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That Inter kit is truly beautiful. Don't hate me, Yurt and Zabo-chan.
Inter always had nice shirts.
That's a beauty of a shirt. ��
Yours,What a night.
First i had a dream about me going to tokyo snd meeting robben. That was awesome. Woke up at 2:30 tho. And now i just got woken up by a call at 5:30 by a friend, crying, tell me she broke up with her boyfriend.
Dat early morning drama.
I support Bayern. Embrace me.
Ida or Half Nelson or Lone Survivor.
I've yet to try it (32 bit lol) but the Wolfenstein series never felt like a dudebro shooter to me, more like a switch your mind off fun ride. I'm not saying it's going to be as fucking brilliant as Bulletstorm, but it could be!South Park: TSOT done, loved it, on to Left Behind, which should be a breeze. Not sure what to tackle next. I'm not a shooter dudebro, but I keep hearing good things about Wolfenstein: TNO. I think I might that a go, unless someone has a better suggestion, as long as it's not DAI.
The pharmacist is Dennis' wife IRL. Well, she only shows up in like one episode or so but still. OMG. Of course he had to have a hottie though.
the one in the The D.E.N.N.I.S. System episode? :lol she looked Italian to me, is she?
I didn't find that sketch particularly funny, but his "let's go eat on my bed" part fucking killed me :lol :lol because I (almost) ALWAYS do it :lol but hey at least I have a TV over there so it's not that obvious!![]()
I was both amused and disappointed that he would go for sloppy seconds after Dennis. LOL who am I kidding, that is classic Mac.![]()
Move in After Completion
Can you just not renew your contract until the Z4 comes out and use a prepaid phone service for the meantime?
Yeah, but then I'd have to leave my carrier and lose my number and everything. Either way it's just not practical. I'll just hold on till the MWC in march and see what will be announced before I make any decisions. But I'm never gonna get an expensive phone just before the new one comes out. If it comes to that I'll have to resort to prepaid I guess. Which would mean I get a prepaid number for a couple of months and then a new number again once I get a new contract.
If it comes to that I'll see if there aren't any easier ways to do this.
Apparently it's possible to keep a prepaid number and take it with you to a new contract. Wonder if it's also possible the other way around.
It's pretty easy actually. It's possible to let my current contract flow into a sim-only contract. Which actually isn't much of a contract because you can get rid of it each month, you're not stuck for 1 or 2 years.
are you done editing
You guys saw that 1200 euro walkman Sony announced? Who the hell buys a 1200 euro walkman?![]()
Bet it still has a fucking ridiculous volume limiter. Like your music reasonably loud? Tough shit.
Audiophiles m8You guys saw that 1200 euro walkman Sony announced? Who the hell buys a 1200 euro walkman?![]()
I don't know about. My iPod has a limit, but if I'd listen to music trough my headphones on that volume I'd be deaf in a matter of weeks.
These limits are there for a reason eh, some people don't what's good for their own health.
Audiophiles m8
People who spend thousands to buy marginally better speakers than the one they already have.
Audiophiles m8
People who spend thousands to buy marginally better speakers than the one they already have.
You guys saw that 1200 euro walkman Sony announced? Who the hell buys a 1200 euro walkman?![]()
And that ludicrous size(where the fuck is the AVB cringing face)![]()
If you're making a dedicated music player, it should be compact, even if it's high-end. Should've just built the tech into a phone tbh.
And that ludicrous size(where the fuck is the AVB cringing face)![]()
If you're making a dedicated music player, it should be compact, even if it's high-end. Should've just built the tech into a phone tbh.
I think it will sell fine. If there's a market for 1000 dollar headphones, why won't there be one for walkmans?Yeah I know there's an uppity market for audiophile tech. But that's the kind of stuff you usually don't come across as a regular customer. Sony is gonna sell these walkman's in your regular electronic stores and webshops, they aim for a big audience. But I wonder if many people will jump on it. When I look around me I see people primarely use their smartphone as an MP3 player these days. Dedicated MP3 players around 300/400 euros are already pushing it.
