest of the series in order, stop fucking trying to argue that just because we disagree with something that you're now trying to dismiss me being a fan of the series cuz I fucking disagree with you regarding a game.

2. the point that I'm making regarding Metal Gear Solid 5 is that the game may have been compromised from the start as in Kojima may have been unable to even put in the things that he wanted you to try to believe that what was cut from the game was going to be something substantial because how do you know he wasn't able to do anything that he wanted to in the first place?

If the publisher did not want specific ideas or did not want long cutscenes or wanted the story to flow a specific way or something like that it means the type of cutscenes you're thinking about from the previous Metal Gear Solid games may have never even been in the game from the very start... and I believe his departure has more to do with Konami, they are likely parting ways because the publisher wants something from the franchise as you saw with that horrid Metal Gear survive, Kojima want something else, but clearly knowing this already means from the very start the publisher may have not allowed him to have those long cut scenes in probably really wanted that type of open world design Limited story or something which means in order for that to be "cut" it would have needed to even be in the design in the first place which I'm actually doubting I believe from the very start that game was designed based on what the publisher wanted..

it would be equivalent to trying to take a game that you disliked from a publisher like Electronic Arts or Ubisoft or something like that and trying to argue something was "cut" from the game that would have made it great but that's the even argue the publisher ever care to include those great things in the first place it's easier to just say such a thing likely never existed in the game was compromised since the very beginning

So that being said Metal Gear Solid 5 is easily one of the greatest stealth games ever created it's simply not the best Metal Gear Solid in regards to story. Keep in mind I'm not even the only Metal Gear Solid fan that actually believes that because based on the game sales alone it's not as if the vast majority dislike the gameplay, they simply dislike how limited the story actually is, but that in mind...it might be cause it was never made to have those elements, as in it didn't exist in the games development to be "cut", it was from the start likely never made to be that in the first place.

Make your point without gatekeeping and trying to force some Fanboy fanfiction crap into this entire conversation man lol


Trying to figure out how Tomb raider got a trilogy and this game, which clearly needed it, didn't get one. I hope they don't do my guy yoshi p dirty 9n his project and give him all the time he needs.


Trying to figure out how Tomb raider got a trilogy and this game, which clearly needed it, didn't get one.

No Way What GIF

Bruh, XIII already got flak for getting a trilogy (especially since the first game had a conclusive ending, at least with X they set up a sequel at the very end), you want them to make the same mistake again? Not only would that piss people off who didn’t care for the first game, it could mean we’d have been waiting even longer for XVI. Hell, XV coming out took too long as it is, best to just move on from it already.

Tomb Raider isn’t even a valid comparison as its prior pre-reboot series had a bunch of installments, so shocker the reboot got further installments. Final Fantasy though was generally a new continuity each title, X was the first one to have a full main entry sequel (as in a proper main game follow up, before some clown mentions Dirge of Cerberus or some shit) and XIII went way overboard. I’d rather we go back to having a new FF title stand on its own. So for example, XVI should have a conclusive ending and that’s it, and then we move on to something new.


I for one can't wait for Tabata to announce his new JRPG later this year. I've heard the working title is "It Takes One (Button)" and it's a shoo-in for multiple GotY awards.
Yes and thus made a slew of revisions in order to get the project to ship. I didn't care for those revisions to the narrative or the game design.
Yeah. We even got first hand experience with some of the combat revisions. Episode Duscae 1.0 had some pretty significant differences from the actual game at release and the game seemed to just get more and more simplified with each revision.

As someone who had very little interest for FFXIII back in the day and was all about Versus XIII this is a topic that still chaps my ass.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Trying to figure out how Tomb raider got a trilogy and this game, which clearly needed it, didn't get one. I hope they don't do my guy yoshi p dirty 9n his project and give him all the time he needs.

I don't know about that.

I just don't know if this game needs to be 3 games. For all we know, what was cut simply isn't even enough for 2 games. I've yet to find anyone that factually can even objectively give me a solid number on how much of anything is even missing, cut etc regarding this game. We know things changed, we know characters changed, we know scenes were changed too, but we don't even know how substantial any of that shit even was or how long any of that was to pretend it can make 2 games let alone 3.

Lets say Stella's character is put back in, that opening in the restaurant might legit be 15 fucking minutes....

You fight your way out of the city with Mechs, another 15 minutes...

they race out with their car, it breaks down later the next day on the highway.....

The game starts where FFXV of today starts.

