it must be soul crushing being at that club right now.
I don't think I've ever seen a team fall so far so fast. Even when Man Utd went from being champions to 7th it wasn't as disastrous as this.
The difference is, United was always a top team.
You know, through the mid 90s until 97 we had a great coach with Hitzfeld and won alot of competitions.
Bundesliga,CL and so on, but we were never a team that was constantly on top over a time of 15+ years.
When Bayern fought back and Hitzfeld left us, we tried to compete with Bayern on a financial level by getting the club into the stock market and taking alot of debts.
That was a crucial mistake, because they made alot of errors and spend money they didn't have.
The debt kept pilling up until finally some journalist revealed the shitty practices by the old managment, but sadly the club was near the collapse.
If stock holders and banks and other people didn't agreed to a new plan under a new managment, the club would have been dead.
Luckily they agreed to and we lost nearly all our good players, but the club lived on.
That was one of these moments you had to cherish as fan, the stadium was still full every freaking weekend, despite the club playing like shit.
Players who didn't leave the club agreed to a payment cut on their contract, something they didn't need to do.
That was just something else, just everyone worked together and with Klopp we finally had a great coach that integrated our own talented players and finally signed alot of great players for a relative small price (Barrios,Kagawa,Gündogan and many more).
So no, it's not the end of the world.
Allthough I have to admit, that I'm absolutely clueless what will happen.
There just isn't any solution at the moment.
The only thing we can do is wait, wait until we finally win some games and get some confidence.