I absolutely LOVED the story. The areas were great, hinterlands is by favourite area. I also loved how in Azys Lla, you go through the area slowly, unlocking one current at a time until you see Tiamat (;_

and then you get to ride fucking MIDGARDSORMR.
I loved the final dungeon, so Coilish and that boss that turns into different Coil bosses. Didn't have too much trouble, only wiped twice, once because of concentrating on the node instead of the adds for the first of the two nodes that spawns adds. And once because of one of the guys with us forgot the name of an attack so we didn't get into orbs to avoid it.
And the final trial, fucking Knights of the Round. That was amazing, I want a hard mode, it was awesome.
Also ;_; Estinien has turned into... Nidhogg?
I loved seeing Aymeric talk with Midgardsormr, promising to bring peace between man and dragon. It's nice to see Ishgard part of the Alliance again.
And then that scene on the MOON. The Warrior of Darkness... the guy from the trailers.

This will be interesting.
Also LOL @ Cid's reaction when Alexander wakes up. Looking forward to seeing Alexander.
So interested in where they go with the story. We still need to find the rest of the Scions, The Garleans are still out there. The Ascians. Nidhogg and of course the Warrior of Darkness.