So I can't go off of a whole fanfiction, what I WANTED IT to be type thing, I can only go on facts and we just don't have any real solid answer to that to pretend its several games worth of content gone or something, in a situation where it COULD be 3 games, its hard to say how that would play out.

Maybe a prequel when Noctis is a kid and they can make that whole love story with Luna instead or something, him getting in trouble with is little buddies, bigs instead of cars lol Who knows really, but I believe firmly to even do another game likely just couldn't JUST solely consist of the cut content, they would need to just make another game as I don't think what was cut is a whole ass game's worth.

Doom85 Doom85 all great points btw.

They did fine with the DLC stuff and I think that should be as much as they do, if they want to do some prequel or sequel thing, I'd only be ok with it if a completely different team handled it and the main FF Team moved on to a new concept.
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Not gonna lie, last gen (PS4) was nothing but a let down for me. All my most highly anticipated games shat themselves except RDR2. And I'd trade RDR2 for XIII Versus how it was suppose to be, easily:

-Watch Dogs (was suppose to be the first true next gen game, downgraded to hell in every way)
-Mass Effect: Andromeda (great IP handed off to inexperienced team)
-Prey 2 (the cyberpunk one, got canned, Human Head got shafted by Bethesda, good thing we got another cyberp--oh wait)
-Cyberpunk 2077 (where to even begin)
-MGSV (clearly unfinished. What drama, Kojima being locked out of the office or some shit)
-Silent Hills (canned. Thanks Konami at least we'll always have PT)
-Shenmue 3 (remember the hype? Then what we got...)
-KH3 (why was I hyped about this again? Good virtual theme park, terrible game and story)
-Final Fantasy XV (It'll always be Versus to me damn it!)

They're all big blows, but Versus is the biggest blow of them all, because you can see how much work was laid to waste (from OP's vids) that's still trapped in the game! So ambitious and in the end taken away from Nomura by force and given to a suit to chop up and rush out the door. Then again judging by KH3 it might have been shit anyway. And this gen AAA games are taking even longer to make. Excited for a recent game announcement? See you in 7 years and it might not even be good or finished.


I don't know about that.

I just don't know if this game needs to be 3 games. For all we know, what was cut simply isn't even enough for 2 games. I've yet to find anyone that factually can even objectively give me a solid number on how much of anything is even missing, cut etc regarding this game. We know things changed, we know characters changed, we know scenes were changed too, but we don't even know how substantial any of that shit even was or how long any of that was to pretend it can make 2 games let alone 3.

Lets say Stella's character is put back in, that opening in the restaurant might legit be 15 fucking minutes....

You fight your way out of the city with Mechs, another 15 minutes...

they race out with their car, it breaks down later the next day on the highway.....

The game starts where FFXV of today starts.

So I can't go off of a whole fanfiction, what I WANTED IT to be type thing, I can only go on facts and we just don't have any real solid answer to that to pretend its several games worth of content gone or something, in a situation where it COULD be 3 games, its hard to say how that would play out.

Maybe a prequel when Noctis is a kid and they can make that whole love story with Luna instead or something, him getting in trouble with is little buddies, bigs instead of cars lol Who knows really, but I believe firmly to even do another game likely just couldn't JUST solely consist of the cut content, they would need to just make another game as I don't think what was cut is a whole ass game's worth.

Doom85 Doom85 all great points btw.

They did fine with the DLC stuff and I think that should be as much as they do, if they want to do some prequel or sequel thing, I'd only be ok with it if a completely different team handled it and the main FF Team moved on to a new concept.
Who honestly knows how many games Versus was going to be, but it was definitely implied to be multiple. The last couple of trailers for it started having the tagline "A world of the Versus Epic" indicating it was meant to be expanded on. XV certainly did that, but it feels like it missed the point. Multiple game VIIR and Verum Rex of the future Kingdom Hearts seems to be where those ideas will go now on Nomura's end.


Writes a lot, says very little
it was meant to be expanded on

Yea..."was" , that doesn't mean any of that was "cut" as in it ever existed in some finished state for folks to exaggerate this to the point of pretending hours or even multiple games worth was cut or something.

I believe the issues with development is why what they had planned just didn't work out and they need to put out what they had, which tells me its unlikely some massive amount was ever really cut and what was left behind was ideas that just didn't fit into a 1 game narrative or something.

So I think they planned to do a lot of things, but clearly it needed someone else to direct it to bring those ideas to realistic, doable levels. So I think Nomura really wanted to do something special as I don't doubt the man's commitment, but even when it was under just him, it was revised and things changed and it just seems like what he wanted, just didn't make sense and someone else needed to bring that development to some realistic goals.

