Is the game down for anyone else? Just got a lobby server error on launch...
I have to admit - I miss Final Coil. I don't get the same epic feeling from Alex just feels less interesting and special with a normal and Savage mode this way. I mean, I know why they did it but..yeah..
Doesn't help that the Alexander raid's story concerns a zone you just discovered and a character you just met, so it's not nearly as impacting as Coil's story?
I have to admit - I miss Final Coil. I don't get the same epic feeling from Alex just feels less interesting and special with a normal and Savage mode this way. I mean, I know why they did it but..yeah..
I wish they'd make story mode Coil you could go in and enjoy without assembling a competent group; but I guess that'd distract time and resources for a very questionable advantage.
Like I said before, there was no way Alexander was ever going to match FCoB due to the fact Coil had a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT more build-up to it than Alexander could have reasonably be given. Plus I mean its Bahamut who is default going to be more interesting to the players than any other Primal/Summon.
I also still think that echo and making the really tough raids easier over time is still way better than what they did with Normal and Savage mode now.
Well there are more than enough big possible threads for raids in the story. I really hope they go that way again. Heck the Knights part was very anticlimatic..could have been a new raid, too instead of just a dungeon and a final fight![]()
Bahamut wasn't really connected to ARR's MSQ was it? Thought that was all about the Garleans and junk, and Coil happens because we stumble upon Garleans investigating some Dalamud fragments.
I don't really see why.
Because Coil's story is connected to the main storyline, the only way Alexander could have compared is if at some point during the very development in the game they decided Alexander was going to be an central part to the entire story of Erozea like Bahamut is.
The only character who compares to Bahamut in regards to story is Generic adventuer/Warrior/Dragoon Hyur dude.
I think also its just first time experience sort of deal. i.e. First time you do coil is an amazing experience. But if they made another like it in the same way with everything you liked about coil, it simply wouldn't feel that same cause you've 'done' it before.
I don't see how a whole raid of fighting similar looking knights would be better. Like people already complain that the alexander bosses look too similar.
I dunno I quite enjoyed being called a filthy rat.I don't see how a whole raid of fighting similar looking knights would be better. Like people already complain that the alexander bosses look too similar.
Time turning up the volumeSo we can get more quality lines like "sickness must be purged" instead of "beep boop/pshkooh fire gobbiebomb."
I finally hit lvl50 for the first time last night (DRG).
It's nuts how much of a jump it is. I did the job quest and went straight from being equipped with a set iLvl45 gear to iLvl90, then went and bought some iLvl115 stuff in the marketplace to round out the build without destroying the sexy look. The takeaway is that in the space of 10 minutes my HP and damage output basically doubled. The last few MSQ missions are sure to be an absolute breeze.
I dunno I quite enjoyed being called a filthy rat.
Time turning up the volume
Time turning on us always
No time enough to wallow
For turning back to where we began
Is quality.
Bahamut wasn't really connected to ARR's MSQ was it? Thought that was all about the Garleans and junk, and Coil happens because we stumble upon Garleans investigating some Dalamud fragments.
BEGONE WITH YOUQuality is BGM set to 0.
Though A4 music is great.
Quality is BGM set to 0.
Though A4 music is great.
But that ass, those muscles...Waterman is the absolute worst.
It's directly related to the story of 1.x and why ARR is even a thing in-universe. It's more the conclusion of the 1.x story than related to the 2.x story, I suppose you'd say.[/IM][/QUOTE]
Something we can agree on.
True dat.Mide is better than Alisae.
Which is great for the 10 people that stuck with 1.0, but Coil still does a good job of creating curiosity for 2.0 players despite barely having presence in the 2.x MSQ, at least it did for me.
True dat.
Wonder twins are vastly over-rated.
Yet alone the feeling of actually beating it in the end..I also still think that echo and making the really tough raids easier over time is still way better than what they did with Normal and Savage mode now.
Are there going to be any quests associated with the fair thingy or is it pretty much done when you buy all the outfits?
Alright, thanks. Are all the seasonal events like this or are some more in depth?It's all about buying the items. So 30 tokens get you all you need and then it's over.
Quality is BGM set to 0.
Though A4 music is great.
You'd have to be considering individually they don't amount to the dung lalafells leave behind after using the bathroom.Nobody's talking about twins.
Nah! Alexander A1-A3 bosses music is SO GOOD.
In fact, except the original Answers and the Nael theme, Coil music was boring as fuck. Basically all remixes of the same theme.
I quite like Alex, but it may be because, as a FFXI player, I love Goblins.
You'd have to be considering individually they don't amount to the dung lalafells leave behind after using the bathroom.
Nah! Alexander A1-A3 bosses music is SO GOOD.
In fact, except the original Answers and the Nael theme, Coil music was boring as fuck. Basically all remixes of the same theme or the boring Twintania music (wasn't the same as the Ascian fight in 2.0?).
I quite like Alex, but it may be because, as a FFXI player, I love Goblins.
As if a soul-less Au-ra has anyplace to talk.I knew lalafells' overinflated sense of self-importance was involved.
You don't like this song?
Also as a FFXI player you should hate Goblins and the hours spent in the jungle exping off them.
No ways, man. Coil had one of the best tracks in the game I reckon.
Alright, thanks. Are all the seasonal events like this or are some more in depth?