Lalas should be crafting mats, not warriors of light.Lala race is best race.
They already areLalas should be crafting mats, not warriors of light.
Countdown to Stormblood from FF14 art team~
Lalas should be crafting mats, not warriors of light.
Countdown to Stormblood from FF14 art team~
oh we do that too.
Why do you think Lallafels likeare the richest people in this game ?Lolorito
Lala race is best race.
unrealistic the hair isn't clipping through clothingCountdown to Stormblood from FF14 art team~
Lala race is best race.
Fates should now give you seals. Also not sure if you have to rank up before you unlock turn ins, but the gc npc next to the gc vendor takes in colored dungeon gear and pays out in gc seals. He also has a list of crafted and gathered stuff that he wants and will pay you with xp and seals if you turn it in to him.Day 4: played some FFXIV before work today and got to level 25. Joined a Grand Company and started working on doing GC Leves to get my first mount woo!
How else can I get Grand Company currency (forget what they're called)? Cause I ran out out Leve allowances.
Also, is there no Controller Sensitivity (not turn speed or camera speed) option on the PS4 version to adjust deadzone? It's a setting in the PC version but for the life of my i couldn't find the same option in the PS4 version, weird.
Took a few days off myself because I'm capped on vacation hours. Make sure to water up!Already put in a leave day for Friday, 6/16. Gonna probably play more than what's considered healthy lol. It's all good though, FFXIV expansion zerg weekend only comes once every two years, I'm ready.
Oh, how do I repair my armor and accessories? Do I have to join the relevant guilds? How many guilds can you join at once? Also, can I just pay an NPC to repair it? In which case I assume the higher level the gear the more pricey it is.
P.S. Minfillia is waifu <3
So I finally started this game (trial) on Saturday night and am part of the Seventh Scion group now, at level 21 I think. I went with pugilist since someone said that Monks will share gear with Samurai not that I'll have anything good at level 50 anyway most likely haha Still, it's training for melee dps even if SAM will control differently. I'm used to playing a mage (elementalist) in the GW games so this should be a nice change of pace for me. The only issue I've had with controls is targeting between enemies, I had some frustrating encounters where I'd select an enemy and after one attack, it'd revert to a different target. I finally figured out that if I hit x on the target I want once it's already highlighted, it will hard lock it so hopefully I won't have that problem again. I'm not too crazy about having to hold down the trigger buttons for attacks but it's not too bad and a worthwhile compromise to be able to play with a controller.
The game is running great on my PS4 (standard) I don't believe I've experienced any lag at all though I do have my PS4 connected directly to my router. The game looks nice and it's lovely running around to FF music. So far the game is very easy, most likely due to mostly focusing on story quests so I'm always an appropriate level or more likely, a couple above whatever foes I'm facing but this isn't a complaint for me, I'm playing for the story, not for a challenge. The story thus far is indeed full of hum drum tasks but fortunately I already read that this would be the case for much of ARR but if I could get to the end, some great story awaits me. It sounds like that's referring more to the expansion but I do always enjoy when an FF game has a focus on Espers in it's story. I look forward to battling the Primals some day! I wasn't a fan of having to match up with others for dungeons to progress the story as it really delays my progress. I know to expect long queues as a DPS and am ok with that when I eventually run dungeons for loot but I don't need to sit and wait for 20 minutes or more just to continue a level 15 story mission ;p The loot system in dungeons was interesting and it's cool to have an objective instead of simply running to the end. I didn't have a chance to read the pop up tutorials because everyone just ran off right away so opening the first chest was interesting ha I dug up the tutorials after finishing my first dungeon so I was good for the other two in that section of the story.
Besides the main story I've focused on the pugilist quests and am guessing I only have two more left since I can't do the next until level 25 so I imagine after that I'll have to wait until level 30 at which point I'll become a Monk. I believe there's Monk quests though. I did a couple of the dance sidequests which were kind of funny and the ones for the Golden Saucer. I'm glad I noticed this quest since apparently it's a seasonal one and getting 30k GMP? seems like a big deal but maybe that's just because I haven't played anything yet. Speaking of which...O...M....G.... TRIPLE FUCKING TRIAD!!!!!!!!!! The GOAT minigame from my favorite game of all timeI better stay the hell away from it for a while or I'll never get anywhere in the story
Apparently I can play human opponents too
I can't wait to test that out and see how the rules are decided but man could I sink some hours into that. I must stay strong and focus on pressing forward with the story!
Considering the game will only get better when I unlock jobs and have access to other content, I think it's safe to say I enjoy this game enough to pay for a sub. Especially since the story will improve. It's too bad I'm so far behind that by the time I get to SB it will be old news to you guys haha At least I'll be able to get advice. Much of what I see in this thread is still an alien language to me like lilly and ilvl equipment and just the various types of equipment in general. I'm guessing that will come into play once I hit level 50. I figure I might as well wait until I hit level 35 before I start my sub but that's quickly approachingI need to join the GAF FC but I think someone said I can't in the free trial so I'll make sure to post in here when I need an officer after subbing.
Oh, how do I repair my armor and accessories? Do I have to join the relevant guilds? How many guilds can you join at once? Also, can I just pay an NPC to repair it? In which case I assume the higher level the gear the more pricey it is.
P.S. Minfillia is waifu <3
Maybe next xpac they'll give Dark Knight the one winged demon form they desperately need.
FFXI gear design was fantastic most the time.
It also allowed you to glam anything on any job, so long as you had the other job leveled.
