She's just short.At least it's just size and weight in Street Fighter
In Guilty Gear Xrd, May is 24.
She's just short.At least it's just size and weight in Street Fighter
In Guilty Gear Xrd, May is 24.
Yes saying that the pc version always has less input delay than ps3 is not true but so is the opposite of that which is what you are saying. 30 percent of people in the steam survey have an amd card and 20 have an intel, so it is not too specific.
I personally have an amd and a 120hz monitor. This is a gaming enthousiast forum, i suspect a lot of people have a 120hz monitor.
no wrong!
Wanna play some quick games of USF4 on Steam?
..... who is that person then?
sure, whats your steam name
Similar post I made in Smash GAF thread, but:
Super sad, but I had to sell/am selling all my game stuff in order to help offset additional costs in my personal life. I'm saving up for a wedding/honeymoon come August, and so the game stuff had to go to help offset the cost we didn't see coming. Blah.
Will be missing out on everything this year for sure, and hopefully next year I can get a PS4 again for when SF5 hits.
Check your PMs.sure, whats your steam name
"Hey guys, I'd (and do) still move, not because I believe they're entitled to the rack - but because I like to be accommodating."
"Stop being an internet-toughguy-douchebag. You should acquiesce when someone on an internet forum threatens you with a IRL physical altercation. You have extra barbells - you're lying. And learn how to do calisthenics for your barbell curls. In fact, if you do calisthenics, you shouldn't even be in a gym, using weights at all. Barbell Squats >>> Barbell Curls. No, that's not a double standard. I don't care about your fitness goals."
Aight, had to get that off my chest I'm done for forealsies.
Oh, I do curl 185+ btw. Not that I think it should matter. But maybe that makes me less of a douchebag *shrug*
You're letting Lord Sirlin win
But out of that survey 50% have neither and would be unable to even make the setting less than the 360 version. Out of the 30 percent that have an AMD card, how many even use windowed vsync to achieve the affect? You can also make it so that you get more lag than the PS3 version. Of course that wouldn't be a good idea, but I wouldnt mention that either. It makes the most sense to say that it has the same amount of lag as the ps3/arcade version, because that's the setting that most people use and one that you dont have to dig around the internet and your gpu settings to adjust. You would have to specifically look for and use alternatives to achieve a different effect, that for the most part would actually be detrimental to your play if you play locally unless you have a very specific setup(crossfire or SLI) to get it identical to the 360 version and not less.
It's not like I didnt mention that getting less than the 360 version was possible, but by default saying that the input lag is similar to Arcade/PS3 makes by far the most sense.
At least it's just size and weight in Street Fighter
In Guilty Gear Xrd, May is 24.
That's weird.Actually it looks like these links don't work. They just take me to the skullheart front page.
Bruh are you seriously talking about curling in the squat rack. really
Read my post history and check the thread in question for proper context. Simplistic cultural norms bore me, as well as any hardliners that immovably adhere to them.
Not gonna do a private GAF lobby?Skullgirls Endless Beta lobby is up. Join Big Band's Baritone Brouhaha
Not gonna do a private GAF lobby?
Skullgirls Endless Beta lobby is up. Join Big Band's Baritone Brouhaha
That new Steam controller looks much better than the original prototype.
Well those friends should be able to invite their friends even if it's not their lobby, no?Can you invite friends of friends to a private lobby?
also this all play thing appears to not be working all that well
it's a matter of gym etiquette, you can curl anywhere. You can only squat in a squat/power rack.
I'll check your post history now.
edit: yeah context doesn't help, I don't agree with that shit AT ALL
pfft, that win was cuz he's a fuckin punk
sagat knocked his ass down and then got sucker punched
Well those friends should be able to invite their friends even if it's not their lobby, no?
I wonder if I should get skullgirls, but I think I already have it.
lol welp. I say give it another shot, but I just ceded the computer to my nephew. I'll be back on later.Maybe, I've never done lobby play like this before.
also my game just crashed, A++ would Beta again. Should I remake in not-beta?
At least it's just size and weight in Street Fighter
In Guilty Gear Xrd, May is 24.
You didn't read through the thread.
Even if I stated "Curling in the squat rack is okay as a maxim." - that's not the behavior on display in the thread and isn't what I've been acting on. I do it out of necessity.
You're just as bad as the people posting there.
You're basically saying the very image of a person curling in a squat rack would send you into a testosterone filled rage, regardless of whether or not you, or anyone else needed to squat in it.
That's pathetic.
Glad to hear it, because they're right. Did you think the fgw thread was refuge as you'd be amongst a bunch of dyel's who could just agree with you?
Dumbells are NOT a substitute for the straight bar and I don't ALWAYS want to work my biceps in isolation. So because I don't have another option, I should just avoid using straight bars all together because someone will have to wait a few minutes (which (mostly) I don't actually do, if you read the thread)?
That doesn't sound ridiculous to you?
I'll join that in a little bit,Splatoon is taking up my time lolOkay let's try this again.
Join this group then MSG for an invite to the lobby
edit: shit fuck you can't invite group members to a SG lobby, only friends. I'll just friend people I guess
curling of any kind is an isolation movement Squatting is a compound movement.
Dude, there really is no such thing as an "isolation movement" or exercise. Muscles work together to assist an agonist in various ways.
Just about any "Isolation movement" can be turned into a proper compound exercise with the right focus. Barbell curl also gets the core involved when you're lifting heavy.
Yeah, because I wanted to vent a bit and dead the conversation. I'm awestruck that this is so important that you actually needed to confront me here about it.
correct this dude on weight lifting brehs
have a giant fuckin' ego and never be wrong about nothing brehs
correct this dude on weight lifting brehs
have a giant fuckin' ego and never be wrong about nothing brehs
Hi, guys.
I have an old SF4 arcade stick and I just started getting into USF4 again. What are some other Steam games with online support (that people still play) in which I can use my stick?
How do you feel about animeHi, guys.
I have an old SF4 arcade stick and I just started getting into USF4 again. What are some other Steam games with online support (that people still play) in which I can use my stick?
Skullgirls and all the DLC are 80% off (not including the two free DLC characters). KOF XIII and MKX will also be on sale during the summer sale (or GMG/Amazon digital stores).Hi, guys.
I have an old SF4 arcade stick and I just started getting into USF4 again. What are some other Steam games with online support (that people still play) in which I can use my stick?