I think Shawshank is ok, but nowhere near the level people like to say it is, it's just an interesting story and nothing more.
what else do you want it to be? to have artsy shots and conceptual shits?
I think Shawshank is ok, but nowhere near the level people like to say it is, it's just an interesting story and nothing more.
what else do you want it to be? to have artsy shots and conceptual shits?
Louis Van Gaal:
" I have to say Herrera came in and did fantastic, I was very pleased with how he did. He is a very fit player which is why I also let him play in the Reserves. Im very happy for him because he needed a good performance. I was very pleased with our dominance in the whole game and also with our positional game. We scored three goals, created more chances, and we didnt give any chances away thats very good."
Now get him starting games!
I'll look into it.
Is it any good on the 3DS? The only fighter I played it was SFIV3D, and I didn't enjoy (though I love the Smash Bros series)
Did you read the whole thing or just some selective twitter quote?
Many people like to criticise defensive teams and I dont do that. To be a good defensive team you need to do it well. We always tried to move the ball and get spaces but they defended very, very well - with a low block, nine guys behind the ball, with the wingers playing as full-backs. I praise them for their success with the clean sheet.
We are not happy with the point but we have to be mature and experienced enough to know in this league every match is difficult. I repeat they were playing for a clean sheet and they were successful. I have no negative words for my players because they tried everything and they werent successful. At the end of the day one point for a team that tried and one point for a team that was successful I think is fair.
There is no time to be complaining. We move on.
Seems pretty fair.
It's a decent game in its own right but it doesn't offer the full Smash Bros experience because of the hardware and controls. I enjoy playing it anyway.
New Pokemon remake came out y'day too if you're interested. Then there's Shin Megami Tensai 4 which released a few weeks ago in Europe. And the proper 3DS Zelda.
People do the same thing with Xavi quotes, don't see why we have to apply different rules for one of the biggest cunts in football, Mourinho.
Nobody mentioned Gattaca? Great film.
Wooden just got got.
This fucking game...Yeah Shin Megami Tensei 4 and Persona Q are the games to get.
This fucking game...
For a sequel to the greatest RPG ever, I was so let down to say the least.![]()
What on earth were they thinking with Luther S3, especially the last episode? I mean, its good but completely misses the point of what's normally great about it imo
Baby's First SMTSorry but the sequel to the greatest RPG ever is coming next year and it's called Persona 5.
What a legend
Well you like Iron Man 3.
at this hour, why am I playing with only dumb player on Lol?
Tevez's goal last season ... so good.
I almost bought Pogba in FM15. But 80m was too much in the end![]()
Imagine imagining this as the dots move on your screen doe.
Imagine imagining this as the dots move on your screen doe.
Oh right I almost forgot! Allegri did the most bizarre interview with BeinSports last week
"Interviewer: Your Juve is better than Conte's"
"Allegri: *evil grin* Grazie......GRAZIE! *evil laugh*.....*leaves the mic*"
:lol :lol :lol
It's like when Magath took over Bayern. Everybody was laughing. But in the end he lead us to 2 doubles in a row.
Then we fired him lol.
Forza Allegri.
Everybody was laughing
Reported for the double post.
Hey. Don't do this. We will be Vita Bros soon.
Persona 4 Golden and Danganronpa are still on sale.
Get them fast.
I can't D:
wat, persona 4 is only 12€???
maybe i can :/
What on earth were they thinking with Luther S3, especially the last episode? I mean, its good but completely misses the point of what's normally great about it imo
Ahahaha fuck![]()
Interstellar was great. Exciting, beautiful, good acting and walked out of the theater with a really unusual feeling.
No it's not a modern 2001... But fuck who cares about that.
For that price you should get it.
I mean Danganronpa already was at 15 once, but PERSONA for that price should be bought in an instance.
Sensational for me to hear "will Van Gaal bring the good times BACK to Old Trafford?"
Good tims at Old Trafford was all I ever knew. And despised.
Don't come back soon, pls, it's only been a 18 months or so. I need longer.