The steam rollout is fucked, online hasnt been; what's the final word on the netcode?
lol; what's the final word on the netcode?
lol; what's the final word on the netcode?『Inaba Resident』;160058893 said:Link?
Just tried using my Qanba and I feel like theres some input lag.
Curious to see what other people are saying.
For anyone that's looking to use their PS3 arcade sticks with the PS4 version of Mortal Kombat X...
You will need a PS4 controller (Dual Shock 4 or existing PS4 arcade stick) to authenticate and assign a profile to for the PS3 "legacy controller" to work.
If you want two PS3 arcade sticks to work, then you will need two PS4 controllers (DS4 or PS4 sticks) to use for the authentication progress. The controller used for authentication must be kept plugged in or charged (DS4). If the signal is disconnected then the PS3 controller will cease to operate within the game. One thing that may be an issue is that the PS4 only has 2 USB ports, so plan accordingly (powered hub etc).
MikeZ said:That's entirely up to MKX/NRS, it has nothing to do with devkit vs retail. A profile is not required for the driver, it is required by the GAME for savedata and trophies and things. The PS3 driver itself doesn't care about any profiles or anything at all besides which sticks are plugged in. (Though I would assume you don't need to keep the controller actually physically plugged in, just not dead, so the 2 USB ports isn't really an issue unless you're at low battery, and you can probably plug the DS4 into another USB port like your phone charger, for power. That's some sideways spin there, heh.)
SG does NOT work that way, as already shown on repeated Salty streams. SG keeps the profile that started the game always logged in, and that's the only profile it uses no matter which controllers you add or remove. You need a single DS4 to press one button and dismiss the "You plugged in a legacy controller, the Home button won't work" message that you get when plugging in a PS3 stick the first time - and we're trying to fix that, too! - but after that point you can disconnect the DS4 and play the game entirely with PS3 sticks until you turn it off. I even wrote special code where if the DS4 was in charge of the menus, when you unplug it the game finds the first PS3 stick and puts that one in charge, which is not how other console versions work.
[edit] Just checked with my phone charger, you can leave a DS4 connected to your PS4 and charge it that way. If you connect it to something else that recognizes it as a controller (like your PC, with DS4 drivers) then it will disconnect from the PS4.
MKX patch greatly reduced the amount of in game currency earned from SP stuff. Trying to pimp the $20 unlock dlc.
More bonehead shit, voting with my wallet.
Why don't you go fuck your selfie
jk I <3 u yams
can we do a FGW group viewing of the MK movie pls
So is this Street Fighter X Tekken Version 2015?
So is this Street Fighter X Tekken Version 2015?
So is this Street Fighter X Tekken Version 2015?
I have to know how Bryan is a mainstay is Tekken. If I had a fav Tekken character, it is him but no idea of his importance or whatever that gets him in every title. Is he just that popular?
Possible Tekken 7 graphical update. Game looks much better. Less vaseline on characters. lol
And there's more graphic updates still coming.![]()
If there's one thing I loved about SFxT; it was Capcom's interpretation of Bryan. That shit was wild and awesome. Were his aesthetic not marred by the neon vomit of the game's color tint, I'd have probably played SFxT just for him.
MKX patch greatly reduced the amount of in game currency earned from SP stuff. Trying to pimp the $20 unlock dlc.
More bonehead shit, voting with my wallet.
SFxT Jin <3
SFxT intro Devil Jin with glass shard wings and none of that horns claws crap <3
i still think SFXT jin's version of a projectile was a genius touch
What is next for them after this? Have they said? (besides extended support of SG)Beowulf hits all platforms Friday the 17th. 200lbs of steel and sex appeal.
I know it's rough right now, but there's no need to disrespect MKX like that.So is this Street Fighter X Tekken Version 2015?
In the event I don't get banned for quoting this, what happens if it's a female character?![]()
That will never get old.
That will never get old.
In the event I don't get banned for quoting this, what happens if it's a female character?
After Beo, its Robo Fortune and then PS4/Vita drops. I guess potentially 1 patch to address issues afterwards and SG support ends until further noticeWhat is next for them after this? Have they said? (besides extended support of SG)
That will never get old. Christ, people stop quoting it and stop talking about it and Sniper Elite, too.
Have they mentioned at all whether the Japanese arcade release is still in the works or dead? I was really curious about how it would end up performing in comparison to other fighting games.After Beo, its Robo Fortune and then PS4/Vita drops. I guess potentially 1 patch to address issues afterwards and SG support ends until further notice![]()
LZG hasnt said it officially but I think they might have some work on a new project (not a fighter).
Watching Aris get owned by lag in MKX online is hilarious.