A mature Zelda, finally.
oh boi
A mature Zelda, finally.
You can't deny that Zelda is made with infants in mindoh boi
I enjoyed watching that game. Uzbekistan v PRK was terrible.
Hope Pards likes Zaha.
congratulations, morsel.
and i remember ozil's first game. assisted several goals. he was the chosen one.
he is the chosen one.
he'll make it.
i know this.
You can't deny that Zelda is made with infants in mind
Fady! Welcome back from your ban.
To all the newbies, Fady is infamous on gaf. Just got back from a 1 year ban.
Uzbekistan vs n Korea had the really shit weather right? Yeah game wasnt very good.
Surprisingly good number of people going to the games though. Good to see that. Or it looks that way at least.
I would LOVE a harder Zelda game. Nintendo pls![]()
THANK YOUTo be fair, as a guy who enjoys zelda i am getting sick of the childish writing, characters and same-y atmosphere, even if the gameplay is always very enjoyable
Thanks m8 🐧 long time!
You can't deny that Zelda is made with infants in mind
You can't deny that Zelda is made with infants in mind
I don't think Zelda, as it's become, works as a hard game. It's all about exploration and adventure, and hasn't really been about mechanics since Zelda 2 on NES.
I think the Souls series is the closest you'll ever get to a modern game based on the same ideologies as the original Zelda and ALTTP.
HahahahahaOzil is the best play-maker in the world, deal with it.
He just needs to play in his ROLE!
Congrats M8!
Really wish you the best.
Are u ready prinny
What a game
I'm fucking nervous already. I think you guys are going to win.
congratulations, morsel.
and i remember ozil's first game. assisted several goals. he was the chosen one.
he is the chosen one.
he'll make it.
i know this.
Mario best.
Metro is really good.
Sleuthing around Moscow looking for batteries and ammunition. Really good pace, too. Just sort of plodding through with a big brew.
Can't wait for Stoke and Southampton. Crystal Palace has given me hope that no matter how unthreatening and largely shit an underdog are, there are still moments to be had. Goals to be cherished.
Koeman's LVG assault in the media could backfire spectacularly.
Wenger finally sacked?today will be a good day for arsenal football club
today will be a good day for arsenal football club
Aye, looking forward to Last Light. 2033 is really clunky but it gets by. The human combat is better than the monster stuff. Think it does stealth really well, though.did u not see my post
big benny is leaving
and Chuba will be off in the summer
Glad you're enjoying Metro Arnold.
Prefer Last Light myself, found 2033 a bit clanky. Cracking atmosphere mind.
I can't wait to play the metro games on the ps4.
Sky Sports are playing an especially long video with the purpose of trolling United.
Having trouble putting this down.They are really, really good. Bought and played both of them a couple of weeks ago.
Opens up with the song Mambo Number 5 playing then the caption September 1999.whats the gist of it?
Opens up with the song Mambo Number 5 playing then the caption September 1999.
Show clips of everything that happened in that month. USA wins the Ryder Cup, MTV Music Awards when Paul Mc Cartney calls Lauren Hill 'Laurence Hill', Felix Trinidad beating Oscar de la Hoya in the fight if the millennium, Serena Williams winning her first grand slam, the release of the Dreamcast.
And finally Massimo Taibi letting the ball through his legs in the 3-3 against Southampton.
Having trouble putting this down.
Sleuthing through a bandit camp with throwing knives.
This is brilliant.