To be fair, if I were a rich mofo I would have probably pre-ordered it already. I listen to about three or four albums a day on average trough a portable music device, so it's basically my most used tech device. But there's only a small percentage of people who can afford such a device for this prize.
I really do hope Sony make profits on their audio gear because it's a positive thing to see a company making dedicated audio devices again. Other companies will follow if people start buying it again. And with Apple killing their best audio device the market can use some fresh new ones.
That market is very small though. People want convenience more than anything else.
Maybe that's why they made a $1000+ device. From whatever is left of the dedicated music player market, like FlutterPuffs said a good chunk are high-end audiophiles who don't care about shelling out the dough for the best device (I still think it is too chunky though... sooo thick, probably double the iPod Classic thickness m8).
The last dedicated PMP I bought for myself was an iPod mini 4GB back in 2004 or so... lol. Fucking 10 years since, I can't believe it.
I had a dream that Man Utd signed Ayoze Perez. Fly Pedro, fly. Leave this erupting anal grape that is Newcastle United.
I can imagine Van Gaal making some random buys like that.Saw that rumour, hilarious.
I can imagine Van Gaal making some random buys like that.
I'm really scared of who he'll sign to replace De Gea if he goes (assuming Valdes doesn't step in).
I can imagine Van Gaal making some random buys like that.
I'm really scared of who he'll sign to replace De Gea if he goes (assuming Valdes doesn't step in).
The Ghost in the Shell thread in OT just makes me cringe. The way some talk about the movie as if it was this incredibly deep, philosophical experience.
Cech to Roma stories building up steam.
Cech to Roma stories building up steam.
Surprised certain English sides aren't offering their left bollock for him.
And in some ways I'm not.
Liverpool is demanding an increased amount from potential shirt sponsors even as the English Premier League soccer team faces a future without its two most-marketable players.
The team has been seeking as much as 30 million pounds ($46 million) a year from its main shirt sponsor for the 2016 season, from the current 20 million pounds, according to a person familiar with the matter. Standard Chartered Plc is interested in remaining on the jerseys, while other companies, including Japan’s Nomura Holdings Inc. (8604), have been approached, people with knowledge of the matter said, asking not to be identified because the discussions are confidential.
Good luck with that.
You could say that about 99% of all movies though, as even the most masturbatory ones are shallow when compared to, say, philosophical literature. As anime (and films in general, actually) go, GitS is pretty 'deep'. I'd rather they didn't fuck it up, which they probably will. Of course, it was a much more powerful vision of the future when it was released, almost 20 years ago.
Even back then its vision wasn't all that new, if we count sci-fi literature, although I admit for a movie (and anime) it was fresh. Don't get me wrong, I really like the movie and due to the nature of its story/setting it touches various questions, but it's not subtle about it* and it never goes far enough to be considered 'deep'. It's a pretty good movie by reasonable standards though, not too much cringeworthy shit that can be found in most other work of its genre, great soundtrack, never overstays its welcome.
*While there are interesting implications and questions of the setting that are (mostly) never mentioned, that doesn't mean that the movie gets credit for it (from me).
You're on the internet. On a discussion board. What else would you expect from people?![]()
when a cartoon character is naked, it's cringeworthy.Even back then its vision wasn't all that new, if we count sci-fi literature, although I admit for a movie (and anime) it was fresh. Don't get me wrong, I really like the movie and due to the nature of its story/setting it touches various questions, but it's not subtle about it* and it never goes far enough to be considered 'deep'. It's a pretty good movie by reasonable standards though, not too much cringeworthy shit that can be found in most other work of its genre, great soundtrack, never overstays its welcome.
It's a great movie, why can't people be happy about that?
*While there are interesting implications and questions of the setting that are (mostly) never mentioned, that doesn't mean that the movie gets credit for it (from me).