I know, it's a contradiction

, but with elaboration it will make sense, and it's completely based on my personal taste or pet peeves.
It's a fantastic game, but, besides Kafka, Cyan, Terra, Sabin, Blue Mage guy, Scar Guy, and Painter Girl, I actively dislike or don't care about every other character in the game.
I don't love any character in this game, besides Kafka, late-game Terra (after she becomes her own) and Painter Girl.
Can't stand Celes,
can't stand Locke, and the rest I don't care about, at all.
World of Ruin is indeed crazy ambitious and the execution is great.
But I
hate non-linear games, or in FF 6's case, non-linear sections in games.
The parts of the game where you play with multiple or different parties is great, specially for its time, but I fucking hate them.
I want to play with one party, and get attached to that one party.
So anyway, regardless of my personal taste or pet peeves, Final Fantasy 6
is fantastic, and one of the best in the series.