So if it really can be done with 3 games, I don't want it done under Nomura. Nothing is wrong with being a concept person, I'm a concept artist myself, but the fucking thing needs to still release as a complete thing, not stopped 4 dozen times to keep changing shit to the point of development hell. We don't even now how much of what he changed, might be some of the worst elements of FFXV mind you, seeing a trailer is one thing, but for all we know that game was always going to have a bad story and those scenes may have added very little to the 100 hours that the game was.

Verum Rex of the future Kingdom Hearts seems to be where those ideas will go now on Nomura's end.

tbh, thats even more unlikely.

I think he will be tied down to FFVII remake stuff and KH. I don't know if Square really wants that man in charge of some new idea that will cost them 10 years of development hell or something lol
Hey I know these videos :messenger_grinning_smiling: Glad you liked them.

Final Fantasy XV is indeed a very special subject, it's a love / hate relationship. So promising yet so disappointing.
I can't hate it completely because at this point really Final Fantasy VS XIII / XV has been there for a big part of my life. It's the single project I followed the most, I was so excited by it, full of dreams, so I'm still attached to the few remains of that in XV, which is enough for me to enjoy the game, but it really hurts at the same time :messenger_crying:

Related to Insomnia, their biggest mistake was making the invasion taking place in the movie. We didn't need the movie. Insomnia and its invasion was what we had been teased with for a decade, everyone wanted to play THAT, it was supposed to be a core part of the game. Instead, they decide to make a movie about it (while removing the main characters from that story arc at the same time) and start the game directly with a later chapter that could be a spin off.

The game should have started in Insomnia. We should have been able to play there for a decent amount of hours, getting attached to it and the characters, and finally playing through the invasion, living it, having actual feelings about it, and then discover the rest of the world.

There are so many missed opportunities in this game, it's crazy. It had so much potential and they wasted so much, I'll never understand some of these decisions, since they clearly weren't budget decisions given that they made a whole movie with famous actors etc. It's just an ultra bad management.

To this day I still can't really say what I think about FF XV, yeah it's broken and far from perfect, but at the same time I still really like parts of it because of its origins. I'm passionate and frustated about it.
Wow you’re so right. I watched and enjoyed that movie but playing that as a prologue would have been so much more impactful. Good take
My favorite FF, and yes it is a crime that some studio drama killed further DLC and development + that they weren't originally allowed to finish the game with a competent non-Nomura team which was actually finally developing a game instead of cutscenes and concept art for 10 years.

Simultaneously underrated (by traditional FF enthusiasts who say it has nothing redeeming about it at all, which is absurd or people who say the open world is generic, which is equally absurd) and not by selling the most of any FF game.

Maybe one day it'll be truly finished, but I doubt it by now.. Hard mode should have been added especially, but alas.
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1. stop trying to force some gatekeeping argument I'm very much a massive Metal Gear Solid fan that has played the entire series and purchased even all the remasters despite already having a collection of those original titles. So the first Metal Gear Solid game I played was the first on PlayStation one and then I proceeded to play the older titles before Metal Gear Solid 2 came out and then proceeded to play the rest of the series in order, stop fucking trying to argue that just because we disagree with something that you're now trying to dismiss me being a fan of the series cuz I fucking disagree with you regarding a game.

2. the point that I'm making regarding Metal Gear Solid 5 is that the game may have been compromised from the start as in Kojima may have been unable to even put in the things that he wanted you to try to believe that what was cut from the game was going to be something substantial because how do you know he wasn't able to do anything that he wanted to in the first place?

I'm going to assume you're young given how little you know about MGS, games or Kojima's work, which is odd since you (pretend to) own all games.

If you knew anything about MGS you'd know there's always been a substantial parts of each games from MGS1 to V that was cut, and not just reports but trailers, interviews and even videos, scripts and artworks, none of which you have bothering seeing. Also NO FUCKING MGS fan, and I don't know many video games fans that are actually in contact with the actual director, like fans that are KojProd, EVER SAID MGSV was the best MGS except, young people who don't know shit about MGS and discovered it lately.

If you knew anything about Kojima and what makes his games great, wether from MGS, Policenauts, Z.O.E. or even Death Stranding that was released after, you'd know that MGSV is the least Kojima-esque game specifically because it was unfinished, heck, even Konami said it. In fact you don't seem to know anything about a video game: a publisher doesn't get to tell a director how they cut the game, that's the case for the majority of publishers, that's ESPECIALLY the case for people like Kojima.

