Cosmo Clock 21
lol keep dreamingFGW is mad at me because they think I called them shallow.
lol keep dreamingFGW is mad at me because they think I called them shallow.
I'm afraid I'll lose it through a repair, not if I buy a new one. I'm never certain about these things, as they always phrase it like they'll "try" to save as much data as they can. And as easy as it may seem to just fix the trigger, they may just swap it for another unit without doing the transfer themselves or something.You don't lose your Mii Plaza progress if you do a System Transfer.
C'mon everyone lighten up, there's pancakes!
Because competitive smash fans are seriously the whiniest, most insufferable group of gamers I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing.
And I thought the Dota community was awful.
I'm afraid I'll lose it through a repair, not if I buy a new one. I'm never certain about these things, as they always phrase it like they'll "try" to save as much data as they can. And as easy as it may seem to just fix the trigger, they may just swap it for another unit without doing the transfer themselves or something.
This has been needing to be fixed for over a year now, just after my warranty expired. It only works after blowing hot air into it for more time than the trigger/bumper works for after doing so. 3DS build quality is so shit.
FGW is mad at me because they think I called them shallow.
Typical for a Viper player to not want to think and just go for the braindead approach.
Yeah, I fear we'll need all the buttons you got for Smash though, and I'd rather fix it before rather than after the game comes out.I have the same issue with my XL, and why is it that things always want to break right after the warranty has expired?
I am just hoping it will hang in there long enough for me to get some enjoyment out of Smash.
Am I the only one that thinks the 3DS version looks ugly as hell?
Am I the only one that thinks the 3DS version looks ugly as hell?
nah, shit looks jaggy as fuck. Low resolution aint helping either. Personally, I aint about that handheld fighting game life, though.
nah, shit looks jaggy as fuck. Low resolution aint helping either. Personally, I aint about that handheld fighting game life, though.
The 3DS version looks absolutely beautiful, considering any images/video of games running on 3DS always looks awful compared to how it is running on your actual device. Always. It's not a good idea to judge how anything looks on the 3DS through video/images exclusively.Am I the only one that thinks the 3DS version looks ugly as hell?
Also, can someone explain how they managed to separate the interpolation for Assist Trophies and controllable avatars? I'm a ditz when it comes to programming and I'd like to know if this is a common rendering approach.
I like the internet again.Typical for a Viper player to not want to think and just go for the braindead approach.
Typical for a Viper player to not want to think and just go for the braindead approach.
Viper in AE or Marvel
See this is the disconnect I'm having. Brawl for many people was a "shit" game exclusively from a competitive stand point. I'm not expecting Sakurai to go back what made melee the game it was or even acknowledge it in any capacity considering his attitude and statements when brawl was in development. I accepted this and Smash 4 will probably be Brawl 2 but for me Brawl was a "fun" game to play
The 3DS version looks absolutely beautiful, considering any images/video of games running on 3DS always looks awful compared to how it is running on your actual device. Always. It's not a good idea to judge how anything looks on the 3DS through video/images exclusively.
And yeah, things are often rendered/calculated at different speeds. For instance, Forza calculates physics 360 times per second, and though the game is running at 60fps, things like reflections in mirrors may run at 30fps to conserve memory.
Viper in AE or Marvel
They should've done that in MVC3 to be honest.If we ever get an MvC4, I hope they take a note from Smash 4 and are willing to re-work legacy characters with problem movesets. (Hi, Iron Man!)
Pat going into why it's not just about the top players in the FGC:
GAF gonna have to run Smash lobbies or some shit, because the online modes they showed looked pretty LOL.
I think Brawl is not all too great at being a "fun" game. It was sloppy put together, with little thought being put into stages/hazards, items, and characters. It was also a lot slower (my meathead brother can even tell the difference). "Fun" Melee > "fun" Brawl. The best thing Brawl had going for it was the music selection, though I still wish they were updating that feature more with the new one.
I've never really played a 3DS game, so I figured the game looked better with the 3D effect in tow? Or something?
Because no one seems to be talking about how the game looks, so I figured people were pleased with it.
Yey, Pat says neat things that people should read.
I think Brawl is not all too great at being a "fun" game. It was sloppy put together, with little thought being put into stages/hazards, items, and characters. It was also a lot slower (my meathead brother can even tell the difference). "Fun" Melee > "fun" Brawl. The best thing Brawl had going for it was the music selection, though I still wish they were updating that feature more with the new one.
