This is exactly fucking it
Every motherfucker thinking they look like Gosling but they don't.
Is it me or did Gosling heat peter out pretty quickly?
He was well gud in Half Nelson and Blue Valentine. Liked him in Place Beyond The Pines as well.
He was everywhere for a while. Then he made that shit Gangster Squad movie and... nada.
Good thing I skipped Gangster Squad.
The dude who wrote the review is just making fun though, fucking hell his reviews are partly pretty great
His World War Z review :
When I saw the trailers for World War Z, I was thrilled to see the new Brad Pitt movie! And the opening scene didn't lead me astray: Brad Pitt is with his family in the warm kitchen setting, basically cooking and saying "I love you" to his kids while his kids were smiling and saying "I love you too Brad", then Brad and his wife hugged while the kids were smiling. At this point I was on the edge of my seat watching some quality family bonding. But things just got worse.
Later Brad and his family were in a car further bonding and saying "I love you" back and forth, and I was loving every second of it. Seeing a happy white American family is why I pay $12 to see it on the big screen, but then the movie took a sharp derail. Suddenly ZOMBIES of all things started appearing and the city turned to pandemonium. WHAT THE HELL!? It doesn't get any better dear readers, yes while Brad is still with his white family they aren't warm and happy and saying "I love you" to each other, instead they're all panicked and trying to survive! BOOORING! Luckily the film had the good sense to keep cutting back to Brad Pitt's reactions while the world is going to hell, because we all know the source material showing the desolation of the world and collapse of civilization needs a white vaguely Christ-like figure to react to it.
Later Brad Pitt and warm loving American family are on a boat with other refugees, and a big meanie comes out and says that Brad needs to do his part and look into the cause of the outbreak. WTF! Doesn't Sargent Jerkface realize that raising a family is doing your duty (amiright single mom's?)! So unfortunately Brad had to leave his family behind on the boat, but don't worry! Because he has a cell phone and every 10 minutes he calls his family and delivers such lines such as "how are the kids" and "I'll come back to you". Finally! Something that's actually engaging, I don't care about the world, even other families that are getting violently killed! I just care about Brad Pitt's family, because they say "I love you" a bunch of times. THAT'S what this movie should've really focused on. Every time some zombie crap was going on I was pounding my arm chair and loudly demanding to know what Brad Pitt's wife and kids are up to!
Thank White Jesus for the MPAA and concerned mothers across the country for guiding a movie called WORLD WAR Z about THE END OF THE WORLD into something I can take my screaming spawns to as well, because someone needs to think of the children! WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!??!