In fact the whole problem is the opposite and well documented: Konami gave almost "unlimited" time and ressource for the game, which is why it took so long, and Kojima took to long to finish conceived, developing and designing the project before starting production, and eventually got mounting pressure from Konami to start putting a schedule. Do you know who this character is? It's the equivalent of Gray Fox, Olga, Ocelot or Raiden which was missing in V...on of hundreds of things that made the game unfinished.
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Writes a lot, says very little
I'm going to assume you're young given how little you know about MG

smh. The gatekeeping is fucking strong with you bud. I'm 34 and I've been playing the series for decades, own many collections of it. So sir, its feasible for someone to have played those games during their releases, a fan of the series and disagree with your point, many MGS fans like MGSV, doesn't mean they never played the other titles, it might simply mean they like it lessor to the other MGS titles, but even if someone did like MGSV more then the rest, that is their view bud. You might have to fucking deal with that yourself man lol

yea...stopped reading right there though, I'm not wasting time with some gatekeeping thing that tries to force this idea that someone needs to prove to them an age or how many MGS titles they played for you to have a discussion with them.

So you don't speak for all MGS fans any more then me, my view is my own, your view is your own.

(ignored btw, I wouldn't want you wasting any energy with this if you are just going to keep up this weird tantrum cause I like a game lol)

Have a good one.

edit. for the lolz


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I don't know about that.

I just don't know if this game needs to be 3 games. For all we know, what was cut simply isn't even enough for 2 games. I've yet to find anyone that factually can even objectively give me a solid number on how much of anything is even missing, cut etc regarding this game. We know things changed, we know characters changed, we know scenes were changed too, but we don't even know how substantial any of that shit even was or how long any of that was to pretend it can make 2 games let alone 3.

Lets say Stella's character is put back in, that opening in the restaurant might legit be 15 fucking minutes....

You fight your way out of the city with Mechs, another 15 minutes...

they race out with their car, it breaks down later the next day on the highway.....

The game starts where FFXV of today starts.

So I can't go off of a whole fanfiction, what I WANTED IT to be type thing, I can only go on facts and we just don't have any real solid answer to that to pretend its several games worth of content gone or something, in a situation where it COULD be 3 games, its hard to say how that would play out.

Maybe a prequel when Noctis is a kid and they can make that whole love story with Luna instead or something, him getting in trouble with is little buddies, bigs instead of cars lol Who knows really, but I believe firmly to even do another game likely just couldn't JUST solely consist of the cut content, they would need to just make another game as I don't think what was cut is a whole ass game's worth.

Doom85 Doom85 all great points btw.

They did fine with the DLC stuff and I think that should be as much as they do, if they want to do some prequel or sequel thing, I'd only be ok with it if a completely different team handled it and the main FF Team moved on to a new concept.
FF 15 could have been 3 games easily, I guess from your point 9f view you are thinking 3 50 hour+ games, I'm thinking 3 20 hour games. King's Glaive could've been the first game where the world and it's factions could've been set up with it ending right at the fall of insomnia. The 2nd game would've been what 15 was but a but more fleshed out (could've even had a playable Luna) and the 3rd which in my opinion would've been the coolest is the world without light where noct would've still died. Most people who played 15 don't even know ardyn wasn't even the main bad guy (the story behind that, which is partly locked behind dlc is really cool).

People were mad about the thirteen trilogy because they took a game which had a conclusive end and forced a trilogy. Most people look at the trailers of 15 and see the potential for a trilogy and I'm sure there wouldn't have been any complaints.........I mean look at ff7 which by my guess you don't have a problem with.....even though everyone should.

Either way noruma is up to try it again with varum rex so it will most likely be a trilogy of kh games.


Writes a lot, says very little
FF 15 could have been 3 games easily, I guess from your point 9f view you are thinking 3 50 hour+ games, I'm thinking 3 20 hour games. King's Glaive could've been the first game where the world and it's factions could've been set up with it ending right at the fall of insomnia. The 2nd game would've been what 15 was but a but more fleshed out (could've even had a playable Luna) and the 3rd which in my opinion would've been the coolest is the world without light where noct would've still died. Most people who played 15 don't even know ardyn wasn't even the main bad guy (the story behind that, which is partly locked behind dlc is really cool).

People were mad about the thirteen trilogy because they took a game which had a conclusive end and forced a trilogy. Most people look at the trailers of 15 and see the potential for a trilogy and I'm sure there wouldn't have been any complaints.........I mean look at ff7 which by my guess you don't have a problem with.....even though everyone should.

