Anyone still playing bard out there have some tips on maintaining ~1000 dps?
Like, on a specific fight or...?
Anyone still playing bard out there have some tips on maintaining ~1000 dps?
Is it safe to upgrade to Windows 10, guys? I use my PC mostly for internet-y things and occasionally Final Fantasy XIV nowadays... But my main platform is still PS4.
Like, on a specific fight or...?
A3 Savage.
A3 Savage. Follow Smoker-senpai to victory. (Literally the only bard a3s thing I've encountered on the webz)
Got a great piece of advice from another FC member, he said "just let them die." Oh I will, I will.
I love that I can chat with fellow gaffers now, while I play, thanks to the FC.
Woah lancers are so much more enjoyable than the archers. Sorry my fellow archers, I'm switching over
Ordered my game from amazon! Can't wait to start playing with some of you people.
Is it safe to upgrade to Windows 10, guys? I use my PC mostly for internet-y things and occasionally Final Fantasy XIV nowadays... But my main platform is still PS4.
Had a similar experience yesterday since i recently started getting some practice in with DRK. With the added bonus of them being a MCH and using that oh so lovely knockback skill.Got a great piece of advice from another FC member, he said "just let them die." Oh I will, I will.
i bought 99 aether tickets with my hunt seals. no regrets.
Yeah, like Neverreap. Oh.
Check ur PM.
How do you unlock the various other Duty Roulettes I've seen? I've only got Guildhests and Leveling right now. Do they just unlock as you go along then?
Clear all the dungeons and you'll naturally open them up. High Level opens at 50 and EXDR at 60. Main Scenario when you clear those Story instances.
You basically can't do a roulette until you've cleared all the dungeons in the roulette's rotation once.
Having a good time on my warrior and close to hitting lvl 50. I still have a lot of story quests to tackle though. If I don't buy Heavensward now, will all that xp be lost?
Having a good time on my warrior and close to hitting lvl 50. I still have a lot of story quests to tackle though. If I don't buy Heavensward now, will all that xp be lost?
So thinking of getting back into this, but I seem to have lost access to my account. Trying to reset the password my go-to security question isn't working so i guess I have to contact support. Anybody have experience with sqeenix support? Should I try harder to access the account or will their support reliably get it back to me within a few days?
Also some other random thoughts if anyone feels like answering: Whats a good site for learning the class dynamics for someone just coming back having never played Heavensward with an interest in endgame? I've always raided in WoW and if this game grabs me again that's what I'll be interested in. Is Blue Gartr still the best place for discussion?
How did DRK turn out? I did play PLD near release and enjoyed tanking. Probably going to level WAR first to sort of restart but probably will level all three.
Almost powerleveled my Alchemist to 50, honestly, I only want this class for STR potions to feed my MNK, you guys think leveling the class a bit higher and just using story/shop gear at higher level would be able to do that?
The new potions are way too costly and tedious to make. Oh and you only make one for all of your troubles.
Anyone know when Ruin 3 is useful? That mp cost is ewwew.
Where can I find the whole set of those?
Where can I find the whole set of those?
So I've been thinking about transferring to Ultros, but I'm not sure how much I'll like it on that server. Progression raiding is really the main draw for my decision. Most of the big name end game players on my server (Famfrit) left recently because the community has been dying since 2.5, and now a large part of my FC is making the move as well.
I was just wondering how lively the raiding community is on Ultros. How hard do you think it would be for an MNK that's in A3 savage to find a group at the same level?
There are very few groups on Ultros that are on A3 savage. You should be looking at the Gilgamesh server.
Collectables have invalidated leve's for crafting as far as I'm concerned. I made it from 50 to 52 in under an hour not counting gathering mats for agate rings on miner
52 paladin, 50 dark knight. The decision I've been waiting to make is upon me.
Collectibles aren't timegated but you need a lot more turn-ins which gets insane with how many raw mats any post-50 craft requires.
Welp, onto the A3 pain train finally! XD
Leves still award useful items though like bullion cube or ingots.
I've been playing my SCH who is only 2 ilvls behind my 187 AST and I've come to this horrible realization that healing as a SCH is so much easier than as a AST and I'm expecting the same when I get my WHM from 50 to 60 as well.
Fuck you Yoshi make AST's heals better.
if I didn't already suspect you were cropping hentai fan art for your avatars, this one has convinced me.