Gotta love some of the comments here saying there's no merit at all in UFO sightings. Sure there's a fuckton of the conspiracy theorist shit out there, terrible videos that are clearly fake and idiots promoting that fake stuff that make themselves look like idiots.
BUT there ARE tons of legitimate sighting by pilots, military personnel and perfectly sane and rational members of the public. Heck I had a very quick YouTube search for some stuff and found a seemingly sane news report about a UFO sighting that lasted for hours and even the reporter saw it and they filmed it, as best they could.
Thousands of people saw it, local police actually point out where the light is to a member of the public in the report. There's tons of these news reports but they're always treated as a funny little novelty and quickly forgotten about, despite the fact they really should demand closer inspection to find out what they are.
Also, yes millions have smartphone cameras... have you tried taking pictures of the night sky, or even the Moon on your smartphone. The best smartphone cameras are pretty terrible at this and would at best show you a pixelly blurry dot if there was anything there, and smartphone cameras only get worse from there. Also, try tracking a randomly moving light, at short notice, with some form of binoculars or a telescope which has an ability to record the images, it's nigh on impossible to follow.
The outright dismissal of sane rational people, and especially experienced people like life long commercial pilots, is not very fair.
Well if this doesn't convince the skeptics out there, I don't know what will!