Either way noruma is up to try it again with varum rex so it will most likely be a trilogy of kh games.

ohhhhhhh I better understand what you mean.

Well...if you put it that way, then sure it can be 3 games. With how bad that development turned out, he should just focus on getting 1 game out at a time before setting anything up to be a trilogy. I've only seen that done a few times tbh and even results are debatable ala Mass Effect.

Square loves remastering and remaking games, maybe one day some Directors cut with all that DVD shit is added in as actual game scenes and fit in to make real sense lol We've seen some wild shit in gaming and such a thing isn't really that far out there considering elements of it exist in some form.
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No Way What GIF

Bruh, XIII already got flak for getting a trilogy (especially since the first game had a conclusive ending, at least with X they set up a sequel at the very end), you want them to make the same mistake again? Not only would that piss people off who didn’t care for the first game, it could mean we’d have been waiting even longer for XVI. Hell, XV coming out took too long as it is, best to just move on from it already.

Tomb Raider isn’t even a valid comparison as its prior pre-reboot series had a bunch of installments, so shocker the reboot got further installments. Final Fantasy though was generally a new continuity each title, X was the first one to have a full main entry sequel (as in a proper main game follow up, before some clown mentions Dirge of Cerberus or some shit) and XIII went way overboard. I’d rather we go back to having a new FF title stand on its own. So for example, XVI should have a conclusive ending and that’s it, and then we move on to something new.
On mobile so I'll double post, it's thanks to 13 square was afraid of giving 15 a trilogy, I wish the positions were reversed and it was 13 that got the single entry. Looking at 7 remake they don't seem too afraid of giving FF games the trilogy treatment. Tomb raider has failed to meet expectations on every release so that's why I'm lost on the fact that 8t got a trilogy, heck it's even getting a 4th 1. 15 deserved a trilogy and it's a travesty that the lore and it's world are going to fade away into obscurity. 15 had the potential to be one of the top 5 entries into the series. Atleast they are letting noruma try again but this time keeping it well managed


smh. The gatekeeping is fucking strong with you bud. I'm 34 and I've been playing the series for decades, own many collections of it. So sir, its feasible for someone to have played those games during their releases, a fan of the series and disagree with your point, many MGS fans like MGSV, doesn't mean they never played the other titles, it might simply mean they like it lessor to the other MGS titles, but even if someone did like MGSV more then the rest, that is their view bud. You might have to fucking deal with that yourself man lol

yea...stopped reading right there though, I'm not wasting time with some gatekeeping thing that tries to force this idea that someone needs to prove to them an age or how many MGS titles they played for you to have a discussion with them.

So you don't speak for all MGS fans any more then me, my view is my own, your view is your own.

(ignored btw, I wouldn't want you wasting any energy with this if you are just going to keep up this weird tantrum cause I like a game lol)

Have a good one.

edit. for the lolz

At no point was it about gatekeeping btw.


Writes a lot, says very little
Still want this 😟

I mean, you don't even know what "this" even might be.

What if that person does the same shit as Luna.

That opening is just at night, you leave that date to fight mechs, they race out of the city with their car, it breaks down....

The game starts.

What if legit....thats it? So...I don't know what to say about all of this besides, we don't really know how any of that really was going to turn out, can someone not really look at the trailers of what FFXV is right now and imagine what they want from it? Lets say, as a hypothetical...what you see from FFXV right now, got delayed or something. All you saw was the trailers...you might say "i want this" not knowing how bad FFXV would turn out, so....how do you know this wasn't going to just be more of the same? This is the biggest issue I have with a lot of this btw as its not that I don't wonder myself what this would have turned out as, simply that if so much of the story was done poorly, its possible what ever was done before, was just as bad.

Why would I need a few scenes to fix 100 hours of a bad game?

So, I think you want what you thought "this" was going to be, if they ever do some directors cut in the future or remake, remaster etc and add all of that, for all we know it might be just as bad as FFXV turned out or something lol.

One day.


Gold Member
In my opinion Square didn’t leave a good lasting impression with the cast of XV. I don’t care to see them again. They sorta evolved and then disappeared. They marketed the game with camping gear and ramen noodles. It didn’t feel like Square-Enix made their cast all that exciting to see time and time again. I guess that’s how it goes with certain games, but Square didn’t make a long time fan happy considering they kept pushing this whole “fantasy game for new and old fans” vibe. I hate being so sour about it, but I had a better time with PS1/2 Final Fantasy. I felt like XV was way overhyped for what it was.
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