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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| Raiders of the Void Ark


Just started this game the other day (on Ultros) and I already played like 15 hours, definitely didn't expect to enjoy it so much.
I'm a gladiator 18/marauder 13 right now, so probably aiming for Warrior if I understood the whole jobs thing right.

Sad thing is the expansion literally obliterates the main game in terms of story. It's on a completely different level.


Fought Ravana - that BGM! Took several tries to figure out what to do, but it went pretty smoothly once the party figured it out.
I've been going back and forth about doing the sidequests - ordinarily I'd want to set them aside for alts, but since some are required for unlocking flight, or give gear, I've been doing them on my main. Should I just do all of them as they come? Or is MSQ mostly enough, and I should leave the not-flight ones for alt classes? Partly I'm unsure because I don't know if flight quests are locked behind plain ones. And honestly can't remember the significance of the quests that have pictures versus those that don't. That's what happens you fall out of the levelling routine and get thrust back into it.


Suffering From Success
Fought Ravana - that BGM! Took several tries to figure out what to do, but it went pretty smoothly once the party figured it out.
I've been going back and forth about doing the sidequests - ordinarily I'd want to set them aside for alts, but since some are required for unlocking flight, or give gear, I've been doing them on my main. Should I just do all of them as they come? Or is MSQ mostly enough, and I should leave the not-flight ones for alt classes? Partly I'm unsure because I don't know if flight quests are locked behind plain ones. And honestly can't remember the significance of the quests that have pictures versus those that don't. That's what happens you fall out of the levelling routine and get thrust back into it.

If you're not a tank or a healer, do not skip sidequests, they will not be enough.


So, I'm at the place where
We're meeting with the admiral in Limsa. I see they covered the reasons for some of the dialogue during the post 2.55 story (why we can move around, some of the dialogue saying the Sultana was ill, etc). Nice touch there.

Also plenty of voiced scenes so far which I'm enjoying.


Fought Ravana yesterday and really enjoyed the fight! Had a good party and downed him on the first try although we had to fight him with only 6 people in the 2nd half of the fight. Really looking forward to fighting his Extreme Mode! :)


Played for five hours straight yesterday (well, played for three hours and spent two more watching those 2.55 ending cut scenes). Wow, Ishgard is amazing. All I've explored is the city, but the music is beautiful and the cold-weather "northernness" really makes for some good atmosphere.

All these basic quests handing out 48,000 experience points means that I'm two thirds of the way to level 51 while only having fought a handful of monsters (one very tough FATE right outside the city, mostly).

Found the Machinist job headquarters -- it's in a building that I could swear was unlit and unmarked until I visited -- but not the other two yet. Which one has shorter queues when leveling 30-50? I was getting the usual long DPS queues while waiting to get into regular dungeons, but got in instantly when, immediately upon logging in and wanting to just run an easy dungeon to get back into the swing of things, I signed up for low level roulette as a Scholar. (Went from level 38 to 39, consuming most of my maxed-out rest bonus. And Cutter's Cry is a low level dungeon now!?)

Question for fellow lore buffs, particularly those who played 1.0: Ishgard City has been completely sealed off from the southern cities since the Calamity, right? They've been at war with the dragons for a millennium? Have they, in general (or totally) kept outsiders away for all this time? The elites have been travelling around, and it sounds like merchants get in and out, too.

I'm pretty pumped to meet these Mongolian-named and medieval-Japanese-named people up here. It's unreal how good this game's lore is.

(Edit: question about /playtime: does it include the beta? Because I have the ridiculous total of 24 days, or 576 hours, which is five times as long as I've ever spent playing any game. I know that with long DPS queues I've had multi-hour periods where I've been logged in but haven't been playing, but surely this clock started back in 2013 with the weekend beta testing... right?)


And now I've done the
Halatali story instance to save our old one armed friend. That was probably the best solo story instance I've done. Really really enjoyed it.

Really enjoying the story so far though even though I'm early on in the expansion content.


Man, I need some sleep.
Astrologian card mechanic makes my head spins when reading all the quick information but it sounds the most fun.
And Levia the trainer looks like my character...coincidence?


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Is there a way to have Japanese and english in-game text on at the same time? Like if you want to make it a bit more educational and try and improve your Japanese?

There isn't, but the JP and EN scripts are really dissimilar. Serious localization going on.


Suffering From Success
Last zone is so damn cool.
It's like going to Xen at the end of Half-Life.
Further enhanced for anyone who spent a sizable amount of time in Coil.


Sad thing is the expansion literally obliterates the main game in terms of story. It's on a completely different level.

I really hope so, because I spent like 5 hours today finding stuff to cater a banquet to prove my worth of fighting Titan. I must of ran up and down Eastern La Noscea 10 times just going back and forth from random spot then back to town. There is so much of "go talk to NPC A, then right next door is NPC B, then go back to NPC A, now go to NPC C, now go back to NPC A, finally go talk to NPC D. Now turn in the quest at NPC A again."


I just did the first dungeon for HW last night and while it was easy the atmosphere was great and the texts which add story and flavor to the dungeon were super spooky. I actually thought it was better than Tam Tara HM in that regard. Can't wait for more!


I just did the first dungeon for HW last night and while it was easy the atmosphere was great and the texts which add story and flavor to the dungeon were super spooky. I actually thought it was better than Tam Tara HM in that regard. Can't wait for more!


There's even better things coming up


any way to untie my account from my PS4? I messed my EU and US accounts and would like to change my SE account, but I can't change it in the launcher :/
I'm having some trouble with the Main Quest. I'm stuck at some 2.55 quest called The Least Among Us - specifically, after I've completed it. I have it in the Completed log.

Problem is, I don't know where to go next. Every wikia says Minfilia, but she doesn't have anything for me. The guest mentions Alphinaud, but I don't know where he might be.

You need to finish Tataru's quest line - she's the little Lalafell secretary that wanted to be more involved with the actual field-work of the Scions. That will allow you to continue the story.


I really like it. It plays a lot like whm. But you can do card buffs and depending on stance he shields or regen on some spells.

I found I had to make a separate solo/dps bar because there are a few situational skills that I don't want off my main bar.

Thanks a lot I think I may try ast first, I love my whm; however, I would love to try something new!


Hmm...why does this game's update speed is so slow? I'm having 0.6-0.7 mpbs, while the normal download speed on my ps4 is about 7 mpbs. Any ideas guys?


So, as far as those of you who think the story is great...

it gets better.

Nice, I'm getting screwed with IRL plans this weekend so not as far as I hoped, but so far I love it. I just saw
which I know is probably so early on that I don't even know what I'm dealing with yet...

Also wanted to mention I can't get enough of the new music.


Sad thing is the expansion literally obliterates the main game in terms of story. It's on a completely different level.
I agree infact I find the Uldah continuation story to be much weaker than the Heavensward stuff. The Uldah stuff so far feels a bit rushed and thrown together but I'm only half way through it.


I've only completed the first dungeon of Heavensward and gotten to 52. I've been working a convention this weekend so the early access I got was pretty much unusable for me.

I know that no one is quite there yet, but if anyone anywhere gets to the credits can anyone take a screenshot of the English cast list? I'm under the impression they outsourced all the new cast. I'm super interested in who is playing who so I can pin point location and studio. Many of the old voice actors are still promoting Heavensward on social media, having no idea they were even replaced (which leads me to believe most of them recorded their lines initially a couple months ago), and it's really kinda sad/messed up.

As for the story, I'm having a hard time paying attention, way too focused on the character changes presented. So far it's going places I didn't expect, but not sure if I like it. I feel like I'm too early in to really judge. Though it does seem to be pretty fast-paced...


I've only completed the first dungeon of Heavensward and gotten to 52. I've been working a convention this weekend so the early access I got was pretty much unusable for me.

I know that no one is quite there yet, but if anyone anywhere gets to the credits can anyone take a screenshot of the English cast list? I'm under the impression they outsourced all the new cast. I'm super interested in who is playing who so I can pin point location and studio. Many of the old voice actors are still promoting Heavensward on social media, having no idea they were even replaced (which leads me to believe most of them recorded their lines initially a couple months ago), and it's really kinda sad/messed up.

As for the story, I'm having a hard time paying attention, way too focused on the character changes presented. So far it's going places I didn't expect, but not sure if I like it. I feel like I'm too early in to really judge. Though it does seem to be pretty fast-paced...
Really who? That's really terrible if true.

EDIT: I also got to the first dungeon last night. So far I'm really loving Heavensward and the story so far. Still liking some of the newer voices but I'm incredibly sad that they also replaced Urianger's voice. Gideon Emery was great :(
Ilberd's voice is drastically different from the one in ARR. I mean I guess it makes sense that he has the same accent as Raubauhn since they grew up together but it sounds so...off.


Really who? That's really terrible if true.

Just as a precaution gonna spoil some of these as I have no idea if they appear in Main Scenario or not.

I saw Taliesin Jaffe (who plays Thancred) post about it on his personal Facebook, but promptly delete it once it was pointed out.

Sam Riegel (who plays Alphinaud) didn't seem to have any idea based on his Twitter conversation with a few fans. Ever since he seemed to realize... tweets about FFXIV have been silent.

There's a few others but I wanna make sure to post sources, and I gotta get out of the door like five minutes ago. The last thing I wanna do is spread misinformation. I think most of the VOs don't realize cause they were just at E3 promoting new projects.


Just reached 57, time to sleep.
In other news, the grind past 55 is real. Did all the quests for my level and I still had to run the third dungeon like 5-6 times for 56-57. At least I'll go to the new area now, which means new quests and hopefully a new dungeon.
I can totally see why lv 58 might be the worst grind-wise.

Me right now:
holy crap at the side quests, especially those hide&seek bullshit, jesus christ
With the
? Yeah, those were the worst thing in this expansion so far. So many in a row and those which required flying were extremely irritating.


Only thing which I don't get about the complaints regarding the story requirements is that 2.x had the same rule for extreme primals, raids and dungeons in all big patches. Even if you didn't care for the story, you'd have to clear most of it anyway.

And let's be honest, flying aside (which is a pain to unlock anyway), content wise this expansion is a huge patch with new areas and classes, so if someone didn't care for the story and haven't enjoyed the game enough to keep playing, Heavensward probably won't change that.


all my fc mates are sick of the goddamn moogles lol

The moogles are great! I'd rather
their quests for trustiness than spending hours getting fucking wine and cheese for a meal where it turns out "we were totally testing and preparing you all along, honest!"

Plus they are totes adorbs.


coeurlgina is the coeurl chase boys chase coeurl fate right? i heard it only happens on umbral static weather?
already did darkscale, his white dragon opponent's solo fate and dzu yeti out of the fates that have achievements
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