Example: If you had Samurai leveled, you could glam Samurai armor on Summoner.
Oh, boy. People are actually gonna do this, aren't they?Don't forget to fill up on completed lvl 58 leves / large scale leves now, so they have time to refil before the 16th! Turn em in after Stormblood drops for the extra lil xp boost to start off with!
Yesss, give me more edge.
Don't front, you're totally gonna do this.Oh, boy. People are actually gonna do this, aren't they?I'm actually gonna do this, aren't I.
Probably a good idea to complete Vanu and Vath beast tribes before maintenance and not turn them in as well. If you turn them in before daily reset (11 am Eastern) you can do them again for more EXP, as well. Probably won't scale the EXP past 60, but low-effort EXP is EXP regardless.Don't forget to fill up on completed lvl 58 leves / large scale leves now, so they have time to refil before the 16th! Turn em in after Stormblood drops for the extra lil xp boost to start off with!
Probably a good idea to complete Vanu and Vath beast tribes before maintenance and not turn them in as well. If you turn them in before daily reset (11 am Eastern) you can do them again for more EXP, as well. Probably won't scale the EXP past 60, but low-effort EXP is EXP regardless.![]()
Thanks! I so seldom go to the merchants I had forgotten about that. Since I get better gear from the story missions I really only go to sell stuff when my inventory gets pretty full. I really look forward to the story kicking into next gear.There are "mender" NPCs around town and camps. Just look for the little hammer icon on your map. In the three big towns they're are always in the market areas with all the various vendors.
I typically just skipped cutcscenes in ARR. But I watched all the stuff bridging ARR to Heavensward cause that stuff actually starts to get interesting. The random visions from the crystal is just boring storytelling to me. They just come and go when its efficient and no one really gains any real knowledge from it. Heavensward is way less deus ex crystal visiony.
glad you enjoy it
Ilvl ( item level ) is the level of your armor and weapons ( you can see it on every item you are wearing .
in the character menu above your character picture you will see the item level that your character has which is derived from all the gear you are currently wearing .
generally if the lvel is higher then what you are currently have it will be better ( this might not be entirely true at endgame but since you have started don't worry about it for now )
You can repair your gear at every NPC with a " Mender title above his head ( these are also usually shopkeepers named outfitter and Mender .
crafter classes can repair their own gear themselves for free but the fee at NPC 's to repair your gear is so low even at endgame is so low you won't have to bother with that )
Also be sure to keep doing your Job quests every 5 levels . not only to get the Monk job crystal but also to get Vital monk skills .
If you have any other questions , ask away here or ingame on the GAF server .
PS, i am not on the Gaf server myself .
Any place to buy heavensward on the super cheap (PC) so I can hit max lvl before stormblood? I only have the base game (non steam)
Any place to buy heavensward on the super cheap (PC) so I can hit max lvl before stormblood? I only have the base game (non steam)
stormblood comes with hw so buy it and you can play both on the 16th, you won't be able to hit cap before then but you'll save a good $20-$30
Yeah I know stormblood includes it but i wanted to play heavensward today so I can play the new stuff on the 16th which I'm sure most of gaf guild will be playingGreenmangaming has Stormblood for like 17% off. Comes with Heavensward.
Storm of bloodWell I just bought Stormblood on Greenmangaming (actually about $1 cheaper than Amazon with prime discount due to tax difference)
fuck you guys
Average of all your gear. Its whats used at lv cap to continue progression. if youve ever played Destiny, ilv is your Light lv. Lv 50 gear caps at around ilv 130 and lv 60 gear caps at 270.Thanks! I so seldom go to the merchants I had forgotten about that. Since I get better gear from the story missions I really only go to sell stuff when my inventory gets pretty full. I really look forward to the story kicking into next gear.
So the iLvl is the level of all your gear combined? or the average? It will probably make more sense when I look at the screen after reading what you said. I'll check it out when I log on a bit later tonight. I noticed there was a level for the gear and your level has to be equal to equip it but didn't notice an iLvl so I'll look for it. How do you get your iLvl higher? It can't be just the averages of your gear because I've seen people in here mention iLvl two hundred something and you can only go up to level 60 right now so gear can only go that high too which means there's another factor I'm missing.
Thanks for the tip on repairs, good to know it always remains trivially cheap.
Thanks, I'll be asking plenty of questions here no doubt haha Here's one, is there not an in-game voice chat? I have a headset for my PS4 and was wondering if there's party chat or if there isn't voice for the game so you'd have to use PSN party which means no dice for those on PC.
Don't forget to fill up on completed lvl 58 leves / large scale leves now, so they have time to refil before the 16th! Turn em in after Stormblood drops for the extra lil xp boost to start off with!
Yeah I know stormblood includes it but i wanted to play heavensward today so I can play the new stuff on the 16th which I'm sure most of gaf guild will be playing
Yeah, so it won't be for SAM or RDM just for a level 60 job when the level cap raises.Wait, don't you have to finish them on the job you started them on?
Fates should now give you seals. Also not sure if you have to rank up before you unlock turn ins, but the gc npc next to the gc vendor takes in colored dungeon gear and pays out in gc seals. He also has a list of crafted and gathered stuff that he wants and will pay you with xp and seals if you turn it in to him.
That's a really good idea. You can accept them all in Ishgard, right?Don't forget to fill up on completed lvl 58 leves / large scale leves now, so they have time to refil before the 16th! Turn em in after Stormblood drops for the extra lil xp boost to start off with!