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Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward |OT| Raiders of the Void Ark


Yeah, that sounds about right. I didn't realise I had to actually redeem the Steam key to be honest, assumed it just kind of... merged with the account you logged in with.

I mean, I guess if I did redeem the Steam key it would make a new service account and not include my characters and Veteran rewards etc.

Correct, redeeming the Steam key would be a whole new service account, even if it's on the same FFXIV username. I would recommend giving this key to one of your buddies or something as you basically have a spare copy of the game.

Although, just so we're clear, please log into the MogStation and confirm that you don't have the option to pay with Steam Wallet. Just to be sure before you buy anything else.

That must be it. My screw up for sure, I just assumed stuff that I shouldn't I guess.

And this is precisely the reason why I ask to you confirm on the MogStation, so we're not making any assumptions.
How long does it usually take the GAF guild to respond to application? I've submitted my application, but just wondering. Keep seeing other GAF people roaming around XD
Correct, redeeming the Steam key would be a whole new service account, even if it's on the same FFXIV username. I would recommend giving this key to one of your buddies or something as you basically have a spare copy of the game.

Although, just so we're clear, please log into the MogStation and confirm that you don't have the option to pay with Steam Wallet. Just to be sure before you buy anything else.

And this is precisely the reason why I ask to you confirm on the MogStation, so we're not making any assumptions.

Yeah, thanks for the help. Already requested the refund and just redeemed my GMG key on Mogstation so everything is cool. Saved over £10 as well so worked out in the end :)


Yeah, thanks for the help. Already requested the refund and just redeemed my GMG key on Mogstation so everything is cool. Saved over £10 as well so worked out in the end :)

I'm surprised you can even request a refund for this game. o_O; But if it all works out, then cool!


How long does it usually take the GAF guild to respond to application? I've submitted my application, but just wondering. Keep seeing other GAF people roaming around XD
Did you make it clear in your application that you're from here? They're only accepting GAF applications right now.
Define good.

People that I'd feel comfortable with being a part of my static. Unfortunately right now there are very few of those if any that are interested in raiding and that I think would be good enough. That involves knowing your class, being able to adapt to mechanics, being able to accept constructive criticism, a desire to consistently improve, dedication to clearing content and putting in the necessary prep time to do so etc. etc.

Finding that kind of person in GAF right now is pretty difficult because most if not all are already part of a raid group. I keep waiting to see the next new people joining GAF that I think would slot into a raid group handily.


By the way, if anyone thinks they fit the above description do hit me up. Like Red posted, we are looking to fill a spot currently for a melee or SMN.

Invite me to a dungeon some time and we can see how it goes from there.


Finally got to 43 with my machinist. There are people who do DD at level 44 to take them to 50. Is that recommended over fates?


So as someone who got to lvl 50 in about a month and a half and played casually for another two weeks (this was more than a year ago, I got pretty close to the end of the main story at that time, I think...), am I right in thinking I couldn't just pick this up and carry on through to the new content? I was only at iLvl 70 or something, I reckon.

On the one hand, that seems like a bizarre restriction on lapsed players who might otherwise pick up the game. It's a big barrier to reentry. On the other, I actually have huge respect for the fact that such a decision would respect all of the time and effort more hardcore players made to progress in the end-game rather than wiping all of that away in the rush for lapsed-player dollars.

It's just a shame that it appears like I'd miss out, as I don't really 'do' grinding, I just explore, do quests, do dungeons (once), and level to max. That's it. That's my MMO experience.

If I'm wrong, please correct me, FFXIV was one of my favourite games of the last few years from 1-50 and through to the end of the story. I'd love to pick it back up if I could immediately move into new zones.


Unconfirmed Member
If I'm wrong, please correct me, FFXIV was one of my favourite games of the last few years from 1-50 and through to the end of the story.

You'd have to go through the patch 2.1-2.5 story and do a few dungeons and trials along the way (and a whole bunch of fetch quests if I'm going to be honest) but the quests give you the gear you need and after that you go into HW stuff. You don't have to go through the same dungeon multiple times or anything, and none of the dungeons/trials were there at 2.0 launch.

