laughing my ass off right now
doing a trial and me and the other dragoon are racing to get the lb3. we keep missing and get interrupted since the target kept moving around so much
eventually the bard is like fuck it and he gets the lb3 off
this extremely bitter person sounds like a dope individual
Not really. I can visually see what is happening.
I'm thinking about going all-in on CUL for my first crafter to take through the ringer. It's what I focused on most in ARR, and I just like the CUL AF gear that much.
We're famous, people.I know most people here knew this was a 'thing', but I just came across this today.
...Not everyone from that FC is a window licker...
I stopped at 445/450 esoterics for the week.oh well.
They really need to add more dungeons to exdr because I hate doing pvp as a member of the immortal lames.
Visually see me being a bad. I don't mind, I'm not very good at progression. Once I've cleared it enough, then I can pretend to be good at it.
I've been BRD pretty much since day 1, but when I started the expansion's job quests I began to like it less. I decided to try one of the new jobs, Astrologian. I figure if my DPS is going to be casting stuff, I might as well try a class where it actually makes sense to cast stuff. So, I made one. Then I DF'ed a dungeon, and got yelled at for not casting protect on everyone. I felt pretty embarrassed. That's what the healer always does, right? That's a thing. I know that's a thing.
I decided to go level up some other classes to get "a few" cross class skills before leveling up my Astrologian. Well, instead of leveling up my AST, I ended up getting BLM, WHM, and SCH/SMN. I had a really great time learning the different rotations and trying out different classes. So, now I have four jobs at level 30 and I'm not sure who I want to get to 60 first. I like them all so much.
I tried going back to the story with my BRD, and I just feel gross. The rotation is boring, and it's not nearly as exciting. I'm really glad I expanded my horizons, even it did make me even more bored with BRD.
I also decided to try all the DoH and DoL classes this week. Before I only really invested time in an ALC and GSM. I'm really enjoying that as well. I think fishing might take a while to grow on me. I'm really excited about running around cutting trees though.
what data server are you on? we tend to do pretty ok here on Aether.
I tried going back to the story with my BRD, and I just feel gross. The rotation is boring, and it's not nearly as exciting. I'm really glad I expanded my horizons, even it did make me even more bored with BRD.
Seems they doubled the drops on Alex. From 2 items per floor to 4. Should make farming for specific pieces a lot easier.
Glad I gave up early on one of the last 3 items I still need yesterday.・The total number of items awarded from treasure coffers in Alexander: Gordias has been increased from 2 to 4.
Quadruple Bolt HYPE
For shame, this was always hilarious when it happened. Had a couple of matches where a random Adder would spawn in the Flames camp and be harassed for the first two minutes of the game.・An issue in Seal Rock (Seize) wherein a player would sometimes be placed in the starting area of a rival Grand Company.
Any scholars thinking of going for eso chest before eso book? I don't like losing 83 crit from the hive codex and I'm still on i180 chest and not close to getting the alex normal one.
it's not like I'm going to try Alex Savage any time soon
Going for chest piece this week since it'll be a bit of time before I can even get into Alex savage.
Why though? Whether it's for Savage or whatever else you're doing, Weapon will almost always be better then any other piece for any content. Except maybe for a healer depending on substats? I haven't looked at substats on their weapons.
You know drops don't really matter for Rav EX in the end? Farm it 10 times and you get your Codex no matter what via the tokens.
And for SCH it's a tough choice I think, cause the SCH weapons are both garbage secondaries compared to Hive, but that weapon damage does have a solid effect on consistency of heals and is a bigger damage increase and ultimately the crit on the hive codex is probably 1% crit or less(not sure what the values are but I assume it's around that). I would probably still get the book.
Because weapons lock you down into one job. Or people don't care to do max DPS on content they can comfortably clear. Or maybe they're waiting for the new relic weapon lines. Glamour is a good reason too.
All the ESO left side gear locks you down into one job though.
I know, but I am pretty sure I will get the Eso for the book before 10 Ravana Ex clears. So the dilemma is still real in regards to efficiency gearing vs stats.
Oh, right, I forgot that Eso is AF.Oh yeah (I blame Hasemo). Well, the rest of my points still stand.
now i know why docbon likes WAR so much
Fell Cleavage
Oh yeah (I blame Hasemo). Well, the rest of my points still stand.
The only one that makes sense is glamour or wanting to wait a long long time for relic.
Not wanting to do max DPS? That's fine. No one is saying a weapon will give you that, but if you follow that line of thought - why bother with any equipment. The whole point of equipment is to progress your character to do content better or faster, no matter the type of content or level of player. And if weapon gives the biggest benefit, makes no sense not to take it unless the first 2 reasons above.
Taking any of the other equipment still makes you do content better or faster, theoretically.
Which goes back to my original point: yeah, the weapon might give the biggest benefit as a single purchase but does a casual player really care that they're x% more efficient for talking that than if they took the chest?
But again, following that logic, why would the casual player care about any gear then?
The real answer to why someone would pick another piece is just impatience. They want pretty new gear now then next week.
Gaf, need some help. I unlocked the Paladin class which I will use for tanking.
I equiped my paladin crystal but nothing changed.
Should I notice anything different stats wise or actions when I equip the crystal?
My warrior actions are the exact same.