Looking at video they've put out, the new SSB seems to have some combo capacity and looks faster / less floaty than Brawl, not to mention I see a more visible effort to balance stuff (e.g., recovery options that are too bad or exploitable). I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. It doesn't have to be a better game than Melee for it to be worthwhile.
I'm still disappointed, because I want a game that makes a huge leap towards the customization of stages/hazards and items (i.e., opening new styles of play, making items and hazard stages more "competitive"). That just seems like the obvious next place where the series should go and it could really benefit for that. It also needed a huge leap in how it hands online since the novelty of SSB online has long since died, but what we have now could be considered a step back in someways. The newest one looks a little unambitious despite the amount of potential it has. I'm guessing a large amount of energy was spent making a twin release on the 3DS and Wii U, two hardware that has been shown to be rather incompatible; I'm going to blame that on the comparatively lackluster feature growth.
EDIT: Something funny: Let's say there's a SSB tournament for the Wii U... and both players want to play with the gamepad.
Another thing, has it been confirned SSB for the 3DS will have local play?
That's fair.Pretty much how I feel. A lot of people don't like Brawl at a casual level, because it fundamentally isn't as fun to play for them. The game plainly feels imprecise and generally sloppy for me, so I couldn't even play it casually. The buffer system really kills it for me.
It's actually that same feeling that often makes me want to stop playing Marvel/SF4, completely. But then I'd have nothing at all to play.
Pat going into why it's not just about the top players in the FGC:
I missed this before, but good post.This is such a weird ass thing to say. Its one of those mantras the real hardcore gamers like to throw around, how they're all about "mechanics" and "gameplay" and aesthetics/presentation/content doesn't matter. Like they don't go hand and hand. Like Melee would have been 1/10th as popular as it was if it looked like completely shit and didn't have much content.
I mean I guess Smash 4 could turn out to play like shit, but then could every video game ever until you get your hands on it. God forbid people get excited about a visually interesting game that looks like it could be fun to play.
Forward compatibility for fight sticks? That's the one thing I'd love to hear from you.Working on something right now.
Stay tuned.
Megaman isn't in UMvC3.Well, its definitely a better homage because it has .EXE, the best Megaman. The SFxTK one is still awesome and super creative though. Although it isn't the same, Megaman's ending in UMvC3 did something similarly cool.
I missed this before, but good post.
Don't give me that shit.Zero is a Mega Man, technically.
Nova's ending iircMegaman isn't in UMvC3.
Idk it seemed like he was going somewhere with that but it dropped off after he started talking about Brazilian Jiujitsu
I re-read both posts, and I like his post still.It's not a good post. It's a false dichotomy that strawmans my position. It's less "you either appreciate aesthetics or you appreciate gameplay" and more "aesthetics can only take your appreciation of the material so far". Over the years as I've gotten older Nintendo's IPs simply don't hold the weight/charm they used to. It's obvious these aesthetics go farther for some of u than me. This is a case where they just don't matter as much to me as how the game plays.
FGC-GAF, please advise.
I'm crazy for King of Fighters 98. But I don't have a version of the game that I can play on any of my current machines yet.
I own a PS3, Vita, Wii U and 3DS. I haven't got access to my older Xbox original and PS2.
So I've know KOF 98 is available on the Wii Virtual Console that I'd play through the Wii U. Has anybody played KOF 98 (or any other Neo Geo fighting game) through the Wii Virtual Console on the Wii U?? If so how is it??
I have the Wii Classic Controller so I can use that to play it.
Or is there any other way to play KOF 98 on any of the above machines?
just get a 360, they're on the cheap now and the 98UM conversion is real nice. Garou and 02UM are on there too.
If you want online multiplayer then PC emulation is probably your best bet right now, while waiting on SNK to get their act together on Steam or whatever.
I re-read both posts, and I like his post still.
Also, everyone knows that Nintendo WiFi Connection ends next month, right? It's gonna be your last chance to get some Tatsunoko vs Capcom online battles done before the service ends.
GAF gonna have to run Smash lobbies or some shit, because the online modes they showed looked pretty LOL.
Dolphin to the rescue! Rotanibor has been tweeting about his experiments to get the game running smoothly online via Dolphin, so check that out.