When you see [Juan] Mata or [Ander] Herrera, and [Shinji] Kagawa, who are the best passers and everything goes wrong, it is the air, I believe.
"It was the height and the air, the ball was bobbling all the time. But we scored remarkable, fantastic goals and were able to keep the ball in possession in the second half.
"We are not used to this hot weather. When the World Cup was here in 1994 and games were played at noon, it was not very nice.America has a top sport climate, but you have to play football at the right time.You had 55,000 people watching us, but we could have performed much better. It was the height and the heat that affected us.
Van Gaal added, When you are 3-0 ahead, you just have to keep the ball as opponent has to run and run. It is very difficult, with this hot weather, to do that. We forgot to do that and we allowed Rome back into the game.I am pleased we have won, but it was not good.