I decided to randomly pop in here since discussion about this game is pretty dead both reddit jrpg and final fantasy have taken down the impression thread like a few weeks ago and I haven't seen any video essays on YouTube critiquing the game in full. I watched a bit of Maximilian stream and he looked sad and bored during his last 7 hour run. So either everyone that bought the game either.
A. Liked it and don't want to talk about it
B. Hated it sold it and that was that
C. So bored that they just dropped
D. Played it past the 20 hour mark and despised it.
I already given my opinion on the game but I'll add more I'm shocked people actually went through all of this games side quest there no way I would go through any of them without compensation. The rewards you get are terrible and the "world building" is not worth it most of them have 0 pay offs as well. I never touched on the haptic feedback that this game uses WTF. This game has the worst impermanent of it ever its terrible the titan fist punch and counter move triggers nothing. Get the stupid wood section and you riding the chocobo is so strong that I thought it would literally break the r2 trigger. Your feedback shouldn't be to that extent to were it literally feels like you could just shatter the entire inside housing because the dev team is to stupid and just set resistance to max. Gt7 has cars that have extremely hard brakes and rough transmissions like there irl counter parts and at no moment does it feel like I'm going to break the controller and you are shifting and breaking all the time in gt7.
Also this game color pallet sucks it's to muted and washed out even with hdr I tweaked the settings in game "every other game has no issues" and the colors leave alot to be desired I assume it's a dev. The 2nd to last half of the game when the sky turns purple takes whatever nice lighting and variety the game had and threw it out the window. It sucks it looks like were back in the year 2005-2007 were movies had filters and tints to make things dark or super serious. It looks awful and makes every area blend together even more.
I can't get over how this game has no extra content,costumes or loot I remember how in the previews yoshi said there's more to show I assume it would be stuff like that. Obviously this game wants to be super super serious no fun allowed so ff14 style costumes are out the window but I'm surprised there is nothing at all. I also remember ryko mentioning something about a Dante must die type mode. I assumed it would be like pure platinum in bayo, hard in nier, very hard in Astral chain, any tales of game on hard or very hard. Were every encounter is ranked and tallied all the way up till you beat the game and then you get a rank like all MGS games nope its some hide away difficultly in arcade mode "

". And has 0 baring on the main game 1. Why and 2. What a waste of a game mechanic this is one of the many things that just screams make the game as easy as possible for casuals.