Squall ASF
Thanks for the tip! I just bought ARR digitally on Amazon so going to hop on to download the full version of the game or associate my registration with my account, whatever it has me do. I already redeemed it online on the Sony site. I went ahead and pre-ordered SB on PS4 while at it too. Came out to the same price the trio package would have been, thanks again. Also, I'd love to play with your or any other Gaffers. Just know that I'll have to take a little break here soon while my friend is visiting as I don't think he wants to spend his time watching me play thisYou can just buy the base game, A Realm Reborn which includes a 30 day sub for $19.99 or $9.99 using a promo code on the official site. Dunno if that promo code is still going but look it up.
Then you can buy/preorder the base $39.99 Stormblood expansion which includes Heavansward
It's what I did, I just started this week too, you're not far behind me. I'm level 39, maybe we can do stuff together if you sub soon haha
I was doing that but seemed to get different results depending on what side I was on. One time it only did one hundred something damage, another time over 500, another over 200, etc. Maybe I was accidentally standing on the outer line.when titan jumps in the air you want to stand as close to the marked edge as possible while not standing on it .
it is your first encounter with a proximity based damage mechanic.
in later fights you will see markers appear on the floor with a pulsing aoe effect which means the closer you are to those markers when the attack goes off the more damage you'll take .
So I have to be online to be added to the GAF guild, right? I'm going to go start the process of registering the full game to my account and then I'll bug you guys for an add. Oh, something else I wanted to ask, when is the daily reset time for the roulette? I suspect I blew doing it yesterday and did today's instead in the early am.