RIP in peace.


New toys.



So the tooltip on DRK's level 58 Sole Survivor is completely wrong the ability isn't half bad. You mark an enemy nd if you kill them within the 15 seconds you get 20% health and mp back. Seems like you do more damage to the marked target cant really tell yet going to run some tests in the morning.


I've been a lurker for a real long time and I've had an awesome time with DestinyGAF... I'm starting to think I should tell my friend we're moving over from Balmung. You may be hearing from us.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm a ninja now it's totally sweet.

Mudras and shit!


50 to 60 on a second (or beyond) DoW or DoM is going to be kind of rotten for now, especially with the state of FATEs in the expansion.


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Staff Member
50 to 60 on a second (or beyond) DoW or DoM is going to be kind of rotten for now, especially with the state of FATEs in the expansion.

Dutty roulettes.

Only with that from 52+ is 1 level every 2 days.

Yesterday with High + Low + Trial + Guildleve (No time for Main story) was 1.5m exp (level 57)


Dutty roulettes.

Only with that from 52+ is 1 level every 2 days.

Yesterday with High + Low + Trial + Guildleve (No time for Main story) was 1.5m exp (level 57)

I guess going from PLD (near insta queues) with all the quests available to NIN (miserable queues) with no quests... it's pretty jarring. Without consistent FATE groups to kill time in between the queues, what can I do? Grind mobs? The daily hunts only take a short while.

Granted, credits are rolling now so I don't really know if things change after the main scenario is finished.

Edit: I guess leves are one thing I could waste time with.
So I downloaded the trial version of ARR, and I'm looking at my options to buy the full version of the game and I'm a little puzzled.

If I go to buy the ARR and Heavensward bundle, it says it's not available for purchase because I already purchased ARR (I only have the trial version). But then if I wanted to buy Heavensward I can't, because I haven't purchased ARR. What????

It will let me buy ARR standalone for $20. Is that my only option? Then upgrade to Heavensward at some point?

This seems needlessly complicated. It's 2015.


I didn't resub this month, but the expansion has been tempting me to come back already... lol.

What new spells/abilities did WHM get? Anything interesting/fun?

Not sure about the level 60 skill (think it's a stronger heal?) but besides that:

Level 52: Asylum - a ground targeted move that creates a barrier that heals those inside it over time. (A fancy looking HoT basically, it's a nice skill though)

Level 54: Stone 3. Stronger Stone, doesn't cost that much more mp than Stone 2 so I imagine people will use this for DPSing more than they will Stone 2.

Level 56: Assize: a 3 tiered self targeted spell (I think it's self targeted anyway?). It does 3 things, 1. Hurts enemies, 2. Heals self and nearby party members, 3. Restores 10% of your MP. It's a really nice skill.

Level 58: Aero 3, an AoE version of Aero basically. (My partner in crime who I'm taking this info off of hasn't gotten to 58/got the skill yet so no idea how good/powerful it is. Just know it's an AoE version of Aero)


Looking to re-up and my account is eligible for recruit-a-friend, anyone have a code I can use? I'm good for at least a 30 day sub.
One thing I've enjoyed on the way to 60 is BLM as seeing my crits get bigger and bigger, lol. Just a million shy of 60, can't wait for Fire IV and that new rotation.


Even in Heavensward, AV is a pit of misery and despair.

WTB another viable way to get from 47-51.

(also WTB Second Wind equivalent for MCH.)


One thing I've enjoyed on the way to 60 is BLM as seeing my crits get bigger and bigger, lol. Just a million shy of 60, can't wait for Fire IV and that new rotation.
Highest crit I've had is 5k flare with raging strikes, hq xpot and echo (can't remember 10 or 15%) in t13
I can see us getting 7-8k now

Even in Heavensward, AV is a pit of misery and despair.

WTB another viable way to get from 47-51.

(also WTB Second Wind equivalent for MCH.)

AV? Aurum vale? Why are you even doing that? Just go do north thanalan fates, or 1st room dzemael